GT Writing Task 1 Sample

In Writing Task 1 of the IELTS GT Test, a prompt will be given that gives you a situation that requires you to write a letter of around 150 words. For example, you may be asked to congratulate a friend who has recently been promoted in his/her job; a letter to your landlord describing a problem in the house you have rented; or a letter to your manager in your office.

You need to write a letter which can be informal (to a friend), semi-formal (to a neighbour) or formal (to a shop manager). We have produced many letter responses which are band 7.5+ level and you can practice them so that you can write any type of letter in your IELTS test. Best of luck!

Band 8/9 IELTS Letter Samples

12 Recent IELTS Letter Topics

IELTS Letter Types with model answers

Title Hits
An important document needs to be translated - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 72 38406
You eat in your college cafeteria everyday lunchtime - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 71 72023
You have arranged to visit a friend in England - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 70 48174
You have been invited to an interview for a place at a college - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 69 56449
You have a full-time job and doing a part-time evening course - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 68 100852
Letter to the hotel manager expressing your interest for job - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 67 55145
You are organising a local committee meeting - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 66 25363
Write a letter to the shop complaining - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 65 34129
You and your family are planning to spend weekend at seaside hotel - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 64 84172
You recently ordered a small item online but it was damaged - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 63 50517
Letter to offer concert ticket to a friend - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 62 54760
You are looking for a full-time job - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 61 78677
You live in an area where the local council has made changes - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 60 32997
You live in a room in college which you share with another student - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 59 172996
Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 58 78146
Write your first letter to the homestay host family - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 57 50265
A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 56 243598
You have bought a new camera but found some problems - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 55 107483
Landlord's workmen tried to fix problem but without success - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 54 34035
You recently bought equipment for kitchen but it did not work - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 53 166752