GT Reading Test 19 Section 2 - How to use LRC & International Business Institute
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- Last Updated: Wednesday, 18 May 2022 22:24
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GT Reading Mock Test 19:
| Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 |
Section 2: Questions 16-28
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 16-28 which are based on the text below.
GT Reading: How to use Language Resource Centre (LRC) & International Business Institute – Buddy Peer Support Scheme
Read the text below and answer Questions 16-20.
General LRC rules
We have a number of simple rules to help you use the LRC. Please cooperate and enjoy your visit with us.
• No eating or drinking
• No copying of audio cassettes
Please work quietly. This is a library and many students are studying for exams.
Using the LRC
• You can use the LRC either on your own during self-access times or you may use it with your teacher as part of a lesson.
• If you use it as a self-access student you must scan your borrower barcode (issued by the library staff) when entering and leaving. The LRC is for use by Language Centre students only.
• All bags must be put in the bag-rack.
• Always work quietly.
We have a photocopier available. Please ask the library staff to help you. The cost is 20c for one A4 sheet.
Borrowing from the LRC
Language Centre students are permitted to borrow materials from the library. Other schools’ students must use the facilities at their own schools.
Full-time students: Give your photo-ID card to the librarian and you will get an LRC number. Part-time students: You will need to bring your $50.00 deposit receipt from the cashier. When your course finishes, bring your library card back and your deposit will be refunded in cash.
Language students can borrow up to 4 items (of which no more than 2 can be kits) at one time. Kits are bags containing book(s) plus cassette(s).
All teacher trainee students may borrow up to 3 items:
• IELTS materials 1 week
• Listening kits 1 week
• Most other books 2 weeks
Books marked REF in red are reference books and cannot be taken out of the library. Books marked REF in green may be removed by staff only.
Most items can be renewed once. IELTS materials cannot be renewed.
Questions 16-20
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS from the passage to answer the questions below.
Write your answers in boxes 16-20 on your answer sheet.
16. Which students may use the LRC?
17. What must full-time students show in order to receive an LRC number?
18. How will part-time students’ deposits be refunded?
19. What mark shows a book cannot be removed from the library?
20. What materials must be returned after one borrowing period?
Read the text below and answer Questions 21-28.
International Business Institute – Buddy Peer Support Scheme
Think back to your first days and weeks in a new country. Were there times when you had questions that you wished you could ask a friend? Or when you wanted to have a chat about how you were feeling?
To help new students, the International Business Institute (IBI) plans to set up a buddy peer support scheme. The scheme will help new students meet current students at IBI who can provide them with some friendly company during their first months in Newcastle and help them with any small problems that they may have. Often, buddies may not be able to solve the problem, but they may know who can help.
What’s in it for you?
We believe that being a buddy will be rewarding in several ways. As a volunteer, it will be personally satisfying to know that you are able to help new students. However, it will also help you to make contacts that may be valuable in your future academic and professional lives. If you are an overseas student, it will give you another opportunity to practise speaking English. Lastly and most importantly, we hope that it will be enjoyable for you to be a buddy!
Responsibilities of buddies
1. Telephone and arrange to make contact with the new student.
2. Meet the student and show him/her around the campus and the local area. Meet for coffee, perhaps. Answer questions about living in Newcastle and administration procedures at IBI. (We will give you a checklist of things to mention when we send you the new student’s name and telephone number).
3. Arrange to meet the new student one morning or afternoon one weekend early in the semester, and take the student to places that you enjoy in Newcastle.
4. Be prepared to take phone calls from the new student to answer further questions that he/she may have from time to time. Meet to explain information to the new student in person, if required.
5. You will be matched to an individual new student. However, if you have friends who are also buddies, you might prefer to form a support group together. This would mean that you meet the new students as a group rather than one-on-one.
6. Being a buddy is voluntary. There is no “requirement” to provide assistance beyond the help outlined above. However, we hope that the buddy and new students will enjoy each other’s company and continue to meet each other.
Please note that if you agree to become a peer support buddy, you will be expected to fulfil your role conscientiously and cheerfully. It will be important to be considerate and reliable so that our student can feel confident of your support.
7. When you agree to act as a buddy for a particular term, your commitment covers that term only. For example, if you act as a buddy for Term 2, and would prefer to be free in the following term, there is no obligation to continue as a buddy in Term 3. Of course, we hope that you will want to assist every term.
Questions 21-28
Look at the statements below. In boxes 21-28 on your answer sheet write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
21. The main aim of the Buddy Peer Support Scheme is to help new students during exam periods.
22. Students will be put in touch with others from their own language group.
23. The principal reward for the buddy is making new friends.
24. The buddy is responsible for making the first move to meet the new student.
25. Buddies need to work one on one with the student in their care.
26. Buddies will be paid a small allowance.
27. The buddy’s obligations finish at the end of each term.
28. Buddies are required to attend two meetings per term.
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