GT Reading Test 21 Section 1 - Hi-Hello Calling Card Company & West Coast Beach
- Details
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 18 May 2022 22:24
- Written by IELTS Mentor
- Hits: 43393
GT Reading Mock Test 21:
| Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 |
Section 1: Questions 1-14
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14 which are based on the text below.
GT Reading: Hi-Hello Calling Card Company & West Coast Beach
Read the text below and answer Questions 1-7.
Hi-Hello Calling Card Company
- Card descriptions -
Hi-Hello Calling Card Company offers you a range of international calling cards. Our cards enable you to call overseas 24 hours a day at a cost-effective rate. We offer a choice of four cards: US-Can, Go-Asia, Afri-Call and Eureka. The call rates are based on the country called.
An ideal card for personal calls to the United States and Canada. Offers peak and off-peak rates. Different rates for calling landlines and mobile phones. Available in $10, $20 and $50. Expiry period is 6 months once activated. Buy a $20 card and receive 5% worth of value credit or buy a $50 card and receive an extra 10% worth of value credit for free!
Ideal for executives making calls to Asia. Flat rates apply – whether mobile or landline. Available in $50 and $100 price options (cards expire after five months). To ease congestion, within the next 3 months 3 more phone lines will be added. $50 cards come with a bonus 100 minutes. All cards may be recharged by calling our hotline 1800 021 003 (payment by credit card only).
For both business and personal use, Afri-Call is a great option. No other card in the market offers such low-priced rates for calls to Africa. Service will include Ethiopia in 2 months. Calls charged in 1-minute increments. Cards expire five months after activation. Customers can check calling record with online feature and can print it out for FREE. Card varieties - $10, $30 and $100.
World-class business-focused calling service to Europe. New features added every 6 months. Fax facilities to any European countries using Eureka cards are currently offered. Faxes (per page) are charged at the same rate as calls (per minute). Additional time may be purchased online (see our website for details). The clear leader in global rates. Upcoming feature – bonus minutes at no extra cost on cards over $75. Also available are $30, $50, $75 and $100 cards. Cards expire within three months of activation.
Hi-Hello Calling Card Company - |
Rates per minute |
USA & Canada |
Asia |
Africa |
Europe |
Australia & NZ |
Remarks |
US-Can |
50 cents |
$1.00 |
90 cents |
70 cents |
70 cents |
Value Credit options |
Go-Asia |
$1.00 |
30 cents |
75 cents |
80 cents |
90 cents |
Bonus 100 mins for $50 cards |
Afri-Call |
$1.10 |
$1.00 |
40 cents |
90 cents |
75 cents |
Calling record check facility |
Eureka |
90 cents |
45 cents |
70 cents |
30 cents |
60 cents |
Off peak rate 30% lower |
Off peak hours: Monday – Friday 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Peak hours: All other times.
Questions 1-7
Classify the following features as being
A part of the US-Can card
B part of the Go-Asia card
C part of the Afri-Call card
D part of the Eureka card
E not part of ANY card
Write the correct letter A, B, C, D or E in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
1. Allows customers to review who they called.
2. Has no expiry period.
3. Has the shortest expiry period and the lowest rates to New Zealand.
4. The minimum call cost is 60 seconds.
5. Charges a 5% connection fee.
6. The highest priced card that offers an additional benefit.
7. Overall, it offers the cheapest rates.
Read the text and answer Questions 8-14.
West Coast Beach
This leaflet has been placed by the West Coast City Council to ensure the safety of all beach visitors. Our purpose is to inform all visitors of some basic safety rules. We strongly urge all beachgoers to heed the information that follows.
There are three different kinds of flags that are positioned in different areas according to conditions. The area between two red flags indicates high instability - deep water and unpredictable waves – no swimming allowed. Green flags are placed 100 metres apart and indicate that swimming for competent swimmers is safe but conditions are unstable for weaker swimmers. Ideal conditions for swimming exist for both adults and children between yellow flags. Non-swimmers should not attempt to swim in the ocean. Even if you consider yourself to be a competent swimmer, always swim between the yellow flags. The probability of drowning at an unsupervised beach is 10 times greater than at a beach with a lifeguard on duty. Irrespective of how competent a swimmer you are, the council’s decree is - never swim alone!
Waves sometimes carry strong currents or ‘rips’ that are created by water volume and gravity. Rips can make swimming very difficult and you can be pulled out to sea. If you are swimming between the flags, use the distress signal – wave one arm above your head – to gain the attention of a lifeguard. If you are caught in a rip and are swimming outside a flagged area, do not try to swim against it, instead, float (the most comfortable way is typically on your back) and relax - do not struggle to swim back to the shore. When you are feeling a little more relaxed, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the strong current or ‘rip’ zone and then swim to the shore.
On the Beach
Drinking alcohol on the beach is prohibited. Never swim if you have been drinking alcohol or have eaten a large meal. We have encountered a significant portion of drowning incidents that were caused by alcohol.
The north end of the beach has a rocky cliff. Avoid walking on the rocks as they are often very slippery. In order to avoid cuts, scrapes and even broken bones, adults should keep children under close observation at all times.
From about 10 am to 2 pm, the sun is at its most dangerous. During these times, make sure you are wearing sunscreen, a shirt and a hat while at the beach. Exposure of the skin to the sun at these times can carry with it the threat of skin cancer. Children’s skin is especially vulnerable; ensure that they are protected.
* If you have any further enquiries, please visit the Lifeguard Office *
Enjoy your day at the beach!
Questions 8-14
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet.
8. What is it that determines which flags are used?
9. What is used to indicate unsafe beach conditions?
10. Who should NOT swim between the green flags?
11. What is the rule all swimmers must follow?
12. What should swimmers do if caught in a rip outside a flagged area?
13. What is most at risk in the midday sun?
14. Which location should swimmers go to if they have questions?
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