IELTS Vocabulary D (Part 4)

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diphthong n. The sound produced by combining two vowels in to a single syllable or running together the sounds.
diplomacy n. Tact, shrewdness, or skill in conducting any kind of negotiations or in social matters.
diplomat n. A representative of one sovereign state at the capital or court of another.
diplomatic adj. Characterised by special tact in negotiations.
diplomatist n. One remarkable for tact and shrewd management.
disagree v. To be opposite in opinion.
disallow v. To withhold permission or sanction.
disappear v. To cease to exist, either actually or for the time being.
disappoint v. To fail to fulfill the expectation, hope, wish, or desire of.
disapprove v. To regard with blame.
disarm v. To deprive of weapons.
disarrange v. To throw out of order.
disavow v. To disclaim responsibility for.
disavowal n. Denial.
disbeliever n. One who refuses to believe.
disburden v. To disencumber.
disburse v. To pay out or expend, as money from a fund.
discard v. To reject.
discernible adj. Perceivable.
disciple n. One who believes the teaching of another, or who adopts and follows some doctrine.
disciplinary adj. Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority.
discipline v. To train to obedience.
disclaim v. To disavow any claim to, connection with, or responsibility to.
discolour v. To stain.
discomfit v. To put to confusion.
discomfort n. The state of being positively uncomfortable.
disconnect v. To undo or dissolve the connection or association of.
disconsolate adj. Grief-stricken.
discontinuance n. Interruption or intermission.
discord n. Absence of harmoniousness.
discountenance v. To look upon with disfavour.
discover v. To get first sight or knowledge of, as something previously unknown or unperceived.
discredit v. To injure the reputation of.
discreet adj. Judicious.
discrepant adj. Opposite.
discriminate v. To draw a distinction.
discursive adj. Passing from one subject to another.
discussion n. Debate.
disenfranchise v. To deprive of any right privilege or power
disengage v. To become detached.
disfavour n. Disregard.
disfigure v. To impair or injure the beauty, symmetry, or appearance of.
dishabille n. Undress or negligent attire.
dishonest adj. Untrustworthy.
disillusion v. To disenchant.
disinfect v. To remove or destroy the poison of infectious or contagious diseases.
disinfectant n. A substance used to destroy the germs of infectious diseases.
disinherit v. To deprive of an inheritance.
disinterested adj. Impartial.
disjunctive adj. Helping or serving to disconnect or separate.
dislocate v. To put out of proper place or order.
dismissal n. Displacement by authority from an office or an employment.
dismount v. To throw down, push off, or otherwise remove from a horse or the like.
disobedience n. Neglect or refusal to comply with an authoritative injunction.
disobedient adj. Neglecting or refusing to obey.
disown v. To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as connected with oneself.
disparage v. To regard or speak of slightingly.
disparity n. Inequality.
dispel v. To drive away by or as by scattering in different directions.
dispensation n. That which is bestowed on or appointed to one from a higher power.
displace v. To put out of the proper or accustomed place.
dispossess v. To deprive of actual occupancy, especially of real estate.
disputation n. Verbal controversy.
disqualify v. To debar.
disquiet v. To deprive of peace or tranquillity.
disregard v. To take no notice of.
disreputable adj. Dishonourable or disgraceful.
disrepute n. A bad name or character.
disrobe v. To unclothe.
disrupt v. To burst or break asunder.
dissatisfy v. To displease.
dissect v. To cut apart or to pieces.

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