Graph Writing # 3 - Leisure time enjoyed by men and women
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- Last Updated: Monday, 16 May 2022 14:44
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1/ Graph Writing - Bar/Column Graph:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.
You should write at least 150 words.
Leisure time in a typical week in hours - by sex and employment status, 1998-99.
Model Answer 1:
The chart shows the duration of leisure enjoyed by men and women in a typical week in 1998-99, according to their gender and employment status.
Generally speaking, male enjoyed more leisure time than women, and employed people had less free time for pastime activities than retired and unemployed people.
Among the full-time employed people, men had about 45 hours of leisure time on an average per week compared to 38 hours for women. No data is given for the part-time employed men. Women from this category, enjoyed 40 hours of leisure time in a week. This figure is slightly more than the employed women, perhaps because of their employment nature.
Unemployed and retired people had the longest period of leisure activity both for men and women, and men had a slightly more hours to spare than women. As expected, the retired and unemployed people enjoyed about 78 to 82 hours per week which is longer than people from other employment status. Lastly, housewives enjoyed approximately 50 hours of pastime which was more than the employed women but less than the unemployed and retired women.
Sample Answer 2:
The graph compares the amount of leisure time enjoyed by people of different employment levels in a typical week in the year 1998-1999.
Generally speaking, unemployed and retired people, both men and women enjoyed more leisure time than employed people and men compared to women had more time for leisure activities.
In the given column graph, no data has been provided for the part-time employed and house-staying men. For rest of the cases, Men have more leisure time than women of the same category. The highest amount of leisure hours is enjoyed by those, who are unemployed. Unemployed men had approximately 85 hours of spare time and women from the same category had about 83 hours. The retired people also enjoyed the same amount of leisure activities as did the unemployed men and women. On the contrary, full-time employed men had a total of 40 hours leisure time compared to about 37 hours of women from the same status. Finally, women with part-time jobs had 40 hours to spend for their leisure activities and housewives had 50 hours leisure time per week.
(Approximately 181 words)
Tips for writing the answer for this Academic Writing Task 1:
1. The given bar graph compares the data for the year 1998 and 1999. So your answer should be in past tense. For instance: Full time employed men enjoyed about 44 hours of leisure time while the female of this category had approximately 38 hours of leisure time.
2. Notice that no data for the home staying husbands and part-time employed men are given in the graph. So mention that fact as well. Example: No data for the part-time employed men and house-staying men are given in the illustration....
3. Observe that men and women of retired and unemployed categories had more free times than the employed people. This is an important fact of the graph. So mention this fact in your writing.
4. Female had less leisure time than the men in the given categories. As this is an important factor of the graph, mention this and also give a hint that this might have happened because of the females’ engagement of household works, child rearing etc.
Summary of the graph:
Unemployed and retired people had more leisure time than the part-time and full-time employed men and women. Also, women enjoyed less leisure time than men as they have more involvement in household works. No data was given for the part-time job holding and house-staying male.
Model Answer 3:
The column graph outlines the number of leisure hours enjoyed by males and females in a typical week in 1998-1999, according to the gender and employment status.
In short, men enjoyed more free time for leisure compared to their female counterparts.
Now turning back to the details, men with full-time jobs had around fifty hours of leisure, whereas women had just thirty-seven hours. No figures for male paet-time workers are given, but part-time employed females had fourty hours of free time each week which is only slighty more than the women with full-time work.
Unemployed and retired males and females enjoyed more leisure time than their employed counterparts. However, in both categories, men had more leisure time to enjoy than females. Such men had eighty hours of free time per week compared to ten hours fewer leisure hours by females.
Lastly, housewives enjoyed approximately fifty-four hours of leisure in a week during the given period and no data for househusbands was given.
Question: The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.
Graph Answer 4:
The given graph gives information on the number of leisure hours enjoyed by male and female with different employment status in an average week of the year 1998 and 1999. As is observed from the graph, the male had more free times than the female and employed people enjoyed less free hours than the unemployed or retired persons on an average.
In summary, the graph depicts that the male had more leisure time to enjoy than the female possibly because of the females involvement in household works and people without jobs had almost double leisure times than the employed population.
The line graph compares the amount of leisure time enjoyed by people with different employment statuses and also compares the leisure hours between men and women. In a typical week of 1998 - 1999, full-time employed men had more than 40 hours of leisure time compared to the 38 hours leisure time of women. Females with part-time jobs had 40 hours of free time which is 2 hours more than the full time employed woman which is natural considering the job natures. No data for part-time employed and house staying men were given in the illustration. On the other hand, unemployed and retired males had more than 80 hours of leisure time in a week while females of these 2 categories had around 78 hours of free time in a week. The amount of leisure time enjoyed by housewives was 50 hours which is less than the unemployed and retired females but higher that employed females.
(Approximately 257 words)
Sample Answer 5:
The bar chart compares the leisure hours enjoyed by male and female based on the employment status during the year 1998 to 1999.
Overall, the bar chart shows the number of leisure hours spent during retirement and unemployment is high when compared to employment period. In addition, males enjoy more leisure hours per week when compared to females.
It is clearly evident from the graph that female in all respective of employment status enjoys time killing when compared to male. Men and women, who are unemployed and retired, spent more leisure hours when compared to employed people. Unemployed males (85 hours per week) and females (78 hours per week) only show a slight difference in hours spent for leisure time. Similarly, retired employees (male75 hours per week, female 82 hours per week) spent almost same leisure hour irrespective of gender.
In contrast, the number of leisure hour spent by employed males is 42 hour weekly and by female employees, this was around 40 hours per week. Housewives spent almost 10 hours more than employed females (50 hours per week).
(Approximately 174 words)
[written by - Rija Varghese ]
Model Answer 6:
The given bar graph depicts the hours of leisure time enjoyed by men and women in a typical week in different employment sectors in the year 1998-99. The first point to note is that, only mild variations between both sexes of free time enjoyment in the given year.
It is clear from the graph that, unemployed and retired people are spent more time for enjoyment and males are dominant than females irrespective of employment status.
Interestingly, almost equal hours are spent for relaxation by both men and women in unemployed and retired sections. It occupied around 85 and 75 hours by men and women respectively. Whereas, only around half of this figure engaged with free time in employment section with 42 and 38 hours by men and women respectively. Part-time employed women and housewives are engaged 40 and 50 hours respectively in leisure time activities and the figure for these sectors for men is not mentioned in the graph.
(Approximately 162 words)
[written by - Jayesh Joseph ]
Model Answer 7:
The bar graph illustrates the amount of time that was spent on leisure activities per week by male and female from various employment statuses between 1998 to 1999 period. It is clear that that unemployed and retired man and women had the highest leisure time among the other groups.
Total time spent on leisure activities by the unemployed and retired male and female groups were the highest among the other groups. Times spent by the unemployed and retired men were approximately 85 and 84 hours per week, while the women's were the same at around 79 hours. As for the full time employed male and female, their weekly figures were accounted at an average of 45 and 38 hours respectively.
It is noticed that in the part-time employed group, the amount of leisure time for the men was zero, while the women spent around 40 hours per week. And lastly, the number of leisure time that was spent by housewives on a weekly basis was accounted at approximately 50 hours.
(Approximately 169 words)
[written by - Darwin Lesmana ]
Model Answer 8:
The provided graph presents data on the amount of spare time both Males and Females from different employment status had enjoyed. The data available represents samples from the year 1998- 1999 and number of hours each gender spent on leisure.
In short, unemployed and retired categories of both genders enjoyed more leisure hours. However, in all the categories, males enjoyed more free hours than females did. No data was given for leisure time enjoyed by men who stayed home and men who worked part-time.
Firstly, it is seen that both genders from ‘Unemployed’ and ‘Retired’ status enjoyed more leisure time (75-85 hours) than all other employment nature. This is perhaps due to the ample time they had to spend on leisure instead of work hours.
Secondly, it is observed that data for men employed part-time and men who stayed at home is not provided in the chart. Also, part-time employed females enjoyed fewer leisure hours (40 hours) than housewives (50hours) but slightly more than females with full-time jobs (35-39 hours).
(Approximately 170 words)
[Written by - Menu Anju ]
Model Answer 9:
The bar chart compares the duration of time that men and women with different occupation statuses dedicated to leisure activities in a usual week based on an average between 1998 and 1999. A glance at the graph reveals that unemployed and retired people had more spare time to enjoy than that of others.
It is clear that unemployed and retired people enjoyed far more free time for their recreational activities than others. In addition, an important fact to mention is that men had more available time to enjoy than women did.
The total time spent for leisure activities by jobless and retired men were very similar, 84 and 83 hours per week respectively, while women spent about 78 hours per week on both statuses. Full time employed men had about 44 hours free time weekly and women in this category had approximately 38 hours per week. Women who had a part-time job enjoyed 40 hours per week spending on pleasure pursuits. Housewives had 10 hours more, totalizing 50 hours a week for their recreational activities. No information regarding part-time employed and home staying men was given.
[written by - Bianca]
Model Answer 10:
The bar graph illustrates the duration of free time enjoyed by male and female with various professional status in a typical week in 1998-99. At the first glance, it is clear that jobless and pensioner people had a longer idle time to enjoy and men enjoyed more leisure hours than women.
It is crystal clear that the highest spare hours were available to those who didn’t work or who retired from their jobs. It is worth noticing that, men regardless of employment scenario, had more hours to kill than that of females.
As it is presented in the diagram, full-time employed people had fewer leisure hours than people with other professional states. Male who worked from 9 to 5, had approximately 43 hours of free time per week whereas, females had roughly 38 hours spare time to relish. No data was given for the part-time employed men, meanwhile, women with this working status had exactly 40 hours to appreciate during the week. On top of that, housewives had 10 more free hours than the part-time employed females in a week.
[Written by - Ali Maraghi]
Overall, men who were employed, unemployed or retired had more leisure time to enjoy when compared to women of the same employment status.
As the data suggests, employed women enjoyed around 35 hours of leisure activities in that particular week while the employed men had 45 hours of free time. No data on men's leisure hours working in a part-time job is given, but women from this category spent 40 hours of spare time in a week. Homemakers achieved 50 hours of leisure weekly which was higher than the employed women. No evidence of the househusbands' leisure time was pointed out. When we compare, retired and unemployed women spent their leisure time around 78 hours which represented the highest among women. Men, in these two categories, spent 80 and 82 hours of free time respectively in a week.
It is conspicuous from the graph that women spend the least time-off in general. Full-time employed women get the minimum hours of free time to enjoy.
Among full-time employed people, men spend 45 hours of leisure in a week whereas women spend around 37 hours of leisure. There is no data given for per-time employed males. Housewives and females with part-time jobs get 50 hours and 40 hours of spare time in a week respectively.
The unemployed and retired population enjoy the highest hour of leisure. There is an interesting coincidence in the information given for these two groups. In both categories of employment status, females spend 75 hours and males spend 80 hours of leisure time. Therefore, the amount of spare time enjoyed by people from the unemployed and retired category is the same.
No data about the leisure hours for men who had part-time jobs or who stayed at home was given. Generally, men spent more time in leisure than women. Moreover, the unemployed and the retirees spent more time in leisure activities compared to the other employment categories.
Unemployed and retired men spent approximately 85 hours and 82 hours per week, respectively, in leisure activities whilst women in the same categories spent an average of 79 hours per week as leisure time. In contrast, employed individuals spent comparatively less time for leisure. Men spent around 45 hours, and employed women spent 38 hours on average per week.
Part-time employed women spent around 40 hours per week for leisure. No data has been provided on the number of hours partly employed men spent in leisure.
Overall, it is evident that people who are unemployed as well as retired spend more leisure time than employed people.
Firstly, males who are employed full-time had around 45 hours of weekly free time which is significantly high. Consequently, men who have part-time jobs don’t spend any leisure hour. Talking about women, there is a marginal difference between full-time and part-time workers' leisure time, which is just above 35 and 40 hours respectively.
Secondly, unemployed and retired men spend almost the same hours on leisure activities, which is just over 80 hours and also is the highest amongst all. Furthermore, females who do not have a job or are retired spend exactly the same amount of leisure time i.e. 78 hours. Finally, women who are housewives get 50 hours of their week as leisure time.
For full-time workers, males on average enjoyed 45 hours of leisure time per week while regarding females, it was around 10 hours less. For part-time employed women, they used precisely 40 hours a week for themselves. Meanwhile, no data is provided for their male counterparts.
For the people that were either unemployed or retired, the leisure time was slightly under 80 hours for women and 83-85 hours for men. Housewives were also mentioned in the bar chart, and they would usually have 50 hours a week.
To recapitulate, from 1998 to 1999, a person could use between 37 and 85 hours a week to rest. And as obvious, working people had less free time than those at home.
It can be clearly observed that the full-time employed male spent six-hour more on fun activities than the females did in a week during the given period. Meanwhile, the women with part-time jobs spent 40 hours on leisure activities which were also slightly higher than the free time enjoyed per week by full-time employed women. No data for part-time employed males and housewives were given. It is worth noticing that housewives spent 50 hours of their weekly time on extracurricular events which were nearly half of the time spent by the unemployed and retired groups. The jobless and retired individuals used most of their time on leisure activities with the men spending about 85 and 83 hours respectively on fun activities, while the women spent 78 hours on the same activities.
At the first glance, it can be seen that the jobless and retired group spend more time on extracurricular activities.
It can be clearly observed that the full time employed male spent more time on fun activities than the females with about 6 hours difference, while the women with part-time jobs spent 40 hours on leisure activities, however, this is also slightly higher than the full time employed women. It can be observed that there is no male counterpart for the part-time job and housewives categories. Housewives spent 50 hours of their time on extracurricular events which are nearly half of the time spent by the unemployed and retired groups. The jobless and retired individuals used most of their time on leisure activities with the men spending about 85 and 83 hours respectively on fun activities, while the women spent the same hours (78 hours) on the same activities.
A glance at the graph reveals that the free hours in a week spent by males regardless of their working status was much higher than that of females.
As is presented in the graph, the proportion of spare time enjoyed by females undistinguished in both unemployed and retired job status. On the other hand, unoccupied men enjoyed by their free time slightly more than retired men. It is interesting to note that retired housewives’ spare time is somewhat higher in comparison to employed women. There is an insignificant difference between spare time enjoyed by female employed regardless of position in full or part-time jobs. It is conspicuous jobless men enjoyed their leisure time half of their days however this amount roughly 1 or 2 hours more than their women counterpart.
Generally speaking, it is obvious that according to gender and employment status, unemployed and retired males and females had more free time compared to employed males and females, housewives, and part-time employed females.
According to the graph, full time employed males and females had 45 hours and 38 hours of leisure hours respectively. Females with part-time jobs had precisely 40 hours of leisure time and no data is given for males from this category. On the other hand, housewives had 50 hours of leisure time after spending their time on household chores and taking care of children. Unemployed males and females have significant hours of leisure time which is 85 and 78 hours respectively very similar to retired males and females who had 83 and 78 hours respectively. In brief, people without jobs and housewives had the luxury to spend more time compared to those with jobs.
Generally speaking, males enjoyed more leisure hours compared to females regardless of their employment status. Moreover, unemployed or retired people had more time to spare for leisure activities during the given period.
From the chart, it can be seen that the hours spent on leisure for people who are unemployed and retired was on par with each other as they spent about 85 hours in a week. Both categories - unemployed and retired - had the highest duration of leisure time compared to the people with other employment statuses. Surprisingly, males, who held a full-time job had more leisure time per week (45 hours) in comparison to those who were working part-time. It can also be seen that housewives had 50 hours of leisure time in a week, 10 hours more than employed women who worked part-time.
According to the graph, leisure time was most enjoyed by unemployed and retired in both sexes while least enjoyed by both full time and part-time workers.
As is observed from the graph, leisure time spent by unemployed and retired category was approximately more than 80 hours for male and around 78 hours for female. Whereas, the least spare time enjoyed was around 45 and 35 hours by the full-time male and female employees respectively. No data is given for the males who were part-time workers and were staying at home.
Finally, the spare time spent by the part-time female workers and housewives were 40 and 50 hours respectively.
So, the highest leisure time was spent by both genders who were unemployed and retired while the least was spent by those who were part-time and full-time employees.