Cue Cards Samples with band 8 answers
IELTS Cue Card Sample 519 - Describe something you have that you no longer use
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- Last Updated: Monday, 16 September 2019 14:35
- Written by IELTS Mentor
- Hits: 53230
IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.
Describe something you have that you no longer use.
You should say:
- what it is
- how long you have it
- how you used it in the past
and explain why you no longer use it.
[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:
If life has taught us anything, we should all be comfortable with the fact that everything in life is pretty much expendable at some point whether we like it or not. Today, I would like to talk about one such “expendable” item which I held so dear to my heart once but sadly don’t use it anymore. It’s my camera.
If I remember it correctly, I bought my popular brand and expensive camera about 10 years ago, when I had just finished my high school or was about to just start my university life, with the money which my late grandfather gave me as some “gift” (so, it has been more than 10 years already but feels like I bought that camera just last month. Time does fly very fast, I guess).
Anyway, after buying that camera, it literally became my “best buddy” as I carried the camera wherever I went. I took it to my university to capture the pictures of my friends whether we were just hanging out or having some picnic. I also carried it to the birthdays and wedding ceremonies of my friends and relatives. Sometimes, I also took the camera to capture the beautiful images of nature, blue sky, trees, lakes and birds and any other things that celebrated life and happiness. There are just so many memories with me and my camera that it will be really difficult to put them in these limited words.
Anyway, I don’t really use that camera anymore primarily because my lifestyles have changed over the years and so have the priorities in my life. Besides, I have to stay really busy with my jobs, and so there is very little or no time to play with the camera like in the past. On top of that, as I have grown older, I don’t exactly seem to enjoy the same things today as in the past. Finally, taking pictures these days doesn’t really have to be done by a camera as a smartphone can do the same rather easily.
Sample Answer 2:
This is indeed an interesting topic and I still have some such items that I no longer use. The bicycle that I was given on my 12th birthday is one such item that I do not use anymore. In my early teenage, I used to use it almost every time I went somewhere.
This bicycle was one of the greatest gifts in my life. My father bought it for me on my 12th birthday. It's been more than a decade and I still have it. Back in our days, riding a bicycle was very popular. Most of my friends owned a bicycle. It was quite a common mode of transportation type at that time and even adults used it more than they do today. Every time I went outside, I took my bicycle. I often raced with my friends and went far away with my friends after I owned a bicycle. I rode the bicycle until I turned 17 years old when I bought a motorbike.
Since I am the youngest brother among our siblings, no one used it after I replaces it with a motorbike. Honestly speaking, riding a bicycle was a hundred times safer than riding a motorbike. I was very cautious about riding the bicycle except while racing! I cannot recall any major accident during the days when I used to ride the bicycle. On the contrary, I had been involved in a few dangerous accidents while I rode the motorbike. As I was not fully grown-up at the time I rode the bicycle, I had some restrictions imposed by my elder brother and parents. Those days were quite different and owning a bicycle was a distinctive experience for me. There were times I really did not need to go outside but I made excuses to go out and ride my bicycle. This was not true when I became an adult and owned my own motorbike.
Why I no longer use the bicycle? Well- this is most probably because I am no longer a teenager! When I turned 17, I bought a motorbike and after 2 years, my family bought a car. The motorbike and car have somehow replaced the need for this bicycle. The shape and design of the bicycle were suitable for a teenager and not quite so for an adult. My childhood and adult days were quite enchanting and riding a bicycle was like being in a fairyland. On the other hand, these days, it is no longer an ideal vehicle in terms of speed. I mostly need to travel far away and a bicycle would not be able to provide the speed I need. However, a bicycle is eco-friendly transportation and I still miss those days when I felt like the King of the street with my beautiful bicycle.
Sample Answer 3:
Walking is a good form of exercise and everyone can take part in it. To form the habit, I bought a treadmill for my home use. But I no longer use it now.
I am a bit healthier than average people. It is a genetic problem in my family. My mom is also healthier than me, in fact, she weighs around 110 KGs and I am 85. So, both of us use went to a doctor and nutritionist. After the doctor’s prescription, mom and I started walking regularly. But this is a bit difficult to walk the busy streets and there are no specific parks or walking zones available in the city currently we are living in - Apache Junction, Arizona. Often we had to take breaks from walking. So, dad presented me with a treadmill so that I could use that for walking and share with mom.
Dad presented me with the treadmill in 2013. So, I am having it for the last three years and more. Initially, it was a great device that helped us a lot to burn our calories. Mom and I used to walk on the treadmill twice in a day. My dad is diabetic and he used to walk on the machine. The machine came with some extensive features like shock absorption, electricity run, stronger motor, easy to use, custom programs, handrails for safety, easy maintenance and more others. The machine served us for a notable period. I liked the features more than anything, especially the weight loss indicators. Besides, the treadmill was moderate in shape and size while the design was beautiful as well.
I have given up using the treadmill since the early part of this year. But I got the optimum use of the machine. Usually, I used to get up late in the morning and move to my college at around 11 am. But after receiving the treadmill, I started early in the morning. Then I started to walk and run on the treadmill for about one hour. It helped me a lot to burn a substantial amount of fat and calories. Moreover, when I got back home in the evening, I used to walk on the treadmill for the next half an hour. As a result, I started spending about one and a half-hour every day on the treadmill. The results were great. I lost around 25 KGs of weight within a year and it was the greatest success for me.
I have not been using this machine for a long time. In fact, I do not need it now. I have joined at an office that deals with computer hardware selling. As a marketing executive, I have to remain busy round the day. Often I make late to come home at night. My disciplined life has been undisciplined. So, I am unable to manage time to walk on the treadmill. But there are no negative impacts on my health. I have a stout body and fit for all types of works. I have to visit different locations. If the locations are far away from my office, I take the office car. But if the locations are nearby, then I take a walk. So, it seems that I need to walk for about two hours altogether in the daytime. Thereby, I do not need to use the treadmill anymore.
More Ideas to talk about this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card topic:
Topic: Describe something you have that you no longer use.
1. It is an old phone book that I do not use any more. I have used the phonebook for a couple of years when I was a student. And I have been preserving the book for over the past nine years. I used the phonebook to get the phone numbers and make phone calls to others. I do not use the phone book anymore because of technological advancement. Now I can save all the numbers and other contact details on my smartphone memory. So, I do not need that to use.
2. The wristwatch that I used before is no longer with me. I had used the watch for around five years. I used the watch to know the time of the day. Even, I used the wristwatch to set alarm to wake in the early morning. But now, I do not need to take support from the wristwatch. I can do everything on my electronic gadgets like phone and computer. Moreover, wearing a wristwatch appears troublesome to me because the glasses break often and I do not notice that. So, I gave that up.
3. With the advancement of time, digital photo albums have replaced the old-fashioned photo albums. I had a photo album in my childhood that I used to preserve all the photos. I used the album for about six years and still, that is in my possession. But I no longer use it as all the photos are captured in digital mode and I save them on either my computer or on my google drive. Besides, preserving photos on digital formats help to protect them from getting damaged.
4. I inherited a typewriter from my grandpa. And I used the typewriter for over two to three years. I used the typewriter to learn to type and improved my typing speed indeed. But the typewriter is not in use now though I have saved it in my private store. Instead, I use my computer to type anything. Besides, there are fewer hassles in typing on a computer than a typical typewriter. I do not need to worry about the paper or making any mistakes while typing. So, gradually the typewriter has lost its appeal to me.
5. My Encyclopedia that was given as a birthday present is of no use to me now. I have been possessing the book for over the past eight years. In my teenage, I used the Encyclopedia to seek any references. But I do not need it right now. Seeking a reference is a few clicks away from me. Besides, the book appears old with the passage of time. Considering all the reasons, I have given up using the book as a reference for anything I need.