IELTS Vocabulary D (Part 5)
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- Last Updated: Thursday, 25 May 2017 23:57
- Written by IELTS Mentor
- Hits: 13119
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dissection n. The act or operation of cutting in pieces, specifically of a plant or an animal.
dissemble v. To hide by pretending something different.
disseminate v. To sow or scatter abroad, as seed is sown.
dissension n. Angry or violent difference of opinion.
dissent n. Disagreement.
dissentient n. One who disagrees.
dissentious adj. Contentious.
dissertation n. Thesis.
disservice n. An ill turn.
dissever v. To divide.
dissimilar adj. Different.
dissipate v. To disperse or disappear.
dissipation n. The state of being dispersed or scattered.
dissolute adj. Lewd.
dissolution n. A breaking up of a union of persons.
dissolve v. To liquefy or soften, as by heat or moisture.
dissonance n. Discord.
dissonant adj. Harsh or disagreeable in sound.
dissuade v. To change the purpose or alter the plans of by persuasion, counsel, or pleading.
dissuasion n. The act of changing the purpose of or altering the plans of through persuasion, or pleading.
disyllable n. A word of two syllables.
distemper n. A disease or malady.
distend v. To stretch out or expand in every direction.
distensible adj. Capable of being stretched out or expanded in every direction.
distention n. Expansion.
distill v. To extract or produce by vaporisation and condensation.
distillation n. Separation of the more volatile parts of a substance from those less volatile.
distiller n. One occupied in the business of distilling alcoholic liquors.
distinction n. A note or designation of honour, officially recognising superiority or success in studies.
distort v. To twist into an unnatural or irregular form.
distrain v. To subject a person to distress.
distrainor n. One who subjects a person to distress.
distraught adj. Bewildered.
distrust n. Lack of confidence in the power, wisdom, or good intent of any person.
disunion n. Separation of relations or interests.
diurnal adj. Daily.
divagation n. Digression.
divergent adj. Tending in different directions.
diverse adj. Capable of various forms.
diversion n. Pastime.
diversity n. Dissimilitude.
divert v. To turn from the accustomed course or a line of action already established.
divertible adj. Able to be turned from the accustomed course or a line of action already established.
divest v. To strip, specifically of clothes, ornaments, or accouterments or disinvestment.
divination n. The pretended forecast of future events or discovery of what is lost or hidden.
divinity n. The quality or character of being godlike.
divisible adj. Capable of being separated into parts.
divisor n. That by which a number or quantity is divided.
divulge v. To tell or make known, as something previously private or secret.
divulgence n. A divulging.
docile adj. Easy to manage.
docket n. The registry of judgments of a court.
doe n. The female of the deer.
dogma n. A statement of religious faith or duty formulated by a body claiming authority.
dogmatic adj. Making statements without argument or evidence.
dogmatize v. To make positive assertions without supporting them by argument or evidence.
doleful adj. Melancholy.
dolesome adj. Melancholy.
dolor n. Lamentation.
dolorous adj. Expressing or causing sorrow or pain.
domain n. A sphere or field of action or interest.
domesticity n. Life in or fondness for one's home and family.
domicile n. The place where one lives.
dominance n. Ascendancy.
dominant adj. Conspicuously prominent.
dominate v. To influence controllingly.
domination n. Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority.
domineer v. To rule with insolence or unnecessary annoyance.
donate v. To bestow as a gift, especially for a worthy cause.
donator n. One who makes a donation or present.