IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Academic and GT Essay/ Writing Task 2 Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 (also known as IELTS Essay Writing) is the second task of your IELTS Writing test. Here, you will be presented with an essay topic and you will be scored based on your ability to respond to the topic.

You need to write at least 250 words and justify your opinion with arguments, discussion, examples, problem outlining, proposing possible solutions and supporting your position. You will have approximately 40 minutes to finish your Essay Writing. IELTS Writing Task 2 carries more weights than Writing Task 1.

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Title Hits
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 602 - What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people 26979
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 601 - It is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle 96464
IELTS Essay # 600 - People throw old things when they buy new things 69385
IELTS Essay # 599 - More young people hold important positions in the government 49346
IELTS Essay # 598 - Children spend more time watching TV than they did in the past 69872
IELTS Essay # 597 - Technology and automation have reduced the need for manual labour 41327
IELTS Essay # 596 - The main benefit of international cooperation 45317
IELTS Essay # 595 - Some children can learn efficiently by watching TV 40198
IELTS Essay # 594 - Some countries have an increasing population who are younger 37637
IELTS Essay # 593 - Old generation holds traditional ideas on the correct way of life 30717
IELTS Essay # 592 - Nowadays we are living in a throw-away society 136412
IELTS Essay # 591 - Today’s children are living under more pressure 33618
IELTS Essay # 590 - We should invent a new language for international communication 54718
IELTS Essay # 589 - The government should pay the costs of running universities 71317
IELTS Essay # 588 - Natural resources are being consumed at an alarming rate 105410
IELTS Essay # 587 - Public museums and art galleries will not be needed 70237
IELTS Essay # 586 - Many developing countries are currently expanding their tourist industries 74372
IELTS Essay # 585 - Team activities can teach more skills for life 84790
IELTS Essay # 584 - In which areas are computers more important 41623
IELTS Essay # 583 - Government should ensure the healthy lifestyle of people 70972