Cue Cards Samples with band 8 answers
IELTS Cue Card Sample 92 - Describe the environmental pollution in your city
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- Last Updated: Thursday, 20 February 2020 11:51
- Written by IELTS Mentor
- Hits: 228881
IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.
Describe the environmental pollution in your city.
You should say:
- what type of pollution it is
- why it happened
- what are the effects of this pollution
and explain how can this pollution be controlled.
Model Answer 1:
Environmental pollution is a serious modern-day problem for any county and its cities all over the world, and the situation is only getting worse for the most part. Anyway, today, I would like to talk about the same pollution problem which my city is also facing increasingly.
Not too long ago, my city used to be considered as one of the safest cities in my country as far as environmental pollution is concerned. In fact, many people from around my whole country settled down in my city in the past because of its greenery, clean air and clean water. But, today, the situation has dramatically changed because its air is not completely safe to inhale because there are just too many vehicles on the roads and streets today that emit carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide. And, we all know how these ingredients pollute our atmosphere and air.
As far as the surface water of my city is concerned, it is also contaminated because of too much industrial and toxic waste. Another type of indirect environmental pollution, which is affecting my city, is that its lands and trees are being used (some would say “destroyed”) indiscriminately in order to make rooms for residential and industrial buildings. And, as this happens, it takes away the oxygen supplies of my city. Anyway, as this environmental pollution takes place, people in my city are increasingly suffering from lung diseases and other kinds of respiratory problems, especially, during the cold weather. Besides, the city also has to spend extra money in order to purify its drinking water, which is putting extra pressure on its budget.
This pollution can be controlled by first limiting the number of private vehicles on the roads to reduce carbon emission in the atmosphere. The city should also put in place a more efficient filtering system in order to stop the industrial toxic waste from entering the source of water supply. Finally, the city should adopt a scheme of planting more trees in and around the city in order to cleanse its polluted air.
Sample Answer 2:
I live in (..say the name of your city..) and this city has got some several issues related to environmental pollution. The major environmental pollutions that this city has are water pollution, air pollution and sound pollution.
The main reason for these pollutions is overpopulation and rapid and unplanned industrialisation of this city. The city has more than (…say the current population level of this city...) whereas the number should have been far less than that. It is evitable that a large number of populations in a small city always cause environmental pollution as they use more cars, consume more energy and natural resources and create more wastages and noises.
The reason for water pollution is the uncontrolled number of industries, factories and other constructions that have been grown up beside the rivers. These factories and industries produce a large number of chemical and other wastages which directly affects the water. Inappropriate and uncontrolled construction is another reason for water pollution in our city. The effect of water pollution is severe, the water supply would be affected and the supply of safe and clean water would be threatened. A large number of people rely on the water of the rivers and they would be directly affected. Lots of people would get sick due to water pollution and those diseases can become epidemics if not controlled and that results in an immense loss of innocent lives.
Air pollution is also very concerning in this city and the chemical smoke, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emitted from automobiles and industries are the main reason for air pollution. This city has more than millions of automobiles and thousands of industries which are omitting the dangerous gases, and ingredients which are causing the air pollutions. Air pollution is the direct reason people suffer from various dangerous diseases including lung cancer, asthma, heart disease etc. In fact, the number of people currently suffering from these diseases is alarming and if proper steps are not taken to prevent air pollution immediately, this number would rapidly increase.
Sound pollution is produced by the loud horns used by the cars, loud sound used for announcement and cacophony created due to loud sound. Aeroplanes that fly over the resident area created a very loud noise as well. Air pollution is a silent killer that causes lots of serious diseases including hearing and brain cancer. The air pollution directly affects the natural balance by affecting the wild lives.
The most important thing to reduce pollution in our city is to create public awareness. We are mostly creating that pollution and endangering ourselves, the Earth and other species. Without our awareness and strict determination to prevent our city from pollution, we can’t reduce or prevent it. Strict laws should be introduced and be applied against any environmental pollution and all the illegitimate industries and companies should be banned. The decentralisation of industries and offices can be effective as it would reduce the number of people currently living in this city.
Job opportunities and other facilities should be improved in rural areas so that people can manage works in their own cities and villages other than coming to this city. Education and morality are two important aspects that help people understand the necessity of keeping the city clean and healthy.
Part 3 – Two-way discussion:
Q. Is water pollution a problem in your country?
Q. What are some of the causes of water pollution?
Q. What can individuals do to try and ensure water is kept clean?
Q. Do you think problems with the cleanliness of water will improve in the future?
Q. What can an individual do to reduce the pollution in your city?
Q. How pollution can affect the biodiversity of our environment?
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1. Describe a problem that you face your city.
2. Describe pollution that causes a great problem in your city.
3. Describe a city you know that has air pollution.
4. Describe something you would like to change in your city.
5. Describe a law you would like to introduce in your community.
6. Describe something irritating in your community.
7. Describe a change that has happened to the place you live in.