GT Reading Test 14 Section 2 - Mistakes when applying for a job & H&S Certificate

GT Reading Mock Test 14:

Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3  |

Section 2: Questions 15-27

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 15-27 which are based on the text below.

GT Reading: Mistakes when applying for a job & HEALTH & SAFETY CERTIFICATE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (H&S Certificate)

Read the text below and answer Questions 15-20.

Mistakes when applying for a job

There are many mistakes that people make when writing their resume (CV) or completing a job application. Here are some of the most common and most serious.

The biggest problem is perhaps listing the duties for which you were responsible in a past position: all this tells your potential employers is what you were supposed to do. They do not necessarily know the specific skills you used in executing them, nor do they know what results you achieved - both of which are essential. In short, they won’t know if you were the best, the worst, or just average in your position.

The more concrete information you can include, the better. As far as possible, provide measurements of what you accomplished. If any innovations you introduced saved the organization money, how much did they save? If you found a way of increasing productivity, by what percentage did you increase it?

Writing what you are trying to achieve in life - your objective - is a waste of space. It tells the employer what you are interested in. Do you really think that employers care what you want? No, they are interested in what they want! Instead, use that space for a career summary. A good one is brief - three to four sentences long. A good one will make the person reviewing your application want to read further.

Many resumes list ‘hard’ job-specific skills, almost to the exclusion of transferable, or ‘soft’, skills. However, your ability to negotiate effectively, for example, can be just as important as your technical skills.

All information you give should be relevant, so carefully consider the job for which you are applying. If you are applying for a job that is somewhat different than your current job, it is up to you to draw a connection for the resume reviewer, so that they will understand how your skills will fit in their organization. The person who reviews your paperwork will not be a mind reader.

If you are modest about the skills you can offer, or the results you have achieved, a resume reader may take what you write literally, and be left with a low opinion of your ability: you need to say exactly how good you are. On the other hand, of course, never stretch the truth or lie.

Questions 15-20

Complete the sentences below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

15.  It is a mistake to specify your ........................... in past positions.
16.  Do not include a description of your ........................... in life.
17.  Include soft skills such as an ability to ........................... successfully.
18.  Think hard about the position so you can ensure that the information in your application is ........................... .
19.  Make the ........................... between your abilities and the job you are applying for clear.
20.  Do not be too ........................... about what you can do.

Read the text below and answer Questions 21-27.


(H&S Certificate)

Who should register for this course?
The H&S Certificate is aimed at people who work as supervisors within the construction industry (whether or not that is part of their job title), who are required to ensure that activities under their control are undertaken safely.

Course duration
Option 1 - Conversion Course (for those who have a PHS Certificate - see below): 10 days, either one day a week or two weeks full-time.

Option 2 - Full Course (for all others): 15 days, either one day a week or three weeks full-time.

For both options, the written exam and practical assessment take half a day.

About the course
The course provides thorough preparation for the H&S Certificate, which is an award in health and safety specifically designed for the construction industry. It combines theory with practice, ensuring that those who gain the certificate are capable of managing health and safety throughout each stage of the construction process, from planning and design to use and finally demolition.

You may already be one step towards gaining an H&S Certificate
The PHS (Principles of Health and Safety) Certificate can be taken separately or as part of the H&S Certificate. If you gained this qualification no more than five years before entering for the H&S Certificate, it will be recognised as contributing to your Certificate without the need to repeat that unit of the course.

Course content
The H&S Certificate is divided into three units. Unit 1 covers the principles of health and safety (and is identical to the PHS Certificate), Unit 2 covers the identification and control of hazards, and Unit 3 deals with practical applications of health and safety.

How is the course assessed?
Candidates take written examinations for Units 1 and 2. Unit 3 is assessed by a practical examination testing the ability to identify health and safety issues in a construction workplace. Unit 3 needs to be taken within 14 days of a written examination.

A full certificate is issued on successful completion of all three units.

Candidates from non-EU countries may be eligible for a small number of grants. These cover the cost of tuition, but not examination fees. For details, please contact the Registrar.

For further information please contact our administration office.

Questions 21-27

Answer the questions below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.

21.  Which position is the Certificate intended for?
22.  How many days must a student without a PHS Certificate study?
23.  What is the last stage of the construction process that is covered by the course?
24.  For how long does a PHS Certificate count towards the H&S Certificate?
25.  What do students learn to identify and deal with in Unit 2?
26.  What type of examination is used for Unit 3?
27.  What will a grant pay for?


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New fireflies are discovered all the time but in 34, only glow-worm species are mentioned and hence, the answer is NOT GIVEN.
Fireflies do not mean glow-worms! They are two different things! The fireflies are a huge group containing over 2000 species, with new ones being discovered all the time. It does not mean glow-worm species!
In paragraph C, the adult flies have no mouth parts, cannot eat and therefore only live a few days. So the Q. 38 contradicts with the text.
In regards to Q. 37: Paragraph B clearly refers that "The highest concentrations of firefly species today are to be found in the tropics of South America..... Simply that they prefer the conditions there". So it means heat affects the production of...= true.
Question 34: It is clearly written that "new ones being discovered all the time" which means that scientists are not able to list the exact number of glow worm species. So the answer should be 'False'.
I also don't understand why it is 'True'. It should be 'False'.
It is because of the word "faster".
If there is evidence in the passage something is not correct then the answer is 'false', instead of 'NG'. If it is not decreasing then increasing or steady but basic idea is mentioned in the paragraph.
The 38th answer is 'false' because the question is particularly asking about the adulthood is the longest period while in sector 'c', paragraph 2, the fourth line is telling that larvae are the longest state of 15 months. So the answer should be 'false'.
Written in paragraph 'D', first line. In some countries, the numbers of glow-worms have been falling.
Can someone say why the answer to the question 37 is 'TRUE'? I don't find it in the passage. Only egg hatching time varies due to temperature but where do they talk about larvae? Q. 37. Heat affects the production of glow-worms larvae.
In paragraph C, it says that Adult flies have very short lives since they don't have any mouth parts. But their egg lives are much longer, 35-45 days, depending on the temperature. That's the reason I considered.
Can someone please explain answer 31?
Should be NG, I guess.
It is impossible to be sure exactly when and where the first firefly appeared.
Could you please help me with the question 38? How is the answer FALSE? Where is the answer is the text?
You have given a good reading resource but you have not provided the proper way of 40 questions and answers together. You have given 60 examples but I cannot find 40 questions & answers like full paper reading work for one-hour. Provide us 10 reading for general full 40 question answers paper work which is one hour job. Thank you. Yousuff.
Shahed Al Hasan
Could someone please clarify the question number 35 and its answer? From my point of view, the answer should be 'NG'.
They have just mentioned the decline in the UK, no other country is mentioned. So it may be declining at the same rate or at a different rate; so 'not given' will be the answer.
Not really. When is your exam? If you have not done your speaking yet, then let us practise it by Skype.
Possible causes for the decline include... means they are just saying maybe these are the reasons, but they didn't state it or confirm it because it's not yet proved [ read between words and sentences]...
This is difficult...
36. In some countries, the numbers of glow-worms have been falling. Then why is it 'not given'?