IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1370 - TV will no longer be a household item in the future

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that with the increasing popularity of online media and popular streaming services, the TV will no longer be a household item in the future.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:
Many opine that TV will be a defunct household item in the future because of the rising popularity of digital media and popular streaming services. I completely agree with the statement because streaming platforms provide viewers with freedom and personalised experience, and more people are watching these streaming services and online entertainment rather than watching TV.

Online media and streaming services offer viewers greater freedom of choice, convenience and flexibility. That is to say that people now are able to access their favourite content anytime, anywhere. In simple words, spectators no longer need to sit in front of traditional cable TV at a particular time to watch their favourite content, as there is a vast array of content to choose from from online platforms. For example, the development of platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, HBO Max, and Disney+ have revolutionized the way we watch shows, offering viewers the power to choose when they watch it, what they watch and on what gadget.  This new-found freedom has caused a proliferation of content, from critically acclaimed TV series to chart-topping movies.

What is more important is that the rise of streaming platforms paves the way for a personalised viewing experience. With the power of extensive data acquisition, streaming services can analyze viewer preferences and behaviour, helping them to produce content that is customized to the audience’s preferences. This is to say that the shows produced for these platforms are remarkably diverse and consist of a vast range of perspectives and voices. Consequently, this personalized viewing experience increases subscriber retention, developing trust and bond between the provider and the audience. This is illustrated by the fact that tailored content strategies bring about an increase in subscriptions among streaming platforms because subscribers value the shows that reflect their preferences and interests.

In conclusion, I believe traditional TV will become obsolete because streaming platforms and online entertainment services allow viewers considerable freedom of choice and provide access to personalized content packages.

Model Answer 2:
The growing popularity of online media and popular streaming services has sparked a debate about the future of traditional television as a household item. In my view, I agree that the prominence of online media and streaming services will likely diminish the significance of television as a household item in the future due to those streaming services and online media's convenience and diverse content offerings over televisions.

One compelling reason supporting this perspective is the convenience and flexibility offered by online media and streaming services. With the advent of high-speed internet and the proliferation of smart devices, people can access their favourite shows and movies anytime, anywhere. Unlike traditional television, which follows fixed schedules and limited content choices, online media platforms offer on-demand content, allowing viewers to customize their viewing experience according to their preferences and schedules. This flexibility is highly appealing to modern consumers, especially those with busy lifestyles.

Furthermore, popular streaming services have revolutionized the way content is delivered and consumed. These platforms invest heavily in producing high-quality, original content that resonates with diverse audiences. As a result, they have attracted a massive global subscriber base, cutting across geographical boundaries. The ease of access to a vast library of content, including movies, TV series, documentaries, and educational programmes, makes streaming services an all-encompassing entertainment and education option that traditional television cannot compete with. For instance, streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have become household names, providing a wide range of content genres catering to diverse interests. The convenience of binge-watching entire series at once and the availability of international content have reshaped how people consume media.

In conclusion, the increasing popularity of online media and popular streaming services is likely to diminish the role of traditional television as a household item in the future. The convenience, flexibility, and diverse content offerings of these digital platforms have transformed the way people access and enjoy entertainment, leading to a gradual shift away from traditional television viewing habits. As technology continues to evolve and streaming services continue to innovate, the future of television as a household item remains uncertain.

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