IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1446 - Some people believe that studying abroad is important

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that studying abroad is important because it expands a person's knowledge and understanding of the world. Others feel that it is better to study at home because that is the best way to prepare for a career in the student's own country. 

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: 

Studying abroad and opting for domestic education both offer distinctive advantages, igniting debates regarding their merits among a large number of people. While some advocate for the merits of studying in one's home country for career prospects, others argue for a foreign degree and a better understanding of the world. In this essay, I will explore both perspectives. However, I firmly advocate for the enriching benefits of international education in broadening one's global outlook.

On the one hand, proponents of studying in someone's home country argue that local education serves as a solid foundation for a future career within the country. It is asserted that studying at home equips individuals with contextual knowledge and practical skills tailored to the specific needs of the local job market. For instance, a student pursuing a medical degree in their home country might benefit from understanding the intricacies of the local healthcare system and cultural nuances in patient care, fostering better integration upon graduation.

Conversely, supporters of a foreign degree argue that studying abroad is invaluable as it presents unparalleled opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. Immersion in a foreign educational environment exposes individuals to diverse perspectives, cultures, and academic practices, fostering a deeper understanding of global issues. For instance, a student studying environmental sciences in a foreign country might engage in innovative research projects and collaborate with international experts, gaining a holistic perspective on global environmental challenges.

Personally, I firmly advocate for studying abroad as it offers an unparalleled avenue for personal and academic development. Experiencing different cultures, languages, and educational systems not only enriches one's knowledge but also nurtures adaptability and resilience—crucial traits in an increasingly interconnected world.

In conclusion, the exposure gained from international education cultivates open-mindedness, tolerance, and a broader worldview, essential attributes in today's globalized job market. Therefore, while domestic education holds merits, the transformative potential of studying abroad in expanding horizons and shaping global citizens is indispensable.


Model Answer 2:

The debate surrounding the ideal academic path, studying abroad versus remaining home, boils down to a fundamental question: expanding one's worldview or focusing on career-specific preparation within the familiar. While both perspectives hold merit that this essay is going to explore, I believe prioritizing education within one's own country ultimately provides a more robust foundation for professional success.

Advocates for studying abroad highlight the undeniable benefits of immersion in a new culture. Exposure to diverse perspectives, academic approaches, and societal norms broadens intellectual horizons, fosters adaptability, and cultivates valuable intercultural communication skills. A student studying art in Italy might experience firsthand the Renaissance masters' influence, while another specializing in engineering in Japan might glean insights into cutting-edge robotics research. Such experiences enrich personal understanding and equip individuals with valuable tools for navigating an increasingly interconnected world.

However, prioritizing education within one's own country offers several strategic advantages for career preparedness according to the other group of people. They believe that familiarity with the local economic landscape, legal and regulatory frameworks, and industry networks allows students to tailor their studies to specific professional sectors and build relevant connections earlier. Internships and research opportunities within their chosen fields provide practical experience and build a professional network crucial for career advancement. For instance, a law student interning at a local firm gains invaluable courtroom experience and insights into the national legal system, preparing them for future practice.

Moreover, focusing on studies at home enables closer engagement with local societal challenges and opportunities. Students can contribute their knowledge and skills to address pressing issues within their communities, gaining valuable experience in project management, problem-solving, and collaboration.

In conclusion, while the allure of intellectual and cultural expansion through studying abroad remains undeniable, prioritizing education within one's own country offers a more strategically focused path towards career success. A deeper understanding of the local landscape, access to relevant opportunities, and the ability to contribute to one's own community provide students with a strong foundation for building a fulfilling and impactful professional future. 

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