Discussion Topic - Health

Discussion Topic - Health.

Part 1- Introduction & Interview:

Q. 1. Is it important to you to eat healthy food? [Why/why not?]
Answer: Yes, I think it is absolutely important to eat healthy because it is said that “health is wealth” and “you are what you eat”. Eating healthy keeps us physically fit in order to care of everything in our daily life. Besides, eating healthy helps us remain free from different kind of illnesses.

Q. 2. If you catch a cold, what do you do to feel better? [Why?]
Answer: If I catch a cold, I try to take lemon juice in hot tea, mixed with honey, as often as possible because lemon juice helps keep our immune system strong. Besides, I also take enough rest when I catch a cold because resting helps recover and regain our bodily strength.

Q. 3. Do you pay attention to the public information about health? [Why/why not?]
Answer: Yes, I do pay attention to the public health information because they do contain some important health tips from time to time which helps us keep free from diseases. Besides, I pay attention to them because I don’t really like to visit doctors and pay a hefty amount of fee for some simple reasons.

Q. 4. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?
Answer: Remaining healthy is the best gift one can have. Anyway, I certainly could take enough sleep, walk about an hour every day and cut the consumption of fatty food every day in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I could also try to remain stress-free because stress can really harm our health.

Part 3 - Details Discussion: 

Q. 1. What types of activities do you think help people stay healthy?
Answer: Staying healthy is important for all of us, and in order to do so, we all undertake different kinds of activities, depending on our needs and abilities. For example, some people may just choose to do some mild exercises after waking up in the morning while others may choose to run or walk for an hour or so to burn extra fats on their bodies. Then, of course, there is another group of people who always like to visit a gym, ride a bicycle or practice swimming on a regular basis in order to remain healthy and fit. Moreover, activities that make us happy and keeps us jubilant are good for our mental and physical health.

Q. 2. What is the difference between physical health and mental health?
Answer: The line that separates physical health from mental health is rather thin and blurry. In fact, both physical and mental health are related to each other to a great extent. But, for the sake of an academic discussion, physical health can be defined as those aspects which are generally visible and felt on the human bodies. For example, a broken hand or a leg injury. On the other hand, mental health can be defined as those aspects of human health which are generally related to the ups and downs of human mood.

Q. 3. What could the government do to improve public health?
Answer: In modern society, the government is the most powerful and ultimate authority, and therefore, is able to do a lot of things to improve public health. To start with, governments can impose a ban on public smoking in order to discourage common people from smoking in public areas. Governments can also put strict regulations in place to force the soft drinks manufacturing companies to put less amount of sugar in their drinks in order to put a check on obesity. Similarly, governments can also take steps to stop the spread of infectious disease and environmental hazards. Governments can also increase the number of parks and sports centres in residential areas, offer subsidiary to bicycle users and run adverts and awareness campaigns to inform people about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Q. 4. Do you think governments should invest more in the health sector to ensure proper treatment and healthcare service for all?
Answer: Yes, I very strongly believe that the governments around the world should invest more in the health sector in order to ensure proper treatment and better healthcare services for all of their citizens.  After all, having access to better healthcare service is a fundamental right of all citizens since, and without it, the citizens of a country won’t be able to perform to their fullest in order to build their nation. However, governments mustn’t just stop at investing but also should also follow-up and monitor to make sure that the investment is yielding the best dividends.

Q. 5. What can schools do to teach young children about healthy lifestyle?
Answer: Schools can do many things to teach young children about a healthy lifestyle. To begin with, schools can encourage good nutritional habits among children by developing a comprehensive school meal policy. Then, the schools can also take necessary steps to involve the young children and their parents in guiding food policy and practice within the schools and teach them about the benefits of healthy eating. Finally, schools can also encourage young children to take part in different physical activities, suitable for young children, so that they can remain healthy. They can also teach young students about contagious diseases and what they can do to prevent such diseases.

Q. 6. What can schools do to teach young children about healthy lifestyle?
Answer: Regular physical exercise is extremely important for a healthy life as it can improve our muscle strength and boost our endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps our cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And, needless to say, when our heart and lung health improve, we generally have more energy to take care of our jobs and tackle our daily chores. Finally, regular exercise can also be fun and social since it can allow us to enjoy the outdoors as well as connect with our families and friends in a fun social setting which is important for our mental health as well.

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