IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1486 - Do art and music still have a place in modern world?

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic: 

Art and music are considered some of the fundamental elements of all societies, and some suggest that children should learn them at school.

Do you think art and music still have a place in today’s modern world of technology?
Should children spend more time learning art and music at school?


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:
Art and music are regarded as some of the cornerstones of all societies. Despite the emergence of advanced technologies, these artistic forms are still deeply ingrained in our societies as they have therapeutic power, and I think children ought to devote time to learning art and music at school because they encourage creativity.

Art and music have an amazing capacity to heal, offering comfort and solace to people dealing with mental health issues. This is because they have the natural ability to stimulate the brain and therefore release endorphins, a natural painkiller produced by the body. Thus, art and music can help people feel more relaxed and ease the pain they may be experiencing. For example, there is a large body of research which indicates that art therapy is particularly advantageous for people facing mental health conditions like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. It provides individuals with an engaging way to address trauma and emotional pain, alleviating emotional states.

I believe that children should spend a reasonable time learning art and music at school. This is because they can enhance creativity and critical thinking skills. That is to say, art and music develop creativity, inspiring children to devise new ideas and lateral thinking. By learning art and music, students can acquire problem-solving abilities, sharpen critical thinking skills and increase their capacity to approach challenges from several perspectives. When composing a piece of music, for instance, a child has to make creative choices and consider how different components work together.

In conclusion, I believe that art and music still have great significance in our contemporary world of technology due to their therapeutic value in treating mental illness. Therefore, children should dedicate more time to learning art and music at school because they encourage creativity and critical thinking.


Model Answer 2:
Art and music are pivotal facets of cultural expression and creativity, and they are often regarded as the rudimentary elements of society. In my opinion, they are still indispensable in today's technology-driven world, and despite the pervasive influence of technology, nurturing artistic and musical skills in children in schools should be encouraged.

Art and music undoubtedly maintain their significance in today's technology-driven world. Despite the proliferation of digital advancements, these creative domains offer unique experiences that technology cannot fully replicate. Art and music foster emotional expression, creativity, and cultural understanding, providing individuals with an avenue to convey thoughts and emotions that transcend the limitations of technology. For example, renowned artist Banksy's thought-provoking street art pieces have sparked global conversations, addressing social and political issues through visual expressions, creating an impact that resonates far beyond the digital realm.

In the modern world, where technology often dominates various aspects of life, the value of art and music education remains undiminished. These subjects offer unique benefits that cannot be replaced by technological advancements. They serve as outlets for creativity, enabling individuals to express emotions, thoughts, and cultural diversity in ways technology cannot emulate. Moreover, studies have consistently highlighted the positive correlation between art & music education and cognitive development, enhancing critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence. Moreover, encouraging children to engage in artistic and musical activities can offer a much-needed break from the screen-dominated world, fostering mental well-being and reducing stress levels.

In conclusion, while technology undoubtedly plays a crucial role in modern education, the significance of art and music in nurturing creativity, emotional intelligence, and cognitive development cannot be understated. Schools should allocate sufficient time for art and music education to ensure children receive a balanced and comprehensive education.

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