IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers
Speaking Test - Part 1 (Question Set 8)
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- Written by IELTS Mentor
IELTS Speaking Part 1
We have selected these IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions and their model answers to help you familiarize yourself with the types of questions typically asked in your real IELTS exam. These questions and answers will guide you in preparing responses that are both structured and coherent. Thus if you prepare from this section, it will help you showcase your ability to speak fluently and naturally.
By reviewing these sample answers, you can learn how to organize your thoughts, incorporate relevant vocabulary, and respond with clarity and precision.
IELTS Speaking Test - Part 1 - QUESTION SET: 8
Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6 | Set 7 | Set 8 |
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics on this page:
Topic: Animals
Q. Do you like animals?
Q. What types of animals do you have in your country?
Q. What is your favourite animal?
Q. What types of animals are kept as pets in your country?
Q. Do you have a pet?
Q. What types of animals do you think make the best pets?
Q. Do you like animals?
Answer: Yes, I absolutely love animals. They bring joy, companionship, and a sense of connection to nature.
Q. What types of animals do you have in your country?
Answer: My country is home to a variety of animals, including domestic pets like cats and dogs, as well as wild animals such as deer, foxes, and various bird species.
Q. What is your favourite animal?
Answer: My favourite animal is the dolphin. They are highly intelligent, playful, and have a friendly nature.
Q. What types of animals are kept as pets in your country?
Answer: People commonly keep cats, dogs, birds, and rabbits as pets in my country. Some also have exotic pets like reptiles and fish.
Q. Do you have a pet?
Answer: Yes, I have a pet cat. She is very playful and keeps me entertained with her antics.
Q. What types of animals do you think make the best pets?
Answer: I think dogs and cats make the best pets because they are affectionate, loyal, and good companions.
Topic: Dreams
Q. How often do you dream at night?
Q. Do you often remember your dreams?
Q. Do you think dreams have meanings in real life?
Q. Do people in your country talk about their dreams? [Why/ Why not?]
Q. How often do you dream at night?
Answer: I believe that I dream almost every night, but I don’t always remember them. Some nights, my dreams are very vivid, while other times, they fade as soon as I wake up.
Q. Do you often remember your dreams?
Answer: Not always, but when I do, it’s usually because the dream was either very strange or emotionally intense. If I wake up in the middle of a dream, I tend to remember it more clearly.
Q. Do you think dreams have meanings in real life?
Answer: Yes, I do believe that sometimes dreams have meanings that relate to our lives. I think dreams often reflect our thoughts, fears, and emotions. Some people believe they have deeper meanings, like warnings or messages from the subconscious. But I am not into deciphering every dream and its possible warning or message.
Q. Do people in your country talk about their dreams? [Why/ Why not?]
Answer: Yes, many people in my country enjoy discussing their dreams, especially if they are unusual or funny. Some even believe that dreams can predict the future or reveal hidden thoughts.
Topic - Telephoning
Q. How often do you make telephone calls? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Who do you spend the most time talking to on the telephone? [Why?]
Q. When do you think you’ll next make a telephone call? [Why?]
Q. Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning? [Why/Why not?]
Q. How often do you make telephone calls? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: I do not use a landline that much except for some official purposes, but I use a mobile phone very extensively and daily.
I use the mobile phone to make or receive calls, send or receive text messages and sometimes to use the internet. I often play games on my mobile phone and listen to my favourite music. There is scarcely any day when I do not use it.
Alternative Answer: I make telephone calls quite regularly, although the frequency may vary depending on the circumstances. I find myself making calls when I need to communicate important or time-sensitive information, have lengthy conversations, or when it's more convenient than other forms of communication. However, with the advent of messaging apps and social media platforms, I have also started relying on text-based communication for shorter and more casual exchanges.
Q. Who do you spend the most time talking to on the telephone? [Why?]
Answer: I believe that would be my mom. She is very close to me and starts worrying if she does not hear from me for more than a few hours. She calls me a few times each day whenever I am out and I can tell her virtually anything. For these reasons, she is the person I spend the most time talking to on the telephone or on a mobile phone.
Alternative Answer: I spend the most time talking to my family and close friends on the telephone. These are the people with whom I have strong personal connections and often engage in meaningful conversations. Since we may not always be able to meet in person, telephone calls provide a convenient and immediate way to stay connected, share updates, and have heartfelt conversations. Furthermore, discussing personal matters or seeking advice feels more comfortable and intimate over the phone with people I trust and have a close bond with.
Q. When do you think you’ll next make a telephone call? [Why?]
Answer: I will call my mom after I leave the exam hall to let her know that I am fine and my exam went very well. I will call her as I am sure she is eagerly waiting to hear from me and to know how well I performed in the exam.
Alternative Answer: I believe I'll make my next telephone call later today when I need to discuss some work-related matters with a colleague. Since the issue at hand requires detailed explanations and back-and-forth communication, a phone call would be the most effective and efficient way to address it. Moreover, direct conversations allow for better clarity and avoid potential misinterpretations that can arise from written messages or emails.
Q. Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, sometimes sending a text message is more convenient and makes more sense than calling someone. For instance, if I'm in a meeting or in a crowded place, I would prefer SMS to phone calls. Moreover, if I need to send an address, a number or an email ID, I would rather send a text message than to call the intended recipient.
Alternative Answer: Yes, there are instances when I prefer to send a text message instead of making a phone call. Text messages are convenient for quick and concise communication, especially when the information exchanged is brief or requires minimal back-and-forth. It's also suitable when contacting someone who may be busy or in a situation where a phone call may be disruptive. Additionally, text messages provide a written record of the conversation, making it easier to refer back to specific details or instructions.
Topic: Mobile phones
Q. Do you have a mobile phone?
Q. At what age did you first get a mobile?
Q. What do you most use it for?
Q. Is it a nuisance if people use mobiles in public places such as trains and buses?
Q. Do you have a mobile phone?
Answer: Yes, I do. I use it every day for communication, work, and entertainment.
Q. At what age did you first get a mobile?
Answer: I got my first mobile phone when I was around 16 years old. It was a basic phone for calling and texting, but I was really excited to have it.
Q. What do you most use it for?
Answer: I mostly use my phone for social media, messaging, and browsing the internet. I also use it for studying, taking notes, and setting reminders.
Q. Is it a nuisance if people use mobiles in public places such as trains and buses?
Answer: It depends on how they use it. If someone is talking loudly on the phone for a long time, it can be annoying for others. But if people are just texting or listening to music with headphones, it’s not really a problem.
Toic: Public Transport
Q. What kinds of public transport do you have in your country?
Q. What kinds of public transport do most people use?
Q. What is your favourite type of public transport?
Q. What do you usually do when you are travelling on public transport?
Q. What kinds of public transport do you have in your country?
Answer: In my country, we have various types of public transport, including buses, trains, subways, and taxis. In some cities, there are also trams and ferries.
Q. What kinds of public transport do most people use?
Answer: Most people use buses and trains because they are affordable and convenient. In big cities, the subway is also a popular choice as it helps people avoid traffic congestion.
Q. What is your favourite type of public transport?
Answer: I prefer the subway because it is fast, reliable, and not affected by traffic jams. It is also a great way to travel long distances within the city without delays.
Q. What do you usually do when you are travelling on public transport?
Answer: I usually listen to music, read a book, or check my phone. Sometimes, if the journey is long, I just relax and look out of the window.
Topic: Books
Q. Do you like reading books?
Q. What kinds of books do you like to read?
Q. What is the best book you've ever read?
Q. Is reading books a popular activity in your country?
Q. Do you like reading books?
Answer: Yes, I absolutely love reading books. They allow me to explore new ideas, gain knowledge, and escape into different worlds.
Q. What kinds of books do you like to read?
Answer: I enjoy reading fiction, especially mystery and fantasy novels. I also like self-improvement and history books because they help me learn new things and understand different perspectives.
Q. What is the best book you've ever read?
Answer: One of the best books I’ve ever read is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. The story is so magical and engaging that I couldn’t put it down. It made me fall in love with reading even more.
Q. Is reading books a popular activity in your country?
Answer: Yes, reading is quite popular in my country, especially among students and professionals. Many people enjoy reading novels, newspapers, and e-books, though social media and digital entertainment have reduced the time people spend on books.
Topic: Exercise
Q. Do you exercise every day? [Why/ Why not?]]
Q. Do you do more exercise now than when you were a child? [Why/Why not?]
Q. What do you think is the best exercise to keep fit?[Why?]
Q. Do people in your county generally do much exercise?
Q. Do you exercise every day? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: I try to exercise every day, but sometimes it’s difficult due to my busy schedule. However, I make sure to stay active by walking, stretching, or doing light workouts whenever possible.
Q. Do you do more exercise now than when you were a child? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, I definitely exercise more now than when I was a child. Back then, I used to play outside a lot, but I never thought of it as exercise. Now, I make a conscious effort to work out to stay fit and healthy.
Q. What do you think is the best exercise to keep fit? [Why?]
Answer: I believe jogging is one of the best exercises to keep fit because it improves cardiovascular health, helps with weight management, and requires no special equipment. Plus, it’s a great way to relieve stress.
Q. Do people in your country generally do much exercise?
Answer: It depends. Some people are very health-conscious and go to the gym or do outdoor activities regularly. However, many people have busy lifestyles and don’t exercise as much as they should.