GT Writing

General Training (GT) Writing Task Preparation :
There are two tasks in General Training Writing test: Task 1 and Task 2.

In General Training IELTS writing Task 1, candidates are required to respond to a given problem with a letter requesting information or explaining a situation. Candidates are required to write at least 150 words in task 1.

» Click here if you want to prepare for GT IELTS Writing Task 1

In Academic IELTS writing Task 2, candidates are presented with a point of view or argument or problem. Candidates are required to write at least 250 words in task 2.

» Click here if you want to prepare for GT IELTS Writing Task 2

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Rajveer Kaur
I need IELTS general training materials. My email address is rajveerkcan2000
Jamal Hossain
Jamal Hossain
Nice website for IELTS.
Jamal Hossain
Great for IELTS.
I want to prepare for the IELTS GT Exam.
Prepare for IELTS.
I want to prepare for IELTS GT.
I want 8 bands. Please provide the material. Thank you.
Rashmeet Gill
Essay materials.
Please send me the writing task 2 (general training) materials. My email address is arjunbohara22@g
I want to know how can I improve my writing skills.
I want to improve my essay-writing skills.
I need help in writing for the General training IELTS.
I want some reading booklets.
Ayesha Siddiqua
I need materials for preparation.
Viet Anh Do
I hope that I can get the materials from IELTS Mentor for Writing Task 1 and Task 2 of GT Writing. Thank you in advance.
Please input the materials for general training. It will be much helpful. Thank you in advance.
Sushil Shrestha
Please provide me with a question?
Hi, I am Kamalpreet Kaur. Nice to know you. Your website is really helpful. Could you please send me the IELTS general training materials (Writing task 1 and task 2)? My email address is Thanks a lot!
Kamalpreet Kaur
I need IELTS general training materials. My email address is
Kindly send me materials and guidelines for General Writing Task 1. I need writing materials. Thanks in advance. My email address is
Please send me the writing task 1 (general training) materials. My email address is sreejithkizhake
Lakhvir Kaur
I need writing materials for GT Module. Please provide me if you can on my email (lakhi.mankoo777@gmail .com). I'll be very grateful to you.
I need the materials for cracking the IELTS general training exam. Please send me materials on my email My test is on 23rd September 2021.
Shivangi Gajjar
I need some sample essays. If you can provide them to me on my above-mentioned e-mail ID, that would be great.
Roselyn Kundai Mutizwa
I am requesting for some samples of general training task 1 and 2 with answers. My email address is roselynmutizwa2
Deepti Sahni
I need the materials for cracking the IELTS general training exam. Please send me materials on my email
I need materials for GT IELTS.
I want to do General Training IELTS.
Kamal Hossain
I need this type of documents because it will be really helpful for me as well as my IELTS exam to get good results.
Shagun Maini
It is very important to enhance and improve my skills.
My IELTS exam is on 13 February, and my last score was R:8.5, L 7.5, W:5.5 S:6.5. I would like to get 8-7-7-7.
It is very important and helpful to enhance my English language skills.
It is very important to enhance my English language.
Iffat Jahan Fairuz
Great to learn.
Iffat Jahan
I need help to learn and write.
Rajesh Nagpal
I have my IELTS test next month.
Navneet Kaur
Please provide me with writing materials asap.
I need help in GT writing.
Khandoker Mostak Ahamed
This is very good for practice.
Arpita Gupta
Kindly provide me with task 1 and task 2 materials.
Hi all,Is it mandatory that the facts in the essay should be true?
No-for both questions. You'll lose marks if you do so.
IELTS Mentor
To answer your questions: 1) You should NEVER use bullet points in essays. Try to avoid it in your letter writing as well if this is not absolutely necessary. 2) Yes, you can, but it should be based on the context of the letter.
Hello everyone... I have some questions regarding task 1 and 2 of the general track:1) can I use bullet points in both the letter and essay?2) can I write something like "thanks" or "thanks in advance" or "sorry for the inconvenience" at the end of the letter?Thanks in advance.Regards -
I need Band score 8 GT writing samples.
My email id is harishnaiduvagv
Gunjan Arora
In general writing task 1, it’s showing it’s updating.