Cue Card Sample

IELTS Cue Card Sample 32 - Describe one of your favourite photographs

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe one of your favourite photographs.

You should say:

  • when the photograph was taken
  • what it depicts
  • what significant memory this photograph bears

and explain why it is one of your favourite photographs.

Follow-up Questions:

  • What do you think about 'Photography' as a career?
  • What makes a good photograph?
  • What are the improvements the latest technologies has brought in photography?
  • How often do you take photographs?


Model Answer 1:
Some people have “photographic” faces – faces that attract everybody’s attention – but I don’t.  So, choosing a favourite photograph of mine, with me in it, is indeed a challenge for me. But, I will still go ahead and talk about a picture which, I think, is one of my favourites for some reasons. I will explain in a minute why.

The photograph was taken about 4/5 years ago at a formal dinner party after my university graduation ceremony. On that night, all of my university friends were busy taking one picture after another and enjoying the night, so I also decided to do the same and started to take my pictures by forgetting about my “not-so” photographic face for a while.

I am not sure exactly how many pictures of mine were taken on that night, but I would assume, it must have been quite a few, as our graduation party had continued for a while, keeping ourselves busy with singing, playing music and enjoying different snacks, one after another. Anyway, once we were done with the party, our picture films were taken to a local photo studio the next day to process them and get their final version. Anyway, when I finally got to see my own pictures, most of them were looking “less than average” except just one. The picture indeed reflected my celebratory mood of that night, with a very happy and glowing face of me.

Standing next to me in that picture were a few friends of mine who were splattering water. The picture was taken in front of a very nice background that had some nicely trimmed trees and perfect lighting.

Anyway, this is one of my favourite pictures because it brings back some of the most special and beautiful memories – memories like spending my last night as a student with the rest of my friends and recording my first song ever – which I will cherish for the rest of my life. This is one of my most favourite pictures also because, in this very picture, I look to be in my “natural” self.


Sample Answer 2:
The photograph that was taken, when I was only 4-5 years old with my parents, grandfather and grandmother, is one of my very favourite photographs. I do not have clear memory regarding the event when the photograph was taken but I have seen it a thousand times and still, I look at it with delight and sadness. The photograph is a black-and-white one and later I have enlarged it and framed it in my living room. The small kid (me), the grandparents and young parents make the picture a really significant one to me. I look with amazement into the picture and sometimes can't believe I was so small and different looking at that time The picture gives me a gloomy feeling as my grandfather and mother are no longer with us. In the picture, they look so lovely but I can't be with them anymore!

I was wearing a full sleeve shirt, full pant and a pair of red shoes. In the picture, I was in the middle and was sitting in a chair. Others were standing around me - my parents are on the right and my grandparents are on the left. My father was very stylish and was wearing fashionable dresses in the picture. My grandfather had spectacles in his eyes and had his hair back-brushed. My mother and grandmother were wearing traditional dresses but both looked so fresh and happy in the picture.  

This photograph is probably is my most favourite one ass it conveys my grandparents' memory and depicts a happy family. Every time I look at this particular picture, it gives a different sensation - a mixture of happiness and sadness. This is a priceless possession to me and I would like to keep it with me for the rest of my life.


Sample Answer 3:
There was a time when photos were only taken by regular point-and-shoot cameras but now everything has changed. With the help of mobile phones and computers, people are taking billions of photos every day from all parts of the world. I, myself, take so many pictures that I sometimes forget which photograph I took and when I took it. There is this one photograph I like the most. It’s just beautiful…

In this photograph, I am carrying my niece and she is smiling up at me. I first saw the photograph about a week ago. I didn't even know the photograph existed until my sister showed it to me. I liked it so much that I made it the wallpaper background of my computer. Now, whenever I open the lip of my laptop, the first thing I see is that picture.

The photo shows happiness. I think it was taken four years ago and shows how time has passed, how the world changes. After looking at the photograph, I remembered that my niece was crying a lot and my sister was about to give her to the nanny. At that moment I decided to step in and hold her. Once I had her in my arms she got happy and smiled. At that perfect moment, the photograph was taken. The picture shows a time when I was happy. It also shows at times when we all used to have an optimistic outlook towards the world but now all optimism and love has just vanished from my life.

The photograph was taken when I was only 4 years old. I was with my parents and grandparents & it’s one of my very favourite pictures ever. I do not have clear memory regarding the event when the photograph was taken but I have seen it a thousand times. To this day I still look at it with delight and sadness. I had it enlarged and framed; it hangs in the living room where everyone can see the black and white. The small kid (me), the grandparents and young parents make the picture a really significant one to me. I look with amazement at the picture and sometimes I can't believe I was so small and different looking at that time. The picture gives me a sense of melancholy since my grandfather & grandmother are no longer with us. In the picture, they seem so lively and animated but I can't be with them anymore!

I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, pants and a pair of red shoes. In the picture I was in the middle, sitting on a chair. Others were standing around me; my parents are on the right and my grandparents are on the left. My father was very stylish and was dressed fashionably in the picture. My grandfather was wearing spectacles and had his hair back-brushed. My mother and grandmother were both wearing traditional dresses but both looked so fresh and happy in the picture.

This photograph is probably is my most favourite one as it conveys my grandparents' memory and depicts a happy family. Every time I look at this particular picture, I get the feeling of bitter-sweetness! This is a priceless possession to me and I would like to keep it with me for the rest of my life.


Tips for answering this Cue Card Topic:

This cue card asks you to describe a photo/ photograph which is your favourite and where you have been. Do not get confused about the question as you might get lured to describe a photo of your father/ grandfather or a friend. You should talk about the photograph where you were present. It can be a solo picture of you or can be a group photo where you were present.

Try to describe a photo that is related to some sort of memory. Following are some of the ideas for such photographs:

  • Your childhood photograph.
  • Your birthday photograph.
  • Your graduation day photograph.
  • A photograph with your friends.
  • A photograph with your family members.

Describe who is/are present in the photograph, when this was taken, who took it, how you have saved it, what memories it remind you and other aspects of the photograph.

Part 3: Details Discussion:

Q: What do you think about 'Photography' as a career?
Answer: This question is equally interesting and difficult for me. My personal belief is that ‘Photography’ is a great occupation, not only because it is indispensable for many different fields but also because through it people can discover the world. To be more precise, by taking a photograph, the moment is frozen and the depiction is saved no matter what. Photographs decorate books, magazines, paintings and many other things. So, it's an essential vocation that is associated with other jobs, similar to it or not. In addition to this, photographers travel a lot across the world and see new places, landscapes, buildings and so on. It is something that apart from a profession is also a hobby and provides entertainment and spiritual education to photographers. As I see in my country the career of a good photographer is quite bright and full of possibility. With the rise of online newspapers, this has become an even more demanding profession.

Q: What makes a good photograph?
Answer: Although I love taking pictures for a long time, I haven't been concerned with the details and technical aspects of photography thoroughly. But I would say that the most important part of a good photograph is the theme of the picture. For example, a beautiful landscape could make a photo really impressive by just having beautiful colours or scenery. Furthermore, the angle that the photograph is taken from is significant as well because, with the technique, a simple theme can become an attractive one. Furthermore, lighting, focus on proper objects and use of the right camera can make an ordinary scene become a beautiful photograph.

Q: What are the improvements the latest technologies has brought in photography?
Answer: Technology has contributed to tremendous improvements in photography and its storage and distribution. First of all, smartphones and iPhone have built-in high-resolution cameras and that has made taking pictures easier and more convenient. People these days are no longer obligated to carry a professional camera with them to take pictures. Pictures taken from a mobile phone can be transferred and viewed on a personal computer and can be stored online.  The photo editing software can not only change some basic characteristics of the photo taken but also the whole picture and can make it more appealing. With the help of technology and software, an ordinary picture can be converted into a professional one without significant efforts. Technology has offered us advanced cameras with more power and features and those cameras can take pictures in an extreme environment like in the water. I would say that camera, photography and presentation of photos with the help of technology has got a higher dimension.

Q: How often do you take photographs?
Answer: The truth is I used to take pictures very rarely in the past, but after I created my Instagram account, I've become accustomed to taking pictures very frequently. I really like capturing every important moment and other significant events with my friends and family and sharing them with my online friends has become a common activity for me. That doesn't mean, of course, that I take pictures all the time but I try not to miss capturing worthy moments and sceneries. My Instagram account, which is a photograph storage and photo-sharing website, has led and inspired me to use my camera more frequently than ever before.

[Part 3 answers were written by Mary, UK, Economist with Main Field of Studies in Business Economics ]

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

1. Describe something important you own.
2. Describe a photograph that you really like.
3. Describe something you would like to keep for a long time.
4. Talk about an old thing/onject you still have.
5. Describe a family photograph you have.

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Aleena Devassykutty
Starter Brain
I am sorry to bring negativity, but there is no way one can expect to fit the second example in two minutes.