IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 633 - It is necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on fast food

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is, therefore, necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Use your own knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:
In the present era, world’s people are facing the ultimate fact that our young generations are experiencing severe health related illness from the very beginning of their life and it is due to excess junk food consumption. To forbid the worrying condition, the state is approaching some essential steps and one of them is an enhancement of taxes on convenience food. Thus, I partially agree with the given opinion. As in today’s world, it is one of the most sparkling heated debates. I believe that our leaders should have an eye for finding out some other solutions because only increasing the taxes on fast foods will not hamper the ratio of junk food intake.

First of all, as we know that, our teenagers are the prime customers for the convenience meals, where most of them are unaware of devastating health hazards of eating junk foods. At the same time we can ask, is it their fault? I don’t think so. They should be made aware of the long-term consequences of junk food consumption and it is plausible in several ways. For example, broadcasting health related adverts on children’s TV channels, introducing topics into their conventional education regarding dangerous health effects on fast food taking. In addition to, parents could play an important role in combating this worldwide problem by giving their children proper advice and guidelines of having balance diet.

Moreover, nowadays people are leading a busy pace of life. Thus they scarcely think of their regular diet, even some of them have no idea about what they are eating. Therefore, people are depending on takeaway meals for their daily livelihood. The government should impose rules on the working schedules so that folks could enjoy their meals with adequate nutritious knowledge.

To conclude, in some of the global areas folks are becoming more habituated to convenience food despite realising that they will suffer from heart diseases, obesity and dyslipidaemia in very near future, where only raising the food revenue will not slow down the tasty and unsafe junk food consumption.

[ Written by -  Fatima Chowdhury ]

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Ashmeet Kaur
Please suggest me some topics for May 2020's IELTS exam writing task 2.
This essay only discusses one reason for the given issue.In contrast, the writer claims in the interview that s/he partially agrees with the statement! So more ideas were expected in the body paragraphs.While it might receive a high score for vocabulary and grammar (7 or 8 probably), I do not think it would receive a high Task Response score as it includes only one idea and one idea for 350 words is too low!
Ishaq Anjum
For me, it's brilliant and very helpful.
Good thoughts, but so many wrong choices for words.
Hi, good morning. I am Murugan, writing to you to improve my writing task 2. I don't have any idea about how to make points in relation to the topic. How to get band 9 in the writing exam? Please tell me. My email id is murugankaliyank
Brilliant and very helpful article for me...
Brilliant & very helpful.