IELTS Listening Sample 3


You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work.

All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 Sections. At the end of the test you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answersheet.

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 3

Section One - Questions 1-10
Complete the notes. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

IELTS Listening Sample 3 image 1

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Questions 11-20
Complete the notes below. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.IELTS Listening Sample 3 image 3

There are many kinds of bicycles available:
• racing
• touring
• (11) ..............................................
• ordinary

They vary in price and (12) .................................................

Prices range from $50.00 to (13) ..........................................

Single speed cycles are suitable for (14) .................................

Three speed cycles are suitable for (15) ..................................

Five and ten speed cycles are suitable for longer distances, hills and (16) ..............................................

Ten speed bikes are better because they are (17) ............................ in price but (18) .......................................

Buying a cycle is like (19) ..................................

The size of the bicycle is determined by the size of the (20) ..............................................


Section Three - Questions 21-32

Questions 21-24
Circle the correct answer.

21. At first, Fiona thinks that Martin’s tutorial topic is
      A. inappropriate
      B. dull
      C. interesting
      D. fascinating

22. According to Martin, the banana
      A. has only recently been cultivated
      B. is economical to grow
      C. is good for your health
      D. is his favourite food

23. Fiona listens to Martin because she
      A. wants to know more about bananas
      B. has nothing else to do today
      C. is interested in the economy of Australia
      D. wants to help Martin

24. According to Martin, bananas were introduced into Australia from
      A. India
      B. England
      C. China
      D. AfricaIELTS Listening Sample 3 image 4

Questions 25-30
Complete Martin’s notes Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Commercially grown banana plant:

Each banana tree produces (25) ........................... of bananas.
On modern plantations in tropical conditions, a tree can bear fruit after (26) .................................

Banana trees prefer to grow (27) ............................... and they require rich soil and (28) ............................... The fruit is often protected by (29) ........................................

Ripe bananas emit a gas which helps other (30) .................................


Questions 31 and 32
Circle the TWO correct boxes.

IELTS Listening Sample 3 image 5


Section Four - Questions 33-41

Questions 33-35
Circle the correct answer

According to the first speaker:

33. The focus of the lecture series is on
A. organising work and study           C. coping with homesickness
B. maintaining a healthy lifestyle       D. settling in at university

34. The lecture will be given by
A. the president of the Union         C. a sports celebrity
B. the campus doctor                    D. a health expert

According to the second speaker:

35. This week’s lecture is on
A. campus food           C. sensible eating
B. dieting                    D. saving money

Questions 36-39
Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

A balanced diet
A balanced diet will give you enough vitamins for normal daily living.
Vitamins in food can be lost through (36) ................................................

Types of vitamins:
(a) Fat soluble vitamins are stored by the body.
(b) Water soluble vitamins - not stored, so you need a (37) ..............................................

Getting enough vitamins
Eat (38) ........................................................ of foods.
Buy plenty of vegetables and store them in (39) ..............................................

Questions 40-41
Complete the diagram by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the boxes provided.

IELTS Listening Sample 3 image 6

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 3

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.84 (58 Votes)

Why do none of the videos work?
Opoola Adesina
Can't believe these are real questions to test English. Some answers do not make any sense e.g -
take #4 answer: why is a busy lecturer an answer? it is a root cause, the problem was not enough contact with lecturers. It is so absurd that I have to assume test developers' special logic.


take #2 answer: why "food was awful" is not a correct answer? Why should I assume paraphrasing when 3 words are allowed and the answer is not a part of the text structure.

That's what I have against IELTS in general not against this practice specifically.

Mayank Ghelani
Monica Roberts
This practice is horrible by itself, The tenses are wrong in the answers, and literally, every answer includes a few words from the question.
Audio Link :-
Helpful person
AUDIO is here:
Thanks a lot.
Dear, how can I listen to the audio? I can't find the source :-(
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30/41= 7.0
Listen again carefully TIM, Martin says it was boring for FIONA so the answer would be 'dull' which is similar as boring. :)
Sahil Sharma
He talks about geographical locations, where bananas (Australian) are being consumed the most.
Actually, she was ironic when she said fascinating, As much that Mike says next "Well, it's not as boring as you'd think"
No, it isn't. IELTS examiners want you to know to understand and to recognise something that is being said in different manners. That part of the conversation, from her tone, you should understand that she is being sarcastic, as you probably would recognise it in your mother language.
I have got 25/41. What is my score?
Rudra Basnet
Manreet Kaur
Got 34. Really helping in practising...
Bello Babatunde
I got 30 out of 41. Could you please tell me my band score? Thanks!
27 / 41.
Jose Antonio
Hello, could someone help me with the questions 31 and 32? I do not really understand what they say about in these two questions?
Maria Kristina Cañada
Hello, my answer to question 19 is "clothes" only instead of "buying clothes". In no. 40, my answer is only "moderation" instead of "eat in moderation". In no. 41, I answered "eat lots of" instead of "eat lots". Will they be considered correct? Thanks.
Abdelbaset Ali
Thanks but difficult!
Sushma Vikas
Hi, firstly I would like to thank the website for providing the samples question. In this test got 35/41. Thanks - Sushma.
A bunch of banana instead of one bunch. Is it acceptable?Thanks.
Please advise me how to improve my score.
Yeah, I too marked the same answer! :cry: :cry: :cry:
27/40 too bad but a bit confusing audio.
What about the answer: "difficulty contacting lecturers"? 3 words :).
Emad Ebshish
This is a difficult one. I have got 33.
Yours is 7.5; I got 35 correct.
Got 35 correct answers.
They asked her first thought. So, she was thinking that Martin's topic was interesting because she did not know what his topic was.
I have doubts on the answers from questions 21 to 24. Can you please review?
Van Anh
I have got 35/41. Is that good enough !?!?
Hi, but to which Martin replied it's not as boring as you think. So, she was thinking it's boring. She said fascinating sarcastically.
If we believe that she was saying in a sarcastic way, there is an option of fascinating, which is the most probable answer.
I got 29/40. Is it better?
Because she was being sarcastic. You can hear Martin said 'Well, it's not as boring as you'd think.'
Tim said :
Hi everybody, for question 21, Fion said that the topic is "fascinating". So why the answer is (B=Dull)? It should be (D). Isn't it?
I agree with you.

Hi everybody, for question 21, Fion said that the topic is "fascinating". So why the answer is (B=Dull)? It should be (D). Isn't it?
Pham Duc Long
What about band score 6 and 6.5?
I got 2 wrong answers. Answer 4 seems incorrect to me. The "Difficulties/y experienced on the course" is "Contact with lecturers" and not "lecturers (too) busy". The latter is the root cause of the former. Let me know what you think about this!
Student IELTS
Do I get points for writing 'food not good' instead of 'awful food'?
29 correct answers. What would be my score?
On number 41, I wrote "lots of eat" and on number 28, I also wrote "plenty water" are they correct or not??
Ravinder Singh
I wrote 'fridge' instead of 'the fridge' in question 39 and 'eat lots of' instead of 'eat lots'. Are these answers right or not?