IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer (band score 8-9)

IELTS Essay # 39 - Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.
Why do you think this is happening?
What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:
The modern society is generating an increasing amount of waste and the waste management has become one of the pressing issues both in developing and developed countries. With the inevitable rise in population and industrialisation, this problem will be further aggravated. The government can help decrease waste production by educating the public and by promoting recycling.

The global population has reached a staggering seven billion recently. Solid waste is a by-product of this phenomenon. This number is expected to balloon to nine billion by 2050 if the current trend goes on. The amount of trash produced is likewise expected to rise. Manufacturing industries also contribute to the total of accumulated waste. While market demands go higher, the number of factories built also increases to satisfy this demand.

This unsavoury problem has taken centre stage as the world focused on tackling global warming. One way that the government can help alleviate this burden on the environment is by educating the culprits – the general public. By promoting the use of reusable bags when shopping, the amount of plastic bags can be greatly reduced. Furthermore, the government can also run advertisements and put up posters in ways that a household can reduce the trash it generates. Another step that the government may undertake is through sound recycling. It must invest in a technology that can be managed through the municipal level. To encourage its citizens to adhere to this program, collection areas for recyclable materials must be accessible. Sweden has set these areas within 300 meters from residential areas and so far they are succeeding.
To conclude, it is a fact that the human population will continue to rise. In order for the world’s natural resources remain sustainable, the government and the public must cooperate to find a solution to this ever-present problem.

(Approximately 299 words)
(Written by - Rhod S )


Model Answer 2:
Of late, humans are producing a ginormous amount of garbage - both domestic and industrial. There are many causes for the proliferation of rubbish these days. This essay delves into the causes and the remedial actions by the government to subdue the acute problem of debris.

To begin with, the rapid growth of garbage is directly linked to the overwhelming number of population. To elucidate, As the number of people grows the number of products they consume also rises. This, in turn, inflates the waste production. Moreover, to meet the growing demands, new industries have to be set up which aggravate the situation further. To add more to that, modern life is practising throw-away culture. As the name suggested, people are less interested in using repaired commodities. Instead, they dispose old project and buy a new merchandise.

There are numerous steps that a government can undertake to alleviate this condition. For instance, as plastic makes up almost 70 percent of the hoard of garbage, many authorities have put a ban on polythene usage. The other steps involve, government to exert strict ordinance to monitor the waste produced by industries. Furthermore, they can take up the initiative to encourage citizens to keep their surroundings clean.

To recapitulate, the rise in population is the primary factor for an increase in littler. Another prominent attribute is the fostering of the throw-away culture. The government can take many measures to fight this problem. Few of them are banning eco-unfriendly products, applying stringent supervising on factories and encouraging residents to keep the community clean.

[Written by - Mashood Basha]

Model Answer 3:
In our highly industrialised era, there is a growing awareness about the excessive amounts of trash people producing. We are about to be flooded by different types of garbage if certain measures will not be taken. This essay will explore some causes of this and propose ways to solve the problem.

To begin with, different food producers decided that their products will be selling better if they will pack them in small-sized boxes and packets. These colourful and attractive packs go straight to the trashcan; the number of packs is growing along with the consuming growth.

More consuming produce more waste. Government and businesses encourage consuming because it leads to high profits and development of state economy. They are not interested in using something for a long time. Society is being bombarded with commercials, pleading to buy, for instance, a new mobile phone; buying new things because throwing away old but good things.

The problem of garbage is very complicated. As we can see, the government is not interested in reducing consumption. Thus, the responsibility has to be taken by individuals and non-governmental organisations. Certain laws, regulating the percentage of packaging material per tonne of the product should be established. Moreover, interesting programs, involving people to participate can be developed. For example, a bonus for not asking for a plastic bag in supermarkets or for buying extra large packs of food.

In addition, everyone should become concerned about the future of human beings and our planet. If we do not wish to be buried in rubbish, we should think twice before buying things we do not need.

(Approximately 273 words)
(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible answers.)


Model Answer 4:
Nowadays humans are producing more and more rubbish. Scientists argue why this problem appears in human life. The role of governments in reducing the amount of rubbish should be more or less.

 The amount of waste we produce has increased. This problem is a result of our consumer culture. Advertisers encourage us to buy the newest fashions. If something breaks, we throw it away and buy a new one.  Products are not made to last. The amount of household waste is growing because most foods are sold non-biodegradable plastic packaging. This waste ends up in landfill sites. People do not think about the consequences of dropping rubbish. They assume that somebody is responsible for cleaning the streets, but they do not know who is this somebody. Most of the litter seen on streets is fast food packaging. The plastic packaging does not break down easily.

Companies should make goods that last longer. They should not use so much packaging. Governments should be stricter, about waste produced by companies. They should put legal limits on the packaging. Consumers should avoid buying over-packaged products. We should recycle and reuse useful materials. There are collection banks for paper, glass and plastic bottles. Households can use several rubbish bins to separate waste. Recycling saves energy and raw materials. Governments should invest in transforming human culture, away from consumerism towards a culture of sustainability. They could impose green tax on drivers and airline companies. Government campaigns should promote recycling. Individuals should also try to be greener. We should recycle as much as possible.

To summarise, it seems either governments or people should be responsible for the amount of rubbish is produced. Also, all human being should learn to be more environmentally friendly.

(Approximately 274 words)
(by Reihan )


Model Answer 5:
The environment today is threatened by many factors such as air pollution and so on. However, among the most concerning is the increase in the amount of waste production. It is argued that the main causes of this are the availability of poor quality products and over-population. To tackle these issues, government's role will be analysed for viability.

To begin with, consumerism plays a key role in the rise of garbage around the world. Nowadays, people prefer replacing the old items with the new one when the existing one stops working, which in turn adds to the waste produced. In addition, the increase in the count of inhabitants means more people throwing the products which directly increases the quantity of sewage produced. Thus, it is apparent that both these factors are dependent on each other and thereby, contribute equally towards the rubbish addition.

To counter this, the government can play a major role by monitoring the objects manufactured by the companies. In other words, they can enforce these organisations to produce durable items which can be used for the longer duration. As a consequence, disposing of products will be minimised and hence, the amount of waste produced will also be reduced to a greater extent. Along with this, legal entities should concentrate on educating society about the negative effects of excessive population and work together for controlling this growth.

As it is clear, that population rise and less robust equipment's have led to the boost in the sewage within the nation. It is thus hoped that the government will implement regulations for developing sturdy products and thus, discourage people from creating rubbish.

(Approximately 265 words)
(by Aqueela Mansuri )



Model Answer 6:
It is undeniable that the increment of rubbish is giving problems to the society. In my opinion, this issue did not exist in the past, until thirty years ago, the change of human behaviour. There are a few reasons that cause the volume of rubbish increase. Let me illustrate the causes.
First of all, from my point of view, one of the main reason for increasing rubbish is, overly purchase habit of people. Often, people nowadays tend to buy more than what they really need. It is very clear and obvious that whenever there are promotions, the sales volume will increases. As a result of that, people buy items that will not be used for a period of time and it will then be thrown away. Therefore the volume of rubbish is increasing.

Apart from that, I would say, the lack of recycling practices in the society is another main reason. Recycling could reduce the volume of rubbish in the world by reusing the thrown away materials. By doing so, it could also reduce the usage of natural resources.

Last but not least, a proper way of disposing of wastage and rubbish is a must. By implementing a proper way of disposing of rubbish, it could save cost and manpower to control the volume of rubbish at the same time.

In conclusion, it is essential to control the volume of rubbish in the society. The government could educate the citizen with the knowledge of reducing rubbish in a good way. The government could hold campaigns, advertise or even educate the citizen, starting from young, maybe from primary school. If this issue continues to go on, it would cause damages to the earth, action must be taken before it is too late. I believe, government and citizen must work together in order to achieve this goal, as all things can be done with unity.

(Approximately 310 words)
(by - Micheal Chai )


Model Answer 7:
It is evident that people are generating more waste these days. There are reasons that lie beneath the issue and this essay will discuss them, and also will discuss some of the solutions that governments could do to resolve it.

It is a fact that the amount of garbage that people produce these days has increased rapidly compared to the past. The main reason is due to the significant growth of the world population in the past few years. It is undeniable that waste production will automatically increase when the world population grows, as every individual will surely generate some wastages. Another reason is that people's  lifestyle has changed these days and they have adopted a throwaway habit. It is noticed that people prefer to use plastic bags or plastic mineral bottles rather than to bring their own permanent bags or bottles. Many people do not realise that plastic wastages need around one hundred years to be decomposed. People nowadays change their electronic gadgets and appliances more frequently than ever before.  This kind of living has seriously impacted the amount of rubbish that is produced each day.  

There are some considerable solutions that governments could do in order to resolve the issue. Firstly, governments should make a clear regulation about limiting the usage of plastic bags and bottles. For example, governments could give tax incentives to retailers who reduce the usage of plastic bags and replace them with recyclable paper bags. Secondly, they could also make campaigns to the society about the negative effects of plastic bags and bottles to the environment. Campaigns could be made in the form of posters, short video clip or even a documentary film which can be easily accessed by the public. Furthermore, people have to be more careful about waste dumping and taking responsibility for waste recycling. By considering to these soluble solutions, it is hoped that the garbage production will decline in the future.

In conclusion, it is true that nowadays people are producing more garbage than ever before. It is mainly due to the significant growth of the population, the usage of plastic materials and people's lifestyle. Some of the solutions that governments could do would be by setting clear regulations and making awareness campaigns to the society while people have to participate in waste recycling.

(Approximately 265 words)
(by - Darwin Lesmana )

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.65 (26 Votes)

Taslima Nur Jahan
The bar chart illustrates the various modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. If the vertical axis stands for the percentage of commuters, the horizontal axis substitutes the four different types of vehicles.

Overall, the number of commuters on buses dropped gradually while the amount of commuters on a car rose significantly. Moreover, the percentage of commuters by tube and train fluctuated steadily.

First of all, the most commonly used transport in 1960 was the bus whereas the vehicle with the lowest number of commuters was the car. Afterwards, the train had approximately 17% of passengers. Therefore, the tube users' percentage was a bit higher at about 27%.

Secondly, in 1980 the bus and train had the highest percentage of passengers at approximately 28% while the tube hit the bottom being lower than the car by nearly 2%.

Finally, in 2000, the ratio of car users rocketed and peaked at almost 37%. In contrast, the percentage of bus commuters' number plummeted and bottomed out. Additionally, the tube user's ratio grew a little whereas the number of train user's number fell.

Taslima Nur Jahan
Our world is becoming more inhabitable with time, and the primary reason is that we are not conscious of our environment. In this period of inflation, many people believe that recycling is an essential factor in reducing the amount of trash, helping our economy, and most importantly, saving our environment. In my opinion, I strongly agree with this notion.

We should recycle our useful possessions rather than buy new things. It will help to decrease the amount of trash in our surroundings. For instance, if we make as little trash as possible, it is beneficial for our environment. Otherwise, our earth will be full of landfills; there will be no place to live.

If we buy new products instead of repairing old ones, it requires more financial support for that. However, if we repair things as much as we can, it will help to grow our economy. Sometimes, buying a new product is more expensive than recycling. Unless we purchase new items, we can save our prosperity and ensure our existence on earth at the same time. To cite an example, in our throwaway society, we make so much trash in our daily lives and throw it into trash cans. That is how the amount of waste is increasing rapidly and uncontrollably, day by day.

In conclusion, as the welfare of technology improves, recycling is becoming easier than before. So everyone should be more inspired to recycle. Therefore, I assume that the aforementioned points support my view.

Describe two implemented mechanisms by municipalities to curb the problem of littering.
Explain why companies and industries have a tendency to litter irresponsible.
Essay Topic: Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Answer: In this industrialised era, there is a growing awareness about the excessive amounts of trash people producing. We are about to be flooded by different types of garbage all around us and if certain measures are not taken immediately. This essay will explore some causes of this and propose ways to solve the problem.To begin with, different food producers are convinced that their products will be sold better if they pack them in small-sized boxes and packets. These colourful and attractive packs go straight to the trashcan; the number of packs is growing along with the consumer growth. The population in the world is booming rapidly and more consumers mean more waste. More businesses are emerging with the need of the increasing population and it can not be restricted due to its effect on the development of state economy. Society is being bombarded with commercials, pleading to buy, for instance, a new mobile phone and buying new things frequently encourage people to through away old as well as new things and that is creating a throwaway society. Furthermore, in most of the developing countries recycling is not properly done and this is deteriorating the situation even more. The problem of garbage is very complicated. As we can see, the government is not interested in reducing consumerism as it would cause the problem for the tax collection. Thus, the responsibility has to be taken by individuals and non-governmental organisations. Certain laws, regulating the percentage of packaging material per tonne of the product should be established. Moreover, interesting programs, involving people to participate can be developed. For example, a bonus for not asking for a plastic bag in supermarkets or for buying extra large packs of food. In addition, everyone should become concerned about the future of human beings and our planet. If we do not wish to be buried in rubbish, we should think twice before buying things we do not need.To conclude, though the present era has made people want to buy more than they need, we need to change our purchasing and recycling habit in order to make our planet livable.
Bhavna Rajput
It is very good.
Lydia Tanuwijaya
May I know Darwin Lesmana's marks for writing in IELTS? He seems to be practising a lot with all IELTS writing questions.
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?Over the last few decades, there has been a substantial increase in the amount of rubbish produced by people. This essay will discuss the reasons for this and provide some possible solutions.The first reason is connected with increasing levels of consumption. As countries have developed, there have been continuous increases in consumption levels. As a result, the amount of rubbish has increased. Another cause of this increase in the amount of rubbish in the environment is the irresponsibilit y of individuals towards the environment. Nevertheless, there are potential ways to solve these problems. Firstly, governments need to promote recycling among companies and encourage them to take on this form of business. For example, the amount of tax could be lowered for these companies. Also, individuals can play a part by throwing rubbish into specific recycle bins. They should also opt for products for which waste and rubbish are minimal.To conclude, although the increase in rubbish produced is a serious issue, there are steps that governments and individuals can take to minimise its levels. If we are to reduce the amount of rubbish, it is important that this is treated as a priority for all concerned.
The severe problem that the modern world is facing nowadays is 'pollution'. Interestingly almost 80% of garbage is completely or partially related to food items. This essay delves with the causes of increasing rubbish production and the control measures that the government should take.People seem to be swamped today and depend more on fast food and processed snacks. These items appear in coloured wraps after use they were being thrown. These products are not biodegradable and remain unchanged even after years. Rubbish increased day by day and environment becomes polluted. Secondly young generation is more materialistic and they want to buy every new item from the market even if they actually do not need them. Undoubtedly they are throwing the old one and never think about the consequences of their actions. Thus people’s action jeopardises the environment and rubbish accumulate day by day.Rubbish can be controlled effectively if the government takes necessary steps. Firstly government should ban the non-biodegradable items and promote the use of eco-friendly items. Otherwise, the companies, which produce these items, must be responsible for collecting and recycling the wastage. In addition to that penalty should be paid by the people who pollute their own surrounding. Moreover, proper recycling of rubbish must be ensured.Putting everything, in a nutshell, increased production of rubbish is deteriorating environment day by day and is threatening our own life and future. The government and individual must take necessary steps to control this hatred situation and thereby maintain an eco-friendly environment.
With the genesis of mankind, the production of garbage started and the waste production has become alarmingly quicker in this high-tech and industrialised era. Actually, we flood in rubbish that is produced by ourselves. I think we are not fully aware of the consequences and results of this action and many countries particularly, developed countries, generate more garbage than other regions. In many domains, especially in industrial and developed countries, the number of factories, hospitals and houses are huge and the rubbish is produced more than other spheres. They hide atomic waste in depth of oceans; demolish jungles and forests with plastic and bottle, poor sewage into seas and river and so on. They are not aware of the consequences and outputs of these sorts of actions and governments do not invest money in educating people. Many developing and third world countries have a very large number of populations and this is another reason they generate more wastage than ever. The wastage in such countries is a huge concern. The people and the authorities both should work together to reduce the usages of plastic bags and electronic goods that create harmful wastage. Some states, mostly in developed countries, should do the recycling process and advertised to their inhabitants about this issue. For example in some parts of Japan, the recycling mechanism is very advanced and they try to recycle and reuse everything possible. This is a great way of reducing the rubbish problem we are facing nowadays. In summary, I think the government should aware people about the harmful impacts of increasing garbage generation and spend more money for the better recycling process.