IELTS Cue Cards

The list of IELTS Cue Cards can be exhaustive and the cue card questions that you would encounter would depend on the country you are sitting for the IELTS Exam. Preparing for a single Cue Card topic can help you answer the similar topics. Following is a list of most Common Cue Card topics and links to sample answers for your best preparation for the IELTS Cue Card topic. Please note the similar IELTS cue card topic each time you prepare for a Cue Card. Best of luck with your IELTS Cue card Preparation.

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Family & Friends

Cue Card Topic 1:

Describe someone in your family who you really admire.

You should say:

  •     Who is s/he
  •     How often you see this person
  •     What you do together

and explain why do you admire this person.

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Cue Card Topic 2:

Describe a friend who you really like to spend time with.

You should say:

  •    When and how you met
  •    How often do you meet
  •    What kind of personality your friend has

and say why do you like to spend time with this friend.

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Things you do or like/ your favourite.

Cue Card Topic 1:

Describe your favourite restaurant.

You should say:

  •     What it is
  •     What it looks like
  •     What kinds of foods it serves

and explain why this is your favourite restaurant.

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Cue Card Topic 2:

Describe a book that had a major influence on you.

You should say:

  •     What is it & who is the writer
  •     What is the story of the book
  •     Who recommended it to you

and how this book influenced you.

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Cue Card Topic 3:

Describe a website you often browse.

You should say:

  •     What is it
  •     How long have you been using it
  •     What the website is about

and explain why you often browse this website.

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Cue Card Topic 4:

Describe the best gift/ present you have received.

You should say:

  •     What it was
  •     Who gave it to you
  •     On what occasion you got it

And explain why it is the best gift / present you have received ever.

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Cue Card Topic 5:

Describe your favourite movie.

You should say:

  •    What is it
  •    What is the story of it
  •    When you watched it

and explain why this is your favourite movie.

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Cue Card Topic 6:

Describe one of your favourite photographs.

You should say:

  •     When it was taken
  •     Who was in this photo
  •     What significant memory do you have about it

and explain why it is your favourite photograph.

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Cue Card Topic 7:

Talk about your most favourite Season in your country.

You should say:

  •     What is it and when it comes
  •     Why you like this season
  •     What changes happen in this season.

And explain why this is your favourite season.

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Places and Journey

Cue Card Topic 1:

Describe a journey you went on.

You Should say:

  •     Where you went
  •     Why you went there
  •     What you did and who was with you

and explain why you liked or disliked this journey.

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Cue Card Topic 2:

Describe a historical place that you know about.

You should say:

  •     What the place is
  •     Where it is located
  •     What is the historical significance of this place

and describe what you know about this place.

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Cue Card Topic 3:

Describe a museum that you have visited.

You should say:

  •    When you visited the museum
  •    Describe the museum
  •    How you felt after going there

and describe your experience of the visit.

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Cue Card Topic 4:

Describe a library that you visited.

You should say:

  •     Where it was
  •     What it looked like
  •     What types of books were there

and explain why you liked your visit there.

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Cue Card Topic 5:

Describe a foreign country you have planned to visit.

You should say:

  •     What is it
  •     When are you planning to go
  •     Why you want to go there

And explain details of your planning to visit the country.

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Cue Card Topic 6:

Describe a shopping centre you often go to.

You should say:

  •      Where is it
  •      How often do you go there
  •      What things are available there

and explain why you go there often.

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Cue Card Topic 7:

Describe a river or a sea you have visited.

You should say:

  •     Where it is
  •     When you went there
  •     What you did there

and explain your visit there.

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Cue Card Topic 8:

Describe a city you have visited.

You should say:

  •     what is it and where is it
  •     when you visited it.
  •     What are the attractive spots of this city

and explain what influence the city had on you.

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Cue Card Topic 9:

 Describe a garden you remember visiting.

You should say:

  •     where it is
  •     what it looks like
  •     what people do there

and explain why you remember it.

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Memory and Events

Cue Card Topic 1:

Describe one of your childhood memories.

You should say:

  •     What is it
  •     When it happened
  •     How it affected you in your life

and explain why you still remember it.

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Cue Card Topic 2:

A speech that somebody delivered and you heard.

You should say:

  •     Who gave the speech
  •     What was it about
  •     What was the occasion

and explain why you liked / disliked the speech.

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Cue Card Topic 3:

Describe a happy event of your life.

You should say:

  •     What was the event
  •     When it occurred
  •     What happened

and explain why it was a happy event for you.

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Cue Card Topic 4:

Describe a sporting event you attended.

You should say:

  •     What kind of sports event is was
  •     What happened in the sports event
  •     why you attended it

and explain why you consider this event to be interesting.

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Cue Card Topic 5:

Describe an occasion or event when you were congratulated.

You should say:

  •     What was the occasion
  •     When was it
  •     Who congratulated you and why

and explain how did this make you feel.

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Things or Tools

Cue Card Topic 1:

Describe a newspaper or a magazine.

You should say:

  •    What is it
  •    How often you read it
  •    What content it serves

and explain if you like to read this newspaper or magazine.

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Cue Card Topic 2:

Describe an important letter that you received.

You should say:

  •     Who wrote it
  •     What it was about
  •     How you felt after reading it

And explain why it was important to you.

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Cue Card Topic 3:

Describe a thing that you possess and which is important to you.

You should say:

  •      What is it
  •      What's the speciality of it
  •      Would you ever give it to someone else

and explain why it is important to you.

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Cue Card Topic 4:

Describe something you own which is very important to you.

You should say:

  •     Where you got it from
  •     How long you have had it
  •     What you use it for

and explain why it is so important to you.

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Cue Card Topic 5:

Describe a building / structure with architectural interest.

You should say:

  •     What is it
  •     what is the architectural significance of it
  •     Why should we preserve it

and describe the building / structure in details.

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A Person

Cue Card Topic 1:

Describe someone you know who is a good cook.

You should say:

  •      Who is s/he
  •      How you know him/ her
  •     What kinds of food he/she cooks

and explain how good this cook is.

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Cue Card Topic 2:

Describe one of your neighbours.

You Should Say:

  •      Who is s/he
  •      How often you meet
  •      How is he/ she

and explain why do you like/ dislike this neighbour.

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Cue Card Topic 3:

Describe a teacher from your past who you remember.

You should say:

  •     What class the teacher taught you
  •     What subject he taught
  •     What are special characteristics of the teacher

and explain why do you liked/ disliked her/ him.

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Interest, Hobby and Activities

Cue Card Topic 1:

Describe your holidays.

You should say:

  •     Where do you go on the holidays
  •     Who you go with
  •     Talk about any interesting things happened then

and explain why it was interesting.

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Cue Card Topic 2:

Describe a practical skill you have.

You should say:

  •     What is it
  •     How often you use it
  •     Who taught it to you

and explain how it help you.

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Cue Card Topic 3:

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.

You should say:

  •     What you do
  •     Where and why you do it
  •     Who you do it with

and explain why it is healthy.

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Cue Card Topic 4:

Describe an outdoor activity that you did for the first time.

You should say:

  •     What you did it
  •     Where and when you did it
  •     How you felt later

and say if you would recommend this activity to your friends.

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Cue Card Topic 5:

Describe an unusual or interesting thing you did recently.

You should say:

  •     Where you did it
  •     When you did it
  •     Who you did it with

and describe why it was unusual or interesting.

Cue Card Topic 6:

Describe a club you organised or involved in.

You should say:

  •     What type of club it is
  •     What is your involvement there
  •     what do you do for it

and explain why it is important to you.

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Mukhtar Ahmed
Gulfam Aarif Masih
Hello, I'm looking for IELTS-speaking partners. Please contact me at +923004672450 via WhatsApp number.

Rakesh Rawat
Hi everybody. I am Malek from Iran. I would like to practice IELTS speaking and need a partner for that. My last score in speaking was 7.0 and I intend to improve it to 7.5 or 8.0 this time. Please let me know if you are interested. Please Whatsapp me on +989189421511.
I want a cue card.
I want cue cards.
Please send me cue cards of recent IELTS exams. Thank you.
Write correct numbers.
Eliana said :
Hello, guys. I'm looking for a partner for speaking. I would prefer to communicate with non-Indian or non-Pakistani people because their accent is so thick and strong. My WhatsApp number is +989382858143.
Write the correct and active number, Miss Eliana.

I need a book for IELTS speaking other than Makkar in which explanation should be pointwise like you are explaining pointwise. Like1. Swim in the river for the first time.2. Attending a political/ social rally.3. Delivering a speech to the public for the first time.
Please help me to enhance my English skill. My English is poor. My WhatsApp number is 8968230466.
My IELTS cue card topics were of apps and robots.
Aman Deep
Please send me recent cue card topics which are from the recent IELTS exams.
Hello, everybody! I'm looking for a speaking partner for building up my skill. I DO NOT LOOK to communicate with Iranian, Indian people, except Russian. Good Luck. My number is 00447769269005.
Hi dear,

I'd really feel happy if I can improve my skills with your help. But sorry to say that I'm from India, so for speaking, I really need your WhatsApp contact.

Hatem Teima
Hi, really many thanks for this amazing materials. I can not believe that all these materials and efforts are free !!!!! Thanks.
Hello, everybody! I'm looking for a speaking partner for building up my skill. I DO NOT LOOK to communicate with Asian people, except Russian and Japanese. I would like to talk to non-Asian people otherwise they will be blocked. Good luck.
Hello, guys. I'm looking for a partner for speaking. I would prefer to communicate with non-Indian or non-Pakistani people because their accent is so thick and strong. My WhatsApp number is: +989382858143.
Hello, guys. I'm looking for a great speaking partner. I would like to communicate with non-Indian people as far as possible. I tend to get 7 band score as soon as possible. If anybody there for enhancing SPEAKING skill, I am here. My WhatsApp number is +989382858143. Warm regard ---
Hi everyone, I tend to take IELTS exam as soon as possible. So I have been looking for a great and real partner for practising speaking skill seriously. If anyone wants to have a company with me, please send me a message. By the way, I am not willing to communicate with people from Asian countries. I don't like to communicate them. My WhatsApp is 00989382858143. Warm regards.
Any female wants to practice IELTS SPEAKING? Please add me on WhatsApp 00447769269005 or Skype 'xpertsoft1'. As this exam might be conducted by opposite sex, it's better to find an opposite gender for practice - this is my personal belief. It will bring more confidence.
It's such a helpful website that gave me confidence and practising right things instead of substandard stuff.
I've been looking for a partner for a moth. Actually, I want you to have the perfect level of speaking. By the way, my number is +989382858143. Please don't message Indian or Pakistani people to me. Thanks a lot.
Hello! I am preparing for taking the IELTS exam in the next month; I mean in March. I want a partner who is at the intermediate level. So please notify me by my WhatsApp. My number is +989382858143. By the way, thanks for your attention. Warm regards -
Hi, everyone, I've been preparing for taking part in the IELTS exam. So I wanna get a partner to exercise my IELTS skills, especially speaking. I would prefer to put my cell phone into this message. It is +989382858143. Another one is +989105766458. Thanks.
Pardeep Singh
Education is necessary for everyone. My email is pardeepsinghban
Sayem Milon
This website is very helpful.
Thank you so much for this website.
Biji Yadav
I'm not getting what exactly do we mean by cue cards? Are these topics/ questions that we can select by our own choice? What exactly are cue cards? Please help?
Pavankumar Nese
Please send me a speaking topic of the right use of leisure which I would be able to finish in 1-2 minutes.
Purvit Patel
I need to solve many cue card topics to gain confidence.
Ranbir Singj
Please send me cue card answer for the topic - "The child you like the most."
Please send me cue cards about an unusual place.