Letter Writing # 208 - You have recently gone to live in a new city

IELTS Letter Writing / GT Writing Task 1:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have recently gone to live in a new city. You want to let an English-speaking friend who lives in another country know about it.

Write a letter to your English-speaking friend. In your letter:

  • explain why you have gone to live in the new city
  • describe the place where you are living
  • invite your friend to come and see you

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ..................,


Sample Answer 1:

Dear Anna,

I hope you're doing great. I'm sorry that I've not been in touch with you lately, and honestly speaking, during the last couple of weeks, I rarely had any time for myself!  

I'm very excited to let you know that I've moved to Denver a few days ago. As you know, I was expecting a promotion, and last month our office administration promoted me to the Senior Manager position of their new branch in Denver. Therefore, I had to move to Denver which, in my opinion, is a great city to live in.

Situated in the South Platte River Valley, this modern city draws openness from the Great Plains to the east and features spectacular Rocky Mountain views to the west. I've rented a house in the northeast part of the city and it has magnificent surroundings. The house I am living in has two bedrooms, a guest room, a large kitchen and a garden. I've planted a few flower plants and can't wait to show them to you.

Please arrange some time and visit me sometime next month. I'm sure we will enjoy our time together.

Waiting to see you soon.

Warm wishes,



Model Answer 2:

Dear Siera,

Hope all is well at your end. I haven’t heard from you in a while, and I think that it's time for some exciting updates from my end. In fact, I've moved to a new city which is way better than my previous place.

The new city is not as big as the previous one, but it's not as crowded as my old city either. Besides, it's a clean city, and it has lots of greeneries around. But, the best thing about the new city is that I actually get to live in a small and inexpensive apartment, which is very close to a beautiful lake.
Anyway, the main reason, for which, I have moved to a new city is that I got bored of living in the old city. Besides, the living expenses of the old city were skyrocketing every month as with every other big city. Another reason, for which, I moved to a new city is because it is actually closer to where my parents currently live. I'm sure you would like my new place, so come and visit me sometime!

Warm wishes,


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