IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 389 - Some countries have introduced laws to limit working hours

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some countries have introduced laws to limit working hours for employees.

Why are these laws introduced?
Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Model Answer 1:
Many parts of the world have adopted laws to curb the working hours of workers. This essay will expound on why safeguarding workers’ health is the primary aim of introducing the Working Hours Limit Act, and I contend that this is a negative development because it endangers the economy by challenging small companies operating in a competitive market.

The primary reason for limiting the working hours of employees is that it safeguards the physical and mental health of an employee.  Excessive hours of work can cause work pressure, and therefore it can lead to stress as well as physical and mental fatigue, which is likely to develop various health issues. By limiting maximum working hours, nations ensure that workers have adequate time to relax and unwind, thus promoting overall well-being. A case in point is Australia's Fair Work Act 2009. The act has enforced standards by setting provisions for maximum working hours, ensuring that employees are not subjected to long working hours that could drive them to exhaustion.

However, tight restrictions on working hours can pose a real threat to business and the economy. To commence with, businesses that require non-stop operations, for instance, transportation, healthcare, or emergency services, can face enormous challenges in providing emergency services if working hours are severely limited. Besides, industries operating in a fiercely competitive environment, it is inevitable that some companies will go out of business, resulting in an adverse impact on the economy. By way of illustration, consider a small business trying to establish itself in a cut-throat world of business may face challenges if its founders cannot dedicate adequate time to business due to the severe working hour restrictions of employees.

To conclude, although limiting working hours promotes employees’ health, I think this is a negative development because it could adversely affect the business and the economy.


Model Answer 2:
In response to the evolving dynamics of the modern workforce, several countries have implemented laws aimed at restricting working hours for employees. This essay will explore the reasons behind the introduction of such legislation and opine that it constitutes a positive development.

The primary motivation behind the implementation of laws limiting working hours is to safeguard the well-being and health of employees. Prolonged and excessive working hours can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, increasing the risk of stress-related illnesses, burnout, and decreased productivity. By establishing legal limits on working hours, governments seek to promote a healthier work-life balance and protect workers from exploitation by employers who may demand excessive overtime without adequate compensation. In Japan, the government introduced the "Premium Friday" initiative, encouraging companies to allow employees to leave work early on the last Friday of every month. This aimed to address overwork issues, promoting better work-life balance and reducing stress-related health issues.

I believe it is a positive development as limiting working hours can have broader societal benefits, including reducing unemployment rates and stimulating economic growth. By enforcing regulations that cap working hours, governments create opportunities for more individuals to enter the labour market, thereby spreading employment opportunities across a larger segment of the population. Additionally, shorter working hours can lead to increased spending on leisure activities, contributing to the growth of industries such as tourism, entertainment, and hospitality. As employees have more free time due to shorter working hours, they may choose to spend their leisure time travelling to new destinations, dining out at restaurants, or attending concerts and events, stimulating the tourism, entertainment, and hospitality sectors.

In conclusion, the introduction of laws to limit working hours for employees is a positive development that prioritises the well-being of workers and promotes a healthier work-life balance. By ensuring that individuals have sufficient time for rest, leisure, and personal pursuits, such legislation contributes to overall societal welfare and economic prosperity.

Sample Answer 3:
There has been a drastic increase in working hours in many countries and employees have been pushed to work harder and longer without any additional incentives than their wages. Therefore, many countries have passed new laws to control and legitimate working hours. I believe that it will send a positive message to workers lifting their morale and dedication towards work, and should be considered a positive development.

There are numerous examples, all around the world, where companies are making their employees work longer than normal duty hours. This has led to severe problems including employees feeling immense pressure from their employers to meet targets and deadlines. This is one of the pivotal reasons that employees are more susceptible to illness and stress. Therefore, some legislation is required to curb that, and those new laws that restrict working hours are aimed to achieve exactly that. 

Overall, it is a positive development and those laws have already proved that they are immensely beneficial. Newly introduced rules have substantial impacts on workers' performance and health. These employees have become more responsible and productive. The quality of the work has also increased after applying these rules. In addition to this, people's health conditions have significantly improved. Now they have more time to spend with their family which helped them tremendously mitigate their stress and tensions.

To conclude, I believe that longer working hours have detrimental effects on employees' physical and psychological health and social life. New laws that limit working hours will bring several changes in their lifestyle that would lead them towards a better and more successful professional and social life.

[Written by - Fahad Sultan ]

Model Answer 4:
In response to increasing concerns about worker well-being, several countries have introduced laws to limit working hours for employees. These regulations aim to address a multitude of issues related to health, productivity, and quality of life. In my opinion, these laws are a positive development that significantly benefits both employees and society as a whole.

The primary motivation behind implementing laws to limit working hours is to safeguard employees' health and well-being. Extensive research has shown that prolonged working hours can lead to severe physical and mental health problems, such as chronic stress, burnout, cardiovascular diseases, and depression. For instance, a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that working more than 55 hours per week is associated with a higher risk of stroke and heart disease. By enforcing legal limits on working hours, governments aim to promote a healthier work-life balance, reducing the incidence of such health issues and improving overall productivity. Furthermore, these laws are designed to protect workers from exploitation. In many industries, particularly those with lower wage levels, employers may demand excessive overtime without fair compensation, leading to worker fatigue and dissatisfaction. By capping working hours, these laws ensure that employees are not overburdened and that they receive adequate rest, thereby fostering a more motivated and efficient workforce.

From an economic perspective, limiting working hours can have positive ripple effects on society. Shorter working hours can lead to increased spending on leisure activities, which stimulates sectors such as tourism, entertainment, and hospitality. Additionally, employees with more free time are likely to engage in further education or skills development, ultimately contributing to a more skilled and versatile workforce. For instance, in countries like Germany, where strict working hour regulations are in place, there is a noticeable correlation between regulated work hours and high productivity levels, as well as economic growth.

In conclusion, the introduction of laws to limit working hours is a positive development that addresses critical issues related to health, worker exploitation, and economic growth. By ensuring that employees have a balanced work-life dynamic, these laws contribute to a healthier, more motivated, and more productive society.

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Sonam Gyamtsho
This essay topic was given in IELTS on 3/6/2017, though I didn't come through before. But when I went through it, It was ok with the similar information.
Thanks for letting others know that. This is why an IELTS test takers should review some of the essays from this website before taking the exam. Essay topics often repeat.
Marina Atef
This same topic came to my IELTS exam today (3/6/2017) in Egypt.
Nirav Soni
Today in my IELTS exam I was asked to write about this topic. Thank you, IELTS Mentor. Exam date is - 03-06-2017.