Discussion Topic - Art

Discussion Topic - Art

Part 1: Introduction & Interview

Q. 1. Did you enjoy doing art lessons when you were a child? [Why?/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, I did enjoy doing art lessons when I was a child because, luckily, my art instructor allowed us to draw anything of our choice in whichever way I would have preferred. Besides, I enjoyed the art lessons a lot also because we used to get “prizes” for our artworks from time to time. I was not a genius artist but I felt a great joy whenever I could finish some arts and that gave me a sense of fulfilment.

Q. 2. Do you ever draw or paint pictures now? [Why?/Why not?]
Answer: I don’t really draw or paint any pictures these days mainly because I remain busy or pre-occupied with other important things except for a very rare moment when I feel like I have an idea to draw something and paint a picture and sometimes I can't even finish them. Besides, one has to have an artistic mind to be able to draw something nice which I don’t have now because I don’t practice drawing anymore.

Q. 3. When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition? [Why?]
Answer: I don’t really visit an art gallery or exhibition that often, but I had to visit one art gallery about a couple of months ago because one of my cousin, who is an art lover, visited me then, and he actually kind of “forced” me to go with him in order to visit that place. Of course, after going there, I couldn’t complain because I could see some great artworks there.

Q. 4. What kind of pictures do you like having in your home? [Why?]
Answer: I like having any kind of picture in my home (unless they are of any kind of violent animals) such as pictures of flower garden, pictures of forests and trees and picture of little children because these pictures allow me to appreciate the beauty of life and nature around us and thus fill my mind with happiness. Besides, I have some world-renowned paintings at our house including the "Lady with an Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci and "Café Terrace at Night" by Vincent van Gogh.


Part 3: Details Discussion

Q. 1. How can children benefit from learning art at school?
Answer: Art is like food for the soul, and that’s why children can benefit a lot from learning at school. To start with, through learning art children can draw their “creativities” out in the light by painting some interesting art pieces or by acting in a certain way in drama class. Learning art may also increase patience and determination in children because it takes a long time and efforts to learn and understand this subject. Finally, it also promotes teamwork and problem-solving skills as the children learn to collaborate and compete with each other in order to do well in art classes.

Q. 2. How has art changed in the last few decades in your country?
Answer: I am no art expert, but as far as I can understand, art has certainly changed in the last few decades in my country. For example, before a few decades, any artwork, be it a drama performance, film, or painting work, used to be “original” and “thought-provoking”. But these days, most artworks are void of any particular “message” or sometimes bear complex meanings which could possibly reflect our society and lifestyle in general. Besides, before a few decades ago, artists were reluctant to stay close to “power and establishment”, but these days, their artworks act as some kind of “mouthpiece” of the “establishment” most of the times. Finally, in the past, artworks mostly reflected our own culture and tradition but they are more "universal" in these days.

Q. 3. Do you think the government should provide support for art and cultural activities? Why/ Why not?
Answer: No, I don’t think that the government should provide support for art and cultural activities mainly because this kind of practice would undermine their “objectivities” and their “noble purposes” which are necessary to promote new ideas and creativities among us. After all, governments always try to control “free-thinking”. Besides, government control over art and culture would almost inevitably divide the art and cultural communities which certainly wouldn’t augur well for it in the long run.

Q. 4. Are older people in your country more interested in art than younger people? Why/ Why not?
Answer: No, I don’t think that older people in my country are any more or any less interested in art than younger people because it all depends on the personal taste and preferences of individual people rather than the age of a particular group of people. Besides, there is no concrete data or scientific evidence to suggest so. Finally, older people in my country are more on the “conservative” side, and they are less financially well off.  Therefore, if anything, their urge to enjoying art or enjoying life should be lesser than the young people, in my opinion.

Q. 5. Do you think creative artists should be allowed to express their thought freely? Why/Why not?
Answer: Yes, I do think that creative artists should be allowed to express their thoughts freely because this practice would generate new ideas and new energy to bring positive changes in our society. Besides, free expression of thoughts almost always encourage others to come up with their new ideas, of which, they were not too sure previously. Finally, “freedom of expression” is a fundamental “human right” of everybody whether he is a creative artist or a minimum-wage paid factory worker.

Q. 6. Do you think that arts are an important part of our tradition and culture?
Answer: Yes, I do think that arts are an important part of our tradition and culture primarily because we, as humans, are always eager to express ourselves in order to become a part of a “knowledgeable and informed world community”, and there is just no better avenue to do so than using “arts”.  In a sense, our “arts” (our collective behaviour, actions and surroundings) are the true reflection of our tradition and culture, and if we want to have a lasting tradition and culture, we would need to have perfect “arts”.

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