IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer (band score 8-9)

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 3 - Women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task:

Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting.

Write an essay expressing your point of view.

Give reasons for your answers and provide relevant example and experience you might have.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:   (Neutral Argument)
Parental responsibilities and roles are very important for the parents to make their children prepared for the future. The way a father or mother treats a child affects greatly for his/her future growth both mentally and physically. If parents fail to take great care of their children, then those children might go astray and will claim their parents for their misfortune. Every mother and father love his or her children more than anything in this world and they expect them to be great persons and well established in future. Throughout the human history, mothers mainly take care of the children and do most of the works for the children. On the contrary, men are mainly busy outside the home to earn the living for the whole family.

This is not to say that men are not of importance in children caring and they do not know their kids. They are most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have proven themselves superior parents as a result of their condition, their less aggressive natures and they are generally better to communicate with kids. Men remain busy at their works and have to stay outside the home most of the time, but women have lots of spare times to share with their children. From the time they are little girls, females learn about nurturing. First with dolls and later perhaps with younger brothers and sisters; girls are given the role of career. Girls see their mothers in the same roles and so it is natural that they identify this as a female activity. Boys, in contrast, learn competitive roles far removed from what it means to nurture. While boys may dream of adventures, girls' conditioning means they tend to see the future in terms of raising families. Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men, not women, who prove to be the aggressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising children, a more patient, gentle manner is preferable than a more aggressive one. Although there certainly exists gentlemen and aggressive women, by and large, females are less likely to resort to violence in attempting to solve problems.
But if we consider that all women are good for their children and men can not raise a kid properly then perhaps it would be a partial judgment. Is not there any family where the mother has died or not present and it is the father who takes care of the children as well as does jobs outside? Certainly, there are lots. In third world countries, fathers are comparatively more educated than the mothers and the take care of their children's education greatly. A child needs the affection and caring of both father and mother.
(Approximately 597 words)
(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible answers.)


Idea Generation for this IELTS Essay:

Essay Type: Opinion Essay.

Main question of this IELTS Essay:

A. Do women make better parents than men or men are just as good as women at parenting?

Discussion Points: Who can be the better parent? Men or Women?

Women are better than men at parenting:

  • Mothers have a closer sensational relationship to their offspring than fathers because of a better bonding between them and their children.
  • Women usually spend more time with their children than men because, in many countries, they are usually less engaged in working.
  • Genetically women can be socially active and communicate better with their surrounding than the men can.
  • As a role of mother, mothers can transfer their experience to their daughters to become perfect mothers in the future.
  • A child spends most of the times, it's childhood with the mother and thus mothers have a better understanding of their offspring.
  • Genetically mothers have better quality in taking care of their children.

Men are better than women at parenting:

  • Men have been more responsible to their family financially, so they can transfer their experience to their children far better than the women can.
  • Males’ hormones help better them to be more flexible to difficult situations happening in their real life, and they can transfer their experience to their boys.
  • Fathers are usually more serious in punishing of their children than mothers, so they can control better their children to avoid crime.
  • In many societies, fathers have better educational qualifications and diverse experience. That’s why they can better prepare their children for the future. 
  • A father makes future of the child financially secure.
  • Men's contribution to a child's development is found to be more effective when it comes to imbibing discipline.

Men and women have equal role to raise their children:

  • A kid needs the affection and caring of both father and mother.
  • While mothers take care of their children, fathers work outside to bring the money home.
  • They both have qualities that should be learned by their kids.
  • In many families, both parents work outside and that's why the responsibilities of upbringing children should be equally shared.
[The above points should be helpful to aid you generating your own ideas and then turning them into a nicely written IELTS Essay. Add any point you think we have missed in the comment section.]
Sample Answer 2: (Women make better parents)
Mother and father both play a crucial role in the upbringing of children. Some people assert that women triumph over men to make better parents. In contrary to this, others claim that men are as good as women in parenting. This is very perplexing for anyone to choose one. According to me, women make better parents.

In support of my point of view, a mother is one of the first persons who gets attached to the child from the birth. A child spends most of his time, his childhood with the mother. So a child is more influenced by the mother. Secondly, a mother is the only person who takes all sorts of care of the child, like- feeding, bathing etc. Thus, mother occupies most of the child's time. This makes a strong bond between them. When a child becomes a little older and starts to go school, a mother takes care of that child's study, homework, assignment, projects etc. By this, a mother plays a crucial role in a child's education. In addition, a child learns moral values which are main ingredients to become good human from the mother.

In our society, usually we find that women spend most of the time at home and men are only breadwinners. In this type of situation, the person who can spend a chunk of the time for the nourishment of a child is a woman. Thus, women can keep her eyes on every small activity of children. Apart from that, owing to closer relationship children's shares it's emotions and problems with the mother first. Thus, mother knows her child better than anyone.

On the flip side, to maintain the status of men, they argue that men are as good as women. In spite of spending less time with the child a man earn for his child. A father makes future of the child financially secure. As financial security is as important as building child's personality.

To conclude, both women and men are equally important. But in our society women are superior to men in better parenting as they rear child very well.


(Approximately 325 words)
(Written by Dhruvita Bhatt )
Model Answer 3: (Both men and women have an equal role)
In order to be a great human being in future, a child should be raised with great moral standards at home. The topic whether women or men get a major role in raising the children is a huge debate nowadays. I think both of the parents share equal credit in raising kids. Let’s ponder on the advantages on both sides.

Primarily, women are often treated as great caretakers and also the one for great future of the kids. Children spend a major chunk of their time with their mums. So, women get to teach kids on how to be a better person in the society and also on how to be a great human being. She provides nutritious foods to the children which help them to become healthy. Children learn about how to take care of others from their mums because mothers always take good care of their children. This instils a great sense of responsibility in the children.
Secondarily, men (father) are termed as their ideal person for children. Men always struggle so much in order to win bread for the family. This struggle teaches kids to study better with a dream to help the family financially in future. Fathers are often a source of inspiration for children on how to be a strong and better person in life. This helps them to grow as better and responsible citizens in future.

After looking at advantages from both sides of the argument, I conclude that both men and women share equal proportion in raising the children. Even if the proportion is not balanced, there will be a huge impact on the children. So both father and mothers hold a major role in the family.
(Approximately 285 words)
(Written by Abhi Keerthan )
Sample Answer 4:  (Both men and women have an equal role)
Parenting is an extremely important factor for the proper upbringing of a child. While some people are of the opinion that women make better parents, others think that men can also be effective in parenting.  I believe that there cannot be conclusions drawn in a generic sense relating to the gender – Men or Women. What matters most is the one who has the qualities of being a good parent; this can be either a male or female.
Women by virtue of having more patience, tend to handle children better during their infancy when patience is an important factor. Ensuring a balanced and nutritious diet for a child is again done better by women. For example, women are in a better position to understand what a child needs to take in the lunchbox for the school. Further, studies have indicated that imbibing the morals, values and ethics into a child during their growing up years is done better by mothers.
Men's contribution to a child's development is found to be more effective when it comes to imbibing discipline. This becomes important as the child's time management becomes a key to his overall behavioural traits and personality. For example, ensuring the child wakes up in time, spends the right amount of time on studies, indoor and outdoor games can be better enforced by a father. Studies also indicate that children who get addicted to one particular activity, for example, say computer games, tend to grow up as loners and whose ability to interact socially becomes limited. Men tend to have better ability to control these activities in growing children.
To conclude, it will be incorrect to draw a general inference that women make better parents than men. No two individuals are the same and everyone possesses their unique strengths. If that strength coincides with the quality required for effective parenting, they could make good parents regardless of whether they are men or women.
(Approximately 320 words)
(Written by Rajesh )
Model Answer 5: (Women make better parents than men)
Raising children is definitely a very challenging task for the parents. Children need great care and support as well as enough time to be devoted to them daily to educate them with good manners. In most of the societies, this is the female role. In other societies, however, it may be the father who has taken over this task or both parents contribute equally.

In the majority of the societies since men do the outdoor tasks and are employed, the women spend most of their time at home and part of their task is raising the children. Being available all the time is necessary for parenting. A father who is working outside all day is probably not very suitable for this.

On top of this, women tend to be more affectionate and caring by nature than men. A parent needs to be kind, passionate and patient especially during early childhood, periods of sickness and so on.

On the other hand, children feel more comfortable and close to their mothers. Often, children go to their mother when there is any problem arising or for help. This is most probably because the very first person that an infant sees is the mother. All the breastfeeding and cuddling leads to the development of affection and love between the mother and the infant, and this is seen to persist all the way to adulthood. Hence, children prefer their mother to be parenting them.

In conclusion, I believe that women make better parents than men, because of their inherent nature and the love and affection they have for children.
(Approximately 264 words)
(Written by Narges Mahmoudi )
Sample Answer 6: (Both men and women have an equal role)
Many people believe women make better parents than men since the dawn of the time. Throughout the history, women have a great role in raising children in many societies and some other people claim men make good parents than women. The issue whether or not women make better parents than men is always a debatable issue. Strong arguments are there from both the sides and let us discuss in a detailed way.

Firstly, children are always attached to the mother and feel free to reach out for anything. An instance illustrating this in action is almost all of my friends are attached to my mother rather than my father. It is obvious from this that mother has a greater role in children brought up. In addition to this, Mother is a good role model for their children and children always try to follow them and naturally a mother can become a better parent than the father. For example, every child shares their happiness or sorrow to the mother first. This makes clear women make better parents than men.

There is always another side of the coin. Currently, both men and women are working in all families and children are attached equally. For example, kids of my friends are attached equally to both father and mother. This clearly shows that men also make better parents. In addition to that, men started sharing the responsibility of children and children also slowly reaching to father also. So it has proven than men also better parents than women.

Thus it is recommended that men or women both can make good parents and take responsibility of their children. It is better to share the responsibilities as much as sharing love.
(Approximately 276 words)
(Written by Jacob Kumar)
Sample Answer 7: (Both men and women have equal role)
When it comes to parenthood, females always had a predominating role to their male counterparts. Some opine that both rub their shoulders as parents. This has been a topic, wrangling over many years. In my opinion, equality being the buzzword of the day, both parents play a vital role in raising their child irrespective of genders.

From the time of antiquity, both females and males were parted on their parenthood skills. The custom showcased women sitting back at home looking after children, while men were responsible for earnings. The people at that time believed that females were better in raising children than males. The male domineering society applauded and encouraged such irrational thinking. But now, people are coming out of such yokes of irrational thinking and henceforth a notable change in situation is being witnessed.

In the present day, where equality rules, there is less emphasis on gender differences in parenthood responsibilities. Considering a mediocre family, where both parents work, both share all household duties, there does not even arise a question of not sharing parenthood. An ideal exemplification would be my own case, where my wife and myself share responsibilities when it comes to raising our daughter. We switch duties according to our office schedules and no difference on gender exists ever. This would be the case of mass, where nuclear family prevails, with no room for gender inequality.

To conclude, I would like to mention that parenthood is not weighed on one’s gender rather it is measured on one's dedication and care. So no matter what gender you belong to, you should be assiduous and   provide the best possible environment for your children to blossom. It becomes ideal when both parents compete out of caring in upbringing their child.
(Approximately 290 words)
( Written by - Vineeth V. )
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.84 (35 Votes)

Harpreet Singh Gill
Child care is the responsibility only of parents or other parents are also equally responsible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Zeba Ahmad
Question: Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Answer: A child needs care, love, attention and security to properly grow up. In our society, mothers are generally responsible for a child’s upbringing and I accord that a mother has a bigger role to play in child-rearing as fathers in our society have other accountabilitie s. In most of the cases, a child is emotionally and physically more attached to his mother, especially in the early age. Many children are uncomfortable and horrified of new situations and they usually share their feelings with mothers first. I believe a strong bond between a mother and a child is quite important and that is why a mother should spend more time with the infant. Fathers are usually busy outside and they have a huge responsibility - to bring food to the table for the whole family. If they stay at home to take care of the children, who is going to take his role? No doubt, a father and a mother are both important for a child's proper development. But due to the social structure, men are the breadwinners and mothers are caregivers. Unless the social norm is revered, the mother has the bigger role to play to up-bring her children. To conclude, mother and father both play an important role in making their offspring successful, healthy and strong both physically and mentally but the mother has a more acute role to play.
Ramanjit Kaur
Agata Sakowicz
Essay Topic: Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting.Write an essay expressing your point of view. Sample Answer: A great percentage of people think that women make better parents than men and have a natural ability to take care of their children. Others, however, believe that the role of parenting is not dependent on a particular gender and fathers can be as good as mothers for upbringing children. I would like to express my viewpoint on this topic in the following paragraphs. Firstly, mothers have always been associated with the role to stay at home and look after the babies. This trend is as old as the history can provide evidence. This is why, according to many, they are better qualified to take care of the babies. Besides, women, unlike men, in most of the societies, do not need to take the responsibilitie s of earning and working outside and can spare more time to spend with the children. Due to this, the role of child-rearing have always been women's responsibility and they are good at it. Activities like breastfeeding are not possible by a man and this is an important part of upbringing an infant. Additionally, it is believed that women are more emotionally attached to their children and sensible to fulfil a baby's needs. However, men, especially in this era of gender equality, have started taking responsibilitie s of upbringing a child. In many cases, they have proved that they can be quite adept to take care of their child and in some cases, they perform better roles than the mothers do. Technological advancements have made it possible for men to stay more time at home and look after the child. A child, in fact, needs her father to learn many morals and values. This is why a father's role as a parent is also utterly important. In summary, both roles, father and mother, are very importantfor the proper upbringing of a child. They should both perform their own roles to ensure a prosperous future for the baby.
Totally agree.
There is no doubt in saying that parents play a pivotal role in the upbringing of their children. A child's mind is like clay. Whatever you plant in it will be shown up when they grow up. The way a father or mother treats a child affects greatly the child's future growth both mentally and physically. Therefore, the responsibility of both father and mother is crucial in the development of their children and none of them is without charge of taking care of their kids, I believe.

It is true that mothers are very close to their children since they spent a lot of time with them. Studies show that children are more emotionally connected with their mothers as compared to their fathers. One of the main reasons for being more connected to mothers is that women are, most of the time, connected more comfortably with kids. Genetically mothers have better quality in taking care of their children and, consequently, they raise their offspring with empathy and love.

In our society, fathers have always been more responsible to financially support the family, as well as to make the future of the child financially secure, their role in upbringing their kids can not be neglected. Fathers are often a source of inspiration for children on how to be a strong and better person in life. It is now proven that children who get more attention from their fathers are grown up as confident and brave people. Also, the contribution of men has always been in maintaining discipline and controlling activities for their kids.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that none of the mother and father alone can raise a better kid than when they both are wholly dedicated to taking responsibility. In many families, both parents work outside and that is why the responsibilitie s of upbringing children should be equally shared.

So many sexists. I feel disgusted.
Today, women make better parents than men; some people believe in this view and that is why they have greater responsibilitie s in raising children in most societies. While other people argue that men are just as good as women at parenting. In this essay, I will discuss both views and provide my opinion.

First of all, there are several reasons why some people support the view that women make better parents than men. Specifically, the primary cause for this is genetically mothers have better quality in taking care of their children. Furthermore, a mother can be socially active and communicate better than a man can. In many societies, women are prepared to take care of the babies and they learn the skill from their families. This experience later help them become better parents.

Conversely, there are several reasons why some people oppose the view that women are better parents than men. Partuiclury, the main reason is that a father is usually more serious about their children than a mother. Besides, a father makes the future of a child financially secure. Finally, fathers, in modern times, take responsibility for the household works that includes taking care of babies and taking the commitment of teaching them important life lessons.

In conclusion, it is apparent that some people consider women as better parents than men. It is also true some have an opposing view. In my opinion, mothers are naturally better parents due to their loving and caring nature and experience in taking care of the family from their childhood.

250 words to 325 words.
Can you please tell me what is the maximum and minimum word count for writing task 2? Thanks... Great website :)
Navi Saul
Great website... It's really helpful for me.
Can anyone help me to write an essay on the following topic? Please."The type of essay comparison and contrast." Write a comparison or contrast essay on two different cultural views on the roles that should be played by men and women in the society.
Thanks for your nice comment.
Mohammed Sharique Iqbal
Nice topic. It is very helpful for my IELTS test.
Muqeet Khalid
IELTS Essay Topic: Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view.Sample Essay: Upbringing a child is a very complex job. To rear a child, who is morally, physically, mentally and socially strong, needs care, attention, dedication and sacrifice from both father and mother. I strongly believe that both parents have critical roles in a child’s upbringing and development. Both mother and father offer their strengths and attributes to be shared with a child and that is why both of them an equal role in fostering a child. First talking about a mother’s contribution in the child development process- mothers, in most of cases around the world, stay home for raising children. So they spend more time with their offspring and thus could influence their abilities to a greater degree. Another quality of a woman is that they are naturally loving, soft, kind and caring. So they introduce a sense of care among children. Furthermore, there is an old saying that child’s education starts from the mother’s lap, so a mother plays the vital part in a child's cognitive development. So from this regard, a mother can mould and shape the brain of a child easily and train them basic personality traits. In addition to the above points, mothers, in most of the times, are responsible for the food preparation and diet of young ones. So they have a great responsibility for ensuring physical health of a child.Now turning to the roles of a father- they infuse and share traits with children that are equally important for a child's physical and cognitive growth. Fathers are mostly bread earners for the family and source of income for the family. So they are responsible for securing the quality education, health, food and shelter for the child. Similarly, fathers are physically stronger and usually, possess a strong characteristic. So they bring the air of security in a family. Childen get the chance to know the outer world as they move around with their fathers and learn how to deal and face various situations outside the home. So in the end, both parents introduce some specific sets of features in the development of a child and both of them help the child to become a complete and strong person that contributes to the society and work for the betterment of others.
Joyce Tan
IELTS Essay Topic: Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view.Answer: Parenting responsibilitie s are very important in a family to properly up bring the children and to make them more inspired, passionate, responsible, ethically good, properly behaved and so on. Some people assert that a mother role is much greater than a father in raising children but some others disagree with it. In my opinion, I personally believe that mothers' contributions are endless to a child in all the aspects and that is why they have greater responsibilitie s than the fathers.Firstly, a mother build up a close relationship with her children since the early childhood. Breastfeeding, educating, caring, cultivating children are likely the duties of mothers naturally in a family. It is inevitable that mothers sacrifice their times and energies to become full-time housewives only because of their children. Furthermore, mothers tend to be more affectionate and patient than men, so that children will look out their mothers to release their emotions when they feel miserable or depressed, or even in moments of sharing happiness.In another way, some people think that a father can be their exemplary and iconic figure as fathers would emulate the characteristics of being a strong, independence, perseverance and responsibility man in order to protect the family members in future. Nevertheless, mothers spent more times with children than fathers because fathers focus more times on career and earning. Thus fathers have less opportunity to interact with their children and build up rapport father-child relationship as well. As a result, mothers play crucial role in children's lives as a whole.In conclusion, I firmly think that mothers are born to be responsible and to be superior to take care children naturally. However, both father and mother should carry out their responsibilitie s equally and mutually in order to build up to healthy and warm family environment for the children.
Jyothi Mathew
Hi, Friends, can anyone help me to write an essay on the following topic? Please.'Countries should not replace traditional culture with modern culture.To what extent do you agree with this statement?'Thank you.
Hi, in these types of essays, do I have to take a side and defend it? Or is it okay to write about both sides (neutral opinion)? Is an opinion essay different than an argument essay (in which you either write for or against a topic)?
Fortino Vazquez
In the past, the belief of our forefathers was that women have to take care of their children while men have to work to earn money. This is no longer the scenario in many parts of the world today and due to female empowerment, men in some cases have to take care of the children while women work outside. This essay dives deep into this issue and elucidates the writer’s point of view.Although some men like to earn and control the monetary aspects in a family, women are better to administrate the money in a family. They are also superior to men in taking care of their children. From this regard, females are better parents and thus they have greater roles in a family. Women are more responsible for all the activities from their childhood. Although some men are well aware of their children’s activities, some of them leave everything for the last minute. Unlike women, they prepare the child activities in their own ways. Finally, we can never compare a father’s care with the way a mother cares for her children. Mother is always needed for a child and this does not exclude men to perform their responsibilitie s as a father. However, we should not reverse the natural way of performing our responsibility as a parent. Mothers thus are better qualified to take care of their children while fathers have to support the family. Mothers, I would say in conclusion, are born to be responsible and to be superior to take care of their children. Thus this great responsibility of child nurturing should be mainly performed by females while men should also perform their own responsibilitie s both at work and at home.
Kay Fuller
Women are naturally better suited to act as the caretaker of the children while fathers are better qualified to protect the family from outside danger and to earn the daily bread. This is the trend human has followed for thousands of years and should be the norm of the society. If someone disagrees and says that, why women should be the one to take care? They are welcome to switch the gender roles and be happy. However, both working parents are not ideal for upbringing for children.
Both parents are important for their children and both of them have crucial roles to play in their children’s life. But in my view, mothers have the greater role in children's life especially because of their attachment to children. There is a strong relationship between a mother and her child since the offspring was a fetus in her abdomen. She knows the every detail about a child and women are made more sensitive, naturally. She knows if a baby is crying from a pain or hunger. I think it is more difficult for a father to take care of his babies in the early stage. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that women would be responsible for upbringing children, whereas men would be working outside to secure the living for his family. A mother spends more time with children and she can instil morality, ethics, religious norm and good human quality in a baby. This makes the women the natural winner to be better parents. Nowadays, society has changed and with the improvement of technology, fathers have a good chance to become role-models for their children’s life. The number of single fathers who raise their offspring proves that fathers can also become good parents. The number of women who are working outside and bringing the bread and butter for the family proves that the responsibility should be shared. Thus the fathers' role of upbringing children is significantly different than the past. Father and mother both have important roles to play in their children's life. Each one has influences on their Children.
The role and responsibilitie s of parents are highly controversial and some people state that women are solely responsible for the upbringing of their children while some others opine men also have bigger roles. In this essay, I will express my views from both angles on the topic.Since the last couple of decades, there have been a lot of revulsions in the society and so has in mindsets of people. Women in yester years were considered to stay at home and raise children while men were to earn the livings for the family. But nowadays both parents are working in order to give their children a better life. I strongly agree with the idea that women being the better parent have a greater role to play in upbringing offspring because nature has given them a sense of strong bonding since pregnancy. Research indicates that during childbirth, a hormone called Oxytocin is released and that causes intimate bonding between a mother and a child. Parenting is not a competition and it is quite natural that between mother and father the more qualified one should be more responsible for taking care of the children. From this regards, a mother is the natural winner as the better parent and should spend more time with the children.On the other hand, men should also have a sense of responsibility towards their offspring but their prime role is earning money for the family. This gives them less time to spend with their children and fulfil parenting responsibilitie s. In my opinion, there should be a change in our mindset because children need both parents’ attention. This will help a child in gaining confidence and fathers should spend times to nourish their children's mind and soul. This will help children become better persons and in future, they will do the same to their children. Moreover, a father’s involvement in their children's life will also bring family closer and will give mother some relief and personal time.In conclusion, parenting should be mutual, not competitive. Though it is a father’s responsibility to earn money for the family, he should always try to spend time with the children and help the mother to have an ideal family where a child will grow up as a sensible and good human being.
It's nice to see how different points of view we can find in various cultures. Some of those cultures expect women to be responsible for feeding, changing diapers, etc., of their offspring. Although, in some other cultures men can raise their son and daughter while women are the breadwinners.
Good parenting is essential in building a confident and skilled future generation. Children who grow up suitably with the proper caring and parenting are more likely to become punctual, well-mannered, conscious, hard working, and talented, who will make the world a better place.Both mother and father have to play great roles in raising children. They both must complete each other’s duties to give the children the parenting they deserve, or more accurately to give the world the generation it deserves. In my opinion, mothers have a greater role in raising children because of their inherent abilities and social responsibilitie s.First, women are way more emotional than men by nature, and that does not mean men don’t love their children as much as women do, but women are more attached to their children and know more about their children’s feelings and needs. Thus they can better contribute in upbringing children to make them suitable future citizens.Second, it is very often seen that most fathers work outside and mothers stay at home. Thus having much more time to spend with their children, mothers naturally can play better role for upbringing their children. For instance, I still remember how many times my mother would know what I needed or intended to do before even telling her or how she remembered every special date. Mothers seem to have that sixth sense for their children’s feelings. That sense makes them the one who deserves the true love from their children. Finally, even if the parenting duties are not distributed fairly between mothers and fathers, fathers’ duties are still very essential for good parenting, since these duties are complementary to duties which mothers give, they have the responsibility to ensure their children the highest level of life they can achieve, on their shoulder. In conclusion, over time the duties of parenting has been shared by both parents and naturally, mothers have some responsibilitie s that only they can do for their children.
Mohammad Ashraf Kausar
There is no difference between academic and general training writing task 2.
Is it academic or general writing task 2? Please, anybody, reply to me.
I love this website.
Thank you so much... Very nice.
Fantastic, really helpful for me in my IELTS. Thank you so much.
Muhammed Shamsuddin
Children are deemed as the future of a nation. In order to get a better generation, children should be brought up with proper care and education. Some people say that mother plays a crucial role to grow up a child. Other people believe that fathers play a better role to up bring a child. However, this is difficult to choose one between a father and a mother as a better person to up bring children as both have important roles to play. However, mothers are naturally more capable of taking care of their children and they play a more significant role up bring her children. In my view mother keep better role to bring up a child and that is why they have greater responsibilitie s as well. Generally, mothers get abundance time to spend with her children but fathers do not get this opportunity as they have to spend more time to earn money for maintaining the family expenses. On the other hand, women are naturally more lenient than a man. Hence, children love to stay with their mother. Moreover, fathers have to remain busy with their jobs or businesses. That's why they might not have enough time to spend with their children. This is true that men keep a lot of contribution indirectly but mothers devote their time more for their kids. Their roles are also indispensable for a children.To sum up men and women both are crucial for a child’s proper grow up. However, considering the usual trends and natural ability of women we can say that mothers are better parents than men.
Jincy Jibins
Essay Topic: Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Give reasons for your answers and provide relevant example and experience you might have.Essay Answer:It is true that parenting is the most delicate and important task for parents and the responsibilitie s it requires could not be compared to anything else. Some people strongly believe that mothers can take better care of their children than fathers. But, others argue that men and women are equally talented for parenting. From my point of view, both of them can look after their children very well due to various reasons.Firstly, children are emotionally attached to their fathers and mothers equally. To be clear, from the birth of children, they get more exposure to their parents and they develop an emotional relationship with parents from the earliest stage of life. This relationship helps men and women to take care of their children. For example, in India, while mothers are working, mostly fathers look after their children instead of nanny because they are also very attached to their children as like as mothers.Moreover, single parent system exists successfully in these days, which is a very clear evidence for this argument. To explain further, usually, father or mother provides love and care to their offspring in the absence of their life partner. In addition, such children lead a successful life. For all these reasons, I can say that both genders can become successful parents without any doubt.In contrast, there are those who believe that only women can become good parent because women naturally possess certain personal qualities such as loving nature, patience, motherly affection, understanding ability and so on towards their children. Therefore their relationship is stronger than fathers. Nevertheless, I think both of them can do parenting role very well. In conclusion, fathers and mothers have equal responsibility and ability to care for their children without any gender difference.
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