IELTS Speaking Partner

Looking for an IELTS Speaking Partner?

Please submit your particulars and find the right IELTS speaking partner you are looking for from this page. This section was introduced to let you find a suitable IELTS speaking partner. Having an IELTS speaking partner is a great way to enhance your speaking skill and for building your confidence level for the speaking exam.

Looking for a partner to speak with or practice together for your IELTS exam? Leave your details with a message and we will publish your credentials so that others can find you. 

Fill up the comment form provided at the end of this section and we will publish your details here. Provide your Name, Nick Name, Skype/ IM or any other preferred ID, email address, phone number, and a short message to be enlisted. Following is a sample request that you can follow to add your own. 

I am from London, UK and looking for a partner to practice speaking. Currently, I am available from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm (GMT time).  So I would request the interested partner to add me on Skype, Gtalk or on Facebook.

Full Name: Beth Hampton
Nickname: Liz
Gtalk/ Google+ Hangouts:

Feel free to contact me.

If your exam is already over and you want to remove your details from this page, simply send us an email at with the request and we will remove your details from here. Alternatively, you can add another comment and let us know that you want your comment removed. Please do mention the particulars of the comment(s) you want us to delete.

Have a complaint against someone who is enlisted on this page? Let us know and we will remove his/ her details.

Provide your feedback on this newly created ‘IELTS Speaking Partner’ section and we will cordially welcome any helpful and innovative idea.

Word of Advice:
Information published on this webpage is publicly available and accessible by anyone with an active internet connection. Though this page is meant for IELTS Candidates who are looking for other candidates to connect with and practice together, not all of them maintain decency and follow good ethics. You should be more careful if you are a female looking for speaking or practise partners.

Once your phone number, WhatsApp number or email address are published here, anyone can call you, and this can sometimes reach a level of annoyance and headache for some. This is why we highly recommend (especially if you are a female) that you create a new email, Skype or other addresses for the purpose of practising for your IELTS only, rather than sharing your personal email address or other credentials. Once your exam is over you can even deactivate or delete them. This way, you do not compromise your personal email address or other credentials.

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IELTS speaking Partners  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5  |  Part 6  |  Part 7  |  Part 8  |

» I am from Wuhan, China, and looking for a partner to practice speaking. Currently, I am available from 13:30 pm to 14:30 pm (GMT time). I will have my IELTS test in December this year and my email address is Thanks - Wu.

» Hello! I am Mamun from Bangladesh. I need a speaking partner to practice for IELTS speaking band 8 plus. Let me connect with you to practice in my free time to acquire our future goal. My Gmail address: Thanks with regards - Md. Abdullah Al Mamun.

» Hi, I am looking for a speaking partner who is aiming for 8-band score. Let me know if anyone is interested. My current level is 6.5 -7. Ping me at Regards - Manoj.


» I am Kongsho from Dhaka. I would like to practise speaking English as a beginner for the IELTS exam. Would you be interested in practising? I am available on WhatsApp from 6-8 pm GMT 18.00- 20.00 ( GMT +6). My Whatsapp number is +8801735163420 and my email is

» Hi, I'm Lisa, and I need a serious speaking partner for IELTS Preparation. My target band score is 7-8. Knock me if you would like to join. My Gmail ID is Thank you!

» I am Mohammed Salman from Egypt, and I am seeking someone to enhance my communication skills. Actually, I have a 6.00 band score in speaking, but I want to get 7.5. Please contact me. My E-mail is (

» I need a speaking partner. My WhatsApp number is 03462073303. Please knock me so that we can improve our speaking skills for the test. Thanks - Rashid Ali

» Hi, I have just enrolled on my IELTS classes. I am looking for some serious speaking partners. If you are interested, please connect over my email at Regards - Suruchi Sangwan.

» Hi, I am looking for a speaking partner for IELTS. If you are interested, please do feel free to contact me. Thanks! My WhatsApp number is 00966593106658, and my email address is Kind regards - Ayoub.

» Hi, I’m Aixa. I’m preparing for IELTS, and I want to achieve a band score of 8.5. I’m pretty fluent in English but I’d like to enhance my fluency. So if you need a partner to boost each other’s English communication skills, hit me up and let’s help each other out. My email is, send me a mail if you’re interested, and I’ll share my WhatsApp number - Aixa.

» I have already scored 6.5 in speaking, and to improve my score, I am reappearing for the IELTS test. Anyone interested in speaking practice, please send me an email at or WhatsApp me at +923006351984. Thanks and regards - Yasir.

» Hi, I scored 6.5 in IELTS, and I am working on that again. Therefore, I need a speaking partner. If anyone is interested, find me on Skype at Achieever1703 and Achieever1703 from WhatsApp. My email address is Regards - Diyor.

» I am looking for a speaking partner. My previous score was 7. If anyone is interested, please free to contact me at Thank you. Best wishes - Jo.

» Hi! I need a serious speaking partner for IELTS Preparation. My target band score is 7. Knock me if you would like to join. My WhatsApp number is +9779862394942 & my Gmail id is Warm wishes - Beenu Shrestha.

» Hello, I need a speaking partner to enhance my skills. Please do contact me on +919542176133 or Sincerely - Tony. 

» Hi, I’m Shakil, and I’m an IELTS candidate. I'm looking for a speaking partner. If someone is interested, knock me. I’m available on WhatsApp +8801626655727. My email address is

» Hi, I am looking for a speaking partner to enhance my English speaking skills. My current English level is 7 band score. So anyone who is interested please feel free to reach out to me. Also, if anyone is learning French and is at the beginning level, it would be amazing to connect for our improvement. Email-

» Hello, my name is Wirawan. I'm looking for a partner to speak English as I need an IELTS score band 7. So please feel free to contact me via Instagram: gift.wira or by email at Many thanks in advance. 

» Hi there. Now I am searching for IELTS speaking partners who have at least intermediate level and above. If you are interested, please DM (direct message) me. My email address is Regards - Andrea.

» Hi, I am Tapan Kumar Roy, and I am looking for a speaking partner. You can contact me on my WhatsApp number 01751376452. My email address is Thank you.

» I need a speaking partner to practise IELTS. Is anyone interested? If so, contact me at By the way, I am Sameer Ul Haq and my email address is

» Is anyone here preparing for IELTS? I'm searching for a speaking partner. So please email me at if you are interested in practice for speaking. I would feel comfortable talking with girls. Best regards - Renuka Thapa

» Hello, I am waiting to take my exam too. If you are free and interested in the preparation, text me on this number (+923219429984). Regards - Ihsan

» Hello everyone. My name is Naqib Baloch, and I'm preparing for the IELTS test. I need someone to practice speaking. My WhatsApp number is +923035639755, and my email address is

» Hello everyone, I am looking for an IELTS speaking partner. I am at 6.5 level and want to enhance further in order to achieve 7+. I am currently based in the Philippines. Feel Free to contact me. Email:, Skype: ID: Laura Jean Maglaya.

» Hi, I am Samrat from Bangladesh. Now I am preparing for IELTS, so I need a partner to converse regularly with him/her. I am available from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. Feel free to contact me at Gmail Thanks a lot in advance. Regards - Abdur Rahman Samrat.

» Hello, I am looking for an IELTS preparation partner. If you are interested, please contact me at Yours truly - Suraj Kharel.

» Hi, everyone! My name is Rachel and I want to find a partner to learn English with me, especially in speaking and writing parts. My email address is

» I am looking for a partner who wants to help me to improve my English ability. My email address is Regards - John

» Hello there..! I am looking for a partner for my speaking practice. Although I am fluent in speaking English but want to brush up my skills. Feel free to contact me on my email ( Sincerely - Niraj Panchal.

» Hi, my name is Tarun Barman, and I'm from India. I am looking for an IELTS speaking partner. I am available from 8:00 Pm to 10:00 Pm every day (Indian Standard Time). Contact me on +91-9804920131 or

» Hi everyone! I'm Cassie from Vietnam. I would like to find a partner to practice speaking English with me. My speaking skill is quite bad, it's about 5.0. I hope you will contact me through this email: or through Instagram: Thanks in advance.

» Hey everyone, hope you guys are fine in this worldwide tough time. This is Nasir from Bangladesh. I came here to find a speaking partner. +8801632424236 (this is my WhatsApp number). Feel free to call me anytime. My email address is

» Hello, I need a serious speaking partner. I’m planning to go to Canada as a student. Please do contact me on my email id - Regards - Vishu.

» Hi friends, my name is Thomas. I am looking for a serious IELTS speaking partner. My band score is about 6.5 - 7. I want to practice more to get 7 - 7.5. Free to contact me. My email address & WhatsApp: +84 387166112. Sincerely - Tran Le Hai.

» Within two months, I wanna upgrade my speaking score to level 8 in IELTS. Those who are passionate and are going to appear at the IELTS tests are requested to contact me. My WhatsApp: 01717762659, e-mail: ##Only highly encouraged people are requested to connect. Yours truly - Shamim.

» Hi all, I am looking for a speaking partner. My name is Kawsar. I want to prepare for the IELTS Academic test. My contact number is +60163798925 (WhatsApp), and my email address is

» Hello everyone, I hope everything is good. I am looking for a partner in order to practice the speaking section of IELTS. I am around 5.5 band score level, and my objective is 6.5. I'd be happy if you contact me via WhatsApp: 0989398241580. My Email address is Regards - Majid Sadr.

» Hi, I am Shekhar from India, looking for an English speaking partner for IELTS preparation. Anyone, who is interested, please contact me on WhatsApp +91 8800784450. My email address is

» Hi, I am Sanjida. I am looking for a female partner to speak with me for my speaking module. Please email me at My Instagram is ur_annabella.

» Hello guys, is anyone here to take IELTS within a month like me? I need partners to discuss speaking and writing. My target score in both parts is 7. Please contact me on Skype: bonnie_chi. My email address is Thanks - Bonny.

» Hi friends! I need a serious IELTS speaking partner to achieve a higher score. If anyone is interested, please feel free to contact me. My WhatsApp number is +9613505154 and my email is Regards - Reine.

» Hi, I'm Mohammed Sameera from India and I need a speaking partner for my IELTS. If anyone is interested, please message me on WhatsApp at 9346042884. Thanks.» Hello Everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I am Hussain. I am in search of English Speaking partner. Feel free and friendly to contact me. Phone # +923099184977 (WhatsApp) & Email #

» I'm looking for a speaking partner. If you are interested, feel free to contact me in this mail - Regards - Amal.

» I appeared in IELTS in December 2020 and achieved 7.5 in speaking, however, only 6 in writing. Now I am preparing for CELPIP where the speaking module is a bit more difficult than IELTS. So I need a serious speaking partner. Regards - Faraz Harmis; Email:, Skype: "live:39fa4e407794d3fa".

» Hello everyone, my name is Sina, and I am from Shiraz, IR. I'm looking for a partner to practice speaking, preferably for IELTS. My level is around 7. I would request the interested partners (preferably from SHZ) to text me on Skype or Gmail. Full Name: Sina Baghaee, Skype: live:.cid.282a3dea3d009f2d, Gmail:, Instagram: sina_baghaee. Feel free to contact me.

» Hello everyone, my name is Loloa, and I'm looking for a female partner to practice speaking tasks. So if you want too, please contact me on Skype: live:.cid.bf47315eca794d03. Also, my email address is Best regards.

» Hi everyone, I am looking for an appropriate IELTS-speaking partner. My target score is 7 or above in speaking and my local timezone is GMT+6. Send me an email ( if you are serious about practising and have the same goal as me. Sincerely - Yakup.

» I need someone for Speaking practice. My Skype id is & WhatsApp number is +919803566987. Regards - Preet Singh.

» Hey, I am Navjot Singh Gill, and I am looking for a speaking partner to practice with. I am from India and my contact number is +919592755345.

» I want to improve my English speaking skills. If somebody also wants to improve his/her speaking skills, then WhatsApp me. My WhatsApp number is +923435420082. Also, my email address is Thanks in advance. Regards- Mohsin.

» Hello, I want to practice IELTS speaking with a girl. My email is and my Skype is live:.cid.b344dd25824104c1. Thanks - Asmaa Elaraby Elsayed.

» Hello guys, I need a speaking partner to improve my English speaking skills. Therefore, someone, who sincerely wants to practice for the speaking module, can join me at Thanks. Sincerely - Ashok.

» I also want a speaking partner. So let me know your Skype Id. My email address is Regards - Kawal Bikramjeet Kaur.

» My name is Sushil, and I'm aiming for a band score of 8. I am looking for a speaking partner who is really interested and dedicated to their practice without interruptions. Please do contact me on my email:, so that we can start practising. Feel free to ring me or add me to the groups. My number is +91-9030800749.

» Hi friends, I hope you guys are doing great. I need a serious IELTS speaking partner in order to achieve a higher band score. So guys, if anyone is interested, please feel free to contact me. My WhatsApp number is +923167785147 and my email address is Regards - Haddi.

» Hello, I am Peyman from Iran, looking for an IELTS speaking partner. My level is 7-7.5 overall, you can call me any time for more coordination. My phone number is +989160800834. Thanks.

» Hi guys, I'm Anna from Vietnam. I'm looking for a speaking partner. If there is someone who strives for an IELTS exam or just wanna daily talking, please feel free to contact me via email: or Instagram: annatasia. Thank you and wish you guys good luck.

» Hi, I'm searching for a partner to improve my speaking skills. If you want to practice, please contact me at, Best wishes - Mahin.

» Hi everyone, I am looking for a speaking partner to improve my speaking skills. If anyone is interested in speaking with me, please contact me via the email address Regards - Hassan.

» I am Shakshi Ghimire from Nepal. I am seeking a speaking partner for IELTS. Please let me know if you are interested. My email address is

» I'm looking for an IELTS partner to improve my speaking skill. Is anybody interested? Please feel free to contact me via WhatsApp at +94779015431. Regards - Janushiga.

» Hi, I am searching for an English speaking partner. I'm preparing for the General Training IELTS. My target is to get 7+ in speaking. If you are interested, then please contact me at Regards - Raj.

» Hi! I am Surjeet, looking for a speaking partner. I just want to improve my English. I am available @ +919305761476. Please knock me.

» I am a person from Sri Lanka. I would like to find a speaking partner to improve my speaking skill. Write me an email first to and then we will start asap. Regards - Ruch.

» Hi, I'm looking for a partner for evaluating fluency and practising IELTS academic speaking tasks. My speaking level is intermediate. Feel free and text me. Skype ID: amir rezaei & Gmail: Regards - Amir Mohammad.

» Hello friends, my name is Nithin, and I am searching for speaking partners for my IELTS practice. If you are interested, contact me at, or Skype me at live:.cid.230bd5d96819c47.

» Hey, I'm here to practice my English speaking skill. Feel free to contact me. We can help each other and sharpen our skills together. I'm using a temporary email to avoid spam. My email address is Thank you, Sanjay.

» I'm looking for an IELTS speaking partner. You can contact me on 9059727672, Thanks - Ujwal Kumar.

» Hi guys, hope you all are doing well. I'm looking for a partner for practice & friends also. Together we will achieve more. Let's enhance our skills. Interested one please ping me on WhatsApp at +918287275700. Stay Safe & happy. Warm Wishes - Anshul Gupta.

» Hi, I'm Mohammed from Morocco, and I'm looking for a partner to practice or to prepare for IELTS. I'm available full day and every day. please feel free to contact me at any time. My email address is

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.60 (25 Votes)

Emanuele Addari
Hello to everyone, I'm looking for a partner to speak English, currently, I think my level is like 5.5/6, and in 10 days, I will have to do the exam, and my goal is 6/6.5. Therefore, I would like to find someone who has my level. I am from Italy and my number on WhatsApp is +39 3773200407, and my email is emanueleaddari6 Thank you.
Sayed Bappy
If you’re keen on self-improvement, I am open and invite you to join me. Together, we can enrich speaking and excel in communication. Let’s start the fulfilling journey of learning and sharing.

From Bangladesh Sayed Bappy. Wants to sit for IELTS in the upcoming month of March.

WhatsApp: 01684222779

Hi, I am Mustafizur Rahman. I am searching for a speaking partner. If anyone is interested, knock me at WhatApp:01795769509 or Gmail:
Siam Rahman
Hi, I am Siam Rhamn. I am searching for a speaking partner. If anyone is interested, knock me at WhatApp:01853416237 or Gmail: rahmansiam798@g
Akshay Moncy
My name is Akshay Moncy. I am planning to take the IELTS exam on 5th April 2025. My previous exam speaking score was 6.5. I am planning to improve my score to 7 or above. If any serious candidate wants to practice with me, please contact me over WhatsApp at +919207184278.
Contact me for speaking practice via email, please. My email address is ravinderjotkaur
I am available to practice speaking for IELTS. If anybody is interested, contact me by email.

I need speaking partners, so please Whatsapp me at 01626918475. I'm available from 9 AM (GMT + 6) to 10 PM.
Hi! I'm Tausif. I live in Dhaka, Bangladesh & I'm looking for a speaking partner as well to get a band like 7 in speaking. In the meantime, I have 1.5 months on my hands. So, please feel free to contact me. My WhatsApp number is +8801405297218, and my Gmail address is tausifshahriar4
Md. Ramjan Sheikh
I'm looking for a foreign friend to practice IELTS speaking. Please contact me at ramjansheikh884
Hello friends, my name is Renjini and I am searching for a speaking partner for my IELTS practice. Let me know if someone is interested. Reach me out at 8420899455. I am in India.
Md Israfil Hossein
Hi, I am Israfil, looking for a speaking partner. It will be great if you have previous experience or an advanced level. Thanks.

WhatsApp: +8801916684404

Md Israfil Hossein
I am looking for a speaking partner. My WhatsApp Number is +8801916684404.
I want a speaking partner. Please contract over the phone at 01821018192.
Hi,I hope you're doing well!

I’m currently preparing for the IELTS exam and am looking for a FEMALE speaking partner who aims for Band 7.5 or above. My goal is to practice different topics, improve fluency, and refine exam strategies.

If you’re interested, please let me know! We can discuss schedules and topics to work on together.

My exam is in the middle of February.

Looking forward to your response.

I am from Toronto, Canada. I am looking for a speaking partner with good fluency. I am striving to get an 8+ band score and can help each other reach that score. So if you are aspiring for the same, then hit me up on WhatsApp at +19057839469.
Rifat Islam
Hi, I am Rifat from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am looking for a partner to practice speaking. My target for speaking is 8 and my email address is Thank you for reading my comment.
Razib Das
I am searching for a speaking partner. If you're interested, just inbox me. We can practice for IELTS. My email address is
Md. Saddam Hossain
Find IELTS speaking Partners. Please knock met at
I'm looking for an IELTS Speaking Partner. Hi, I’m Joynab. I’m preparing for the IELTS exam in February and looking for a female speaking partner to practice. I’m available from 7 PM to 12 AM (Bangladesh time) and also have some availability during the day at a fixed time. If you're serious about improving your speaking skills and aiming for a high band score, feel free to text me on WhatsApp at +880 1842-173569.

Let’s practice together and achieve our goals!

If anyone is looking for online IELTS training, feel free to reach me on WhatsApp at +91 8012121394.
Sanju Singh
Hi guys, hope you all are doing well. I'm looking for a partner for practice & friends also. Together we will achieve more. Let's enhance our skills. Interested one, please ping me on WhatsApp at +9779702679340. Stay Safe & happy. Warm Wishes - Sarbesh Mahato. (Sanju Singh)
Shan Shirazi
I need a speaking partner to practice English on a daily basis for IELTS. Connect me on syedshanhaider2 3@gmail to achieve our goals.
Phan Thanh Huyen
Hi, I'm Amanda from Vietnam, and I'm looking for a partner to practice or to prepare for IELTS. I'm available full day and every day.

Please feel free to contact me at any time. My email address is

Full Name: Dhyanesh

I am from India, Tamilnadu; and looking for a partner to practice IELTS speaking. Currently, I am available from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm (IST time).

Erin Wu
I am from Wuhan, China and looking for a partner to practice speaking. Currently, I am available from 13:30 pm to 14:30 pm (GMT time). I will have my IELTS test in December this year and my target for speaking is 7.5. My email address is Thanks -Wu.
Kongsho Roy
I am Kongsho from Dhaka. I would like to practise speaking English as a beginner for the IELTS exam. Would you be interested in practising? I am available on WhatsApp from 6-8 pm GMT 18.00- 20.00 ( GMT +6). My Whatsapp number is +8801735163420 and my email is
Zia Ullah
I am Zia from Pakistan. Currently, I am preparing myself for the IELTS Exam. If someone wants to practice with me it would be great. My WhatsApp number is +92 3139217467.

I am a student. Recently, I have completed honours. So, I am Looking for a speaking partner. Is anyone interested? My target is band 7 and I am preparing for the exam in November.

Hello, I'm also planning for my IELTS. Would you like to pair up for practice?
MM Alam
I need a partner for speaking practice to improve my band from 7.5 to 8.5. If anyone is interested, please contact me on WhatsApp at +966545968691.
Sara Habib
Hello, I am Sara, and I want a speaking partner for the IELTS target band of 7 and above. Let me know if anyone is interested so that we both can help each other and score well. Email me at so that we can take it forward. Thanks.
Zeeshan Nazir
Hi, I am Zeeshan, and I am looking for a speaking partner to enhance my fluency. I am striving to get an 8+ band score. So if you are aspiring the same, hit me up on WhatsApp (+923489202026).
Faria Tasnim Anushka
I am interested.
Vikrant Rokade
I am Vikrant Rokade from India. I am seeking a speaking partner for IELTS. Please let me know if you are interested. My current level is 5.5-6. I am trying to reach band 7.5. My email address is vickyr4597@gmai Hope to hear from you soon.
Jenish Rai
It's me Jenish, and I'm from Nepal. My IELTS test is coming soon and I'm searching for a friend who will help me through my speaking task. My email is and WhatsApp is +9779813252396.


Aditya Jaiman
Hi everyone, my name is Aditya Jaiman, and I'm from India. My IELTS test is coming soon, and I'm looking for a friend who will help me with my speaking tasks. My Email address is addi9520jaiman@ and my contact is 91+9509858015. I'll be very thankful.
Looking for an IELTS Speaking Partner.

Hi, I’m Joynab from Bangladesh. I’m preparing for the IELTS exam in February and looking for a female speaking partner to practice. My desired score is 6.5, and I’m available from 7 PM to 12 AM (Bangladesh time) with some availability during the day at a fixed time. If you're serious about improving your speaking skills and aiming for a high band score, feel free to text me on WhatsApp at +880 1842-173569.

Let’s practice together and achieve our goals!

Prasanth Kandula
Hello, I am Prasanth! I want a speaking partner for the IELTS target band of 7 and above. Let me know if anyone is interested so that we both can help each other and score well. Mobile +91 7416714772, same number we can meet on WhatsApp too. Email me at so that we can take it forward. Thanks.
Hello, I am from Myanmar. I am looking for a speaking partner to practice for other IELTS exams. If you want to practice with me, contact me freely at myatthandarhtay . My current level is intermediate. Thank you.
Nafiul Shambir
I am from Khulna, Bangladesh and looking for a partner to practice speaking. Currently, I am available from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm (GMT +6 hours time). So I would request the interested partner to add me on Skype, WhatsApp or on Facebook.

Full Name: Nafiul Islam
Nickname: Nafi
Skype: live:nafiulisla mst
WhatsApp: +8801777642459
Email: nafiulislamst@g

Raza Aamir
Hello, I am Aamir! I want a speaking partner for the IELTS target band of 7 and above. Let me know if anyone is interested so that we both can help each other and score well. Email me at so that we can take it forward. Thanks.
Abhishek Kumar
I am Abhishek. I need a sincere IELTS-speaking partner who can help me to improve my English speaking skills. Feel free to contact me on
Hi folks, pretty bored here to practice English by myself. Looking for a speaking partner (preferably upper intermediate) who's not only passionate about learning English but also be a regular and kind learning partner. Looking forward to a fun learning journey that can help both of us improve in skills.

My current level: Upper intermediate
My mail: mangapp@tutamai

Hello Mang, I am almost the same as you. I do have a level in upper intermediate, and I am still looking for a partner to study and speak fluently. Please do email me so that we can communicate or find a way to study together later. My email address is

I am Anila. I need a sincere IELTS-speaking partner who can help me to improve my English speaking skills.
Hi Anila,

I would love to practice speaking with you! We can help each other improve our English skills and prepare for the IELTS exam. Let me know how you would like to connect, and we can set up a time to start practising.

Looking forward to it!

Best wishes,


Let's boost our speaking skills. My email address is
Amit Aale Magar
Hi, I am also looking for an IELTS-speaking partner. Would you like to join me?
Jasvir Kaur
Hi All,
My name is Jasvir Kaur, and I am looking for a speaking partner. Please email me at "jk.onsitevisa@gmai" if you want to practice together.