GT Writing Task 1 Sample

In your IELTS General Training Task 1, you are required to write a letter (or sometimes an email) of around 150 words. For example, you may be asked to congratulate a friend who has recently been promoted in his/her job, or a letter to your landlord describing a problem in the house you have rented, or a letter to your manager in your office. We generally recommend writing between 160 to 180 words.

You need to write a letter/email which can be informal (to a friend or a close cousin), semi-formal (to a neighbour, or your office manager), or formal (to a shop manager or city councillor). We have added many letter and email responses which are band 7 to 9 level. You can practice them to be able to write any type of letter in your IELTS test.

Please note that if you are asked to write an email, your response would be the same as writing a letter.

More resources for IELTS Letter Writing:

Band 8/9 IELTS Letter Samples
20 Recent IELTS Letter Topics
IELTS Letter Types With Model Answers
IELTS Letter Writing Vocabulary

Title Hits
Letter Writing # 323 - You started in your present job two years ago 4230
Letter Writing # 322 - Your friend has asked for your help to find a music teacher 2002
Letter Writing # 321 - Five months ago you started renting an apartment 1719
Letter Writing # 320 - You have recently learned about a piece of equipment 1560
Letter Writing # 319 - A friend recently had gone to an excellent restaurant 1699
Letter Writing # 318 - You are a member of an International Students' club 2191
Letter Writing # 317 - Reduce your working hours in order to study part time 1741
Letter Writing # 316 - You recently attended a training course for your work 4523
Letter Writing # 315 - You recently bought some train tickets for a journey 3277
Letter Writing # 314 - You are soon going to spend three months doing work experience 2154
Letter Writing # 313 - Your friend has asked for your help with a college project 2354
Letter Writing # 312 - You would like to join a sports centre 123264
Letter Writing # 311 - A real estate company is going to build a shopping centre 49574
Letter Writing # 310 - Letter to the HR manager for permission to work from home 58497
Letter Writing # 309 - Write a letter to a senior asking for guidance 35959
Letter Writing # 308 - You are unhappy with the quality of the hotel you stayed in 47025
Letter Writing # 307 - Letter to the consular for an extension on your visa 32587
Letter Writing # 306 - You want to rent out a small apartment to a family 36571
Letter Writing # 305 - Your manager has asked you to arrange a farewell party 38893
Letter Writing # 304 - A friend wants to get information about an elementary school 31785