IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Academic and GT Essay/ Writing Task 2 Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 (also known as IELTS Essay Writing) is the second task of your IELTS Writing test. Here, you will be presented with an essay topic and you will be scored based on your ability to respond to the topic.

You need to write at least 250 words and justify your opinion with arguments, discussion, examples, problem outlining, proposing possible solutions and supporting your position. You will have approximately 40 minutes to finish your Essay Writing. IELTS Writing Task 2 carries more weights than Writing Task 1.

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Title Hits
IELTS Essay # 1222 - Negative impacts of children playing computer games 149610
IELTS Essay # 1221 - To be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema 64329
IELTS Essay # 1220 - Many working people get little or no exercise 119699
IELTS Essay # 1219 - Music for bringing people of different cultures and ages together 293918
IELTS Essay # 1218 - Major cities continue to grow at a phenomenal rate 47286
IELTS Essay # 1217 - Life has become much more stressful 70299
IELTS Essay # 1216 - Unemployment remains the biggest challenge to school-leavers 54567
IELTS Essay # 1215 - Employers offer subsidized membership of gyms or sports clubs 40014
IELTS Essay # 1214 - What problems will your country face in the next ten years 67135
IELTS Essay # 1213 - Environmental problems that the world is facing are so great 135146
IELTS Essay # 1212 - Fossil fuel is extensively used in many countries 139957
IELTS Essay # 1211 - Should we discourage people to use cars? 40074
IELTS Essay # 1210 - How much can we trust the journalists? 50627
IELTS Essay # 1209 - Young children to go to school as soon as possible 50248
IELTS Essay # 1208 - The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books 75114
IELTS Essay # 1207 - Encourage people to protect the environment 37281
IELTS Essay # 1206 - Advertising has a strong effect on a person’s decision 47783
IELTS Essay # 1205 - Plastic money replacements are extremely popular 100292
IELTS Essay # 1204 - It is unnecessary to teach children skills of handwriting 127938
IELTS Essay # 1203 - A country becomes interesting and develops quickly 95215