Graph Writing # 69 - Different methods of waste disposal in four cities

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1/ Graph Writing - Column Graph:

» You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart shows different methods of waste disposal in four cities: Toronto, Madrid, Kuala Lumpur and Amman.

Summarize the information by describing the main features of the chart and making comparisons where appropriate.

» Write at least 150 words.

                 Waste disposal in four cities.

waste disposal: Toronto, Madrid, Kuala Lumpur and Amman

Sample Answer:
The given bar graph shows data on the four different waste disposal methods used in Toronto, Madrid, Kuala Lumpur and Amman. As is presented in the data, Landfill and Incineration are two most common way of waste disposal in these four cities.

According to the bar graph, Toronto disposes of more than 70% of its waste by Landfilling while Amman usages this method to dispose of almost half of its waste. In Madrid and Kuala Lumpur, this method is used to dispose consecutively of 29% and 18% of their wastages. Incineration is another popular method of waste disposal and Kuala Lumpur uses this method to dispose of more than half of its wastages. This method is used to dispose of 38% and 40% of waste respective in Amman and Madrid. Again, Recycling of wastages is used to dispose of about 23% garbage in Kuala Lumpur and Madrid. This method is used only to dispose of less than 10% of total wastages in Toronto and Amman. The least used method of waste disposal is Compositing and this method is used to dispose of about 2-8% of total wastages in these four cities.

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