Marketing advice for new businesses & Working Time Regulations
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Answer Explanation - Marketing Advice for New Businesses & Working Time Regulations For Mobile Workers.
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Reading Passage "Marketing Advice for New Businesses" Answer Explanation:
Marketing Advice for New Businesses
Questions 15-20:
Complete the sentences below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
Questions /Answers & Explanation:
Question 15: Some ……………………will help you to discover the most effective places to advertise.
Answer: research.
Keywords: advertise, help you, most effective places.
Explanation: To determine the best advertising venues, conducting research is essential. The passage advises doing a bit of research to ensure advertising is in the right places.
The first paragraph (titled "Know where your customers look") has the answer to this question. It says that usually, customers are not where you may think they are and that's why when you advertise, do some research to find out where your customers are (which essentially means "discover the most effective places to advertise"). Therefore, you need to do some research and it will help you find the discover the most effective places to advertise.
Evidence sentence: That's why it pays to do a bit of research.
Question 16: A …………………… of your customers will show you how they feel about your company.
Answer: survey.
Keywords: how customers feel about the company.
Explanation: The second paragraph (titled "Always think like a customer"), suggests conducting simple phone or email surveys to gather information about your company. It says that a simple phone or email survey of your own customers, politely asking why they use you, what they really like and what they don’t, is invaluable. "What they really like and what they don't" means what the customers feel about your company.
Evidence sentence: A simple phone or email survey of your own customers, politely asking why they use you, what they really like and what they don’t, is invaluable.
Note: Please note that the question instructs you to choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text to answer questions 15 to 20. Therefore, you can NOT use "phone or email survey/ phone survey/ email survey" in your answer. It has to be one word and that is why simply "survey" is the correct answer.
Question 17: A …………………… of forms of advertising will make it more likely that potential customers will find out about you.
Answer: mix.
Explanation: The third paragraph (titled "Make sure customers know you’re there") talks about how your customers can find out about you (your company). It says, "There are loads of opportunities to promote your business — print, press, direct mail, telemarketing, email and the internet — and using a mix of these increases your chances of being seen.
Therefore, we can deduce that ONLY one form of advertising (i.e. print, press, direct mail, telemarketing, email and internet) should not be used. Rather, a mix of those advertising platforms should be used so that potential customers find your company.
Evidence sentence: ...and using a mix of these increases your chances of being seen (and remembered).
Question 18: If you can, provide customers with useful …………………… about your business.
Answer: updates.
Explanation: The fourth paragraph (called "Ignore your customers and they’ll go away"), mentions keeping customers informed with relevant updates about your business to maintain customer engagement. The passage recommends sending updates that are helpful, informative, and relevant.
Evidence sentence: Follow up a transaction to check they’re happy with the service and, if possible, send them updates that are helpful, informative and relevant.
Question 19: Measuring the effects of your advertising can give you …………………… that will improve your business.
Answer: information.
Explanation: The fifth paragraph (titled "Know what works (and what doesn’t)" ) talks about measuring the effectiveness of your advertisements. It further mentions that measuring the effectiveness of your advertisement will give you details about how your advertisements are doing and give you information that you could use to improve your business. Therefore, the answer to this question will be "information".
Evidence sentence: Do what the professionals do, and measure all your advertising. That’ll tell you what you’re doing right - and where there’s room for improvement. You never know, it might just throw up some information that could change your business for the better.
Question 20: Success in finding new customers largely depends on your …………………… .
Answer: reputation.
Keywords: finding new customers, depend on.
Explanation: Only the last paragraph is left, and it is obvious that we will find the answer to this question in this paragraph (titled "Remember word-of-mouth: the best advertising there is"). The paragraph highlights that reputation is the greatest asset, as consumers are more likely to be influenced by word-of-mouth recommendations.
Evidence sentence: So your reputation is your greatest asset. If your current customers are impressed with your company, they’ll be more inclined to recommend you to others.
Reading Passage "Working Time Regulation for Mobile Workers" Answer Explanation:
Working Time Regualation for Mobile Workers
Questions 21-27:
Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
Questions / Answers & Explanation:
Question 21: They don't apply to ………………….…… workers.
Answer: self-employed.
Keywords: don't apply, workers.
Explanation: The passage specifies that the Working Time Regulations do not cover workers defined as self-employed. This means that self-employed individuals are exempt from these regulations.
Evidence sentence: Those defined in the Regulations as being self-employed are currently not covered by the Regulations.
Question 22: Maximum working hours: 60 hours a week, provided the ………………….…… is no more than 48 hours.
Answer: average.
Keywords: maximum working hours, no more than 48 hours.
Explanation: The text under the heading "What are the limits" indicates that while up to 60 hours can be worked in a single week, this is permissible only if the average working time does not exceed 48 hours per week. This ensures compliance with the regulations over a specified period.
Evidence sentence: In any single week up to 60 hours can be worked so long as the 48-hour average is maintained.
Question 23: Night work can be more than 10 hours with the …………………….…… of the workers.
Answer: agreement.
Keywords: night work, more than 10 hours, workers
Explanation: According to the text in the third bullet point under the same heading (i.e. What are the limits), night work is typically limited to 10 hours per night. However, this limit can be extended if there is a workforce agreement in place, indicating that workers have consented to longer hours.
Evidence sentence: Night work is limited to 10 hours per night, unless there is a workforce agreement to work longer.
Question 24: Work includes driving, loading and unloading, and carrying out various …………………….…… of the vehicle.
Answer: checks.
Keywords: work includes, carrying out various, vehicle
Explanation: The text under the heading "What counts as work" outlines that work encompasses activities such as driving, loading/unloading, and performing checks that are the responsibility of drivers, including inspecting lights and brakes.
Evidence sentence: In general, any activities performed in connection with the transport operation count as work, for example, driving, loading/unloading and those checks that are the responsibility of drivers, such as checking lights, brakes, etc.
Question 25: going on a …………………….…… or other form of transport with a vehicle
Answer: train.
Keywords: periods of availability, going on, form of transport, with a vehicle.
Explanation: The second paragraph unde the heading "What counts as work" mentions that periods of availability include scenarios such as accompanying a vehicle being transported by train. This implies that during such times, the worker is not actively working but is available for duty.
Evidence sentence: Periods of availability are periods of time during which the mobile worker is not required to remain at their workstation but is required to be available for work, the foreseeable duration of which is known about in advance, for example: [...] Accompanying a vehicle being transported, for example by train.
Question 26: A period at the workstation when the driver has some ………………….…… might count as a period of availability.
Answer: freedom.
Keywords: period at the workstation, driver, has some, might count, period of availability
Explanation: The passage explains that a period at the workstation can be considered a period of availability if the worker has a certain level of freedom. This means that during this time, the worker is not required to be actively working but must be available if needed.
Evidence sentence: A period at the workstation when the mobile worker has some freedom to be elsewhere may count as a period of availability.
Question 27: time spent stopping and starting the vehicle when …………………….…… causes delays being in a queue, e.g. in order to load or unload.
Answer: congestion.
Keywords: stopping, cause delay.
Explanation: The first bullet point in the last paragraph of the reading passage states that hold-ups due to congestion result in the driver stopping and starting the vehicle. This matches the question's description of when a period of time should not be recorded as a period of availability. Therefore, the correct answer is "congestion" as it directly refers to the cause of these delays.
Evidence sentence: Hold-ups due to congestion, because the driver would be stopping and starting the vehicle.
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